Lincoln County, Montana 1921
The varied resources of the great
State of Montana are occasionally illustrated within the limits
of a single county, where we may find extensive grazing lands, a
rich agricultural soil, with timber and mineral wealth
sufficient to make many substantial fortunes. Such a description
well applies to Lincoln County, a political division of the
state created July 1, 1909, and containing the liberal land area
of 3,660 square miles. Lincoln County is found in the northwest
corner of Montana, British Columbia lying to the north and the
State of Idaho on the west. It is a mountainous and
well-timbered region, most of which still preserves the original
wildness of nature. A considerable amount of good agricultural
land may, however, be found in the valleys. The largest of these
is the Tobacco Plains Valley in the northeastern part, which is
virtually the only one clear of timber, and through which flows
the Tobacco River, one of the principal streams. The Kootenai
River, carrying a larger volume of water than the Missouri,
traverses the county for a distance of 100 miles, entering from
Canada and flowing southwards for more than half the length of
the county and then taking a westerly direction until it passes
into Idaho. Its valley is the longest in the county, but is
narrow. In some places between the valleys and the mountains are
found a series of benches which, when cleared, are tillable farm
lands. Smaller valleys are found in connection with the numerous
small creeks. In the valleys the soil is usually deep and black,
while on many of the benches it is a light red volcanic ash,
frequently underlaid with gravel. A gray loam is found in
places, both in the valleys and on the benches. The larger
portion of Lincoln County is covered by the mountains, which are
high and densely wooded. Grand and picturesque scenery is spread
out in almost every direction, and the opportunities for big
game hunting and for fishing are such as to make the region a
paradise for tourists and sportsmen.
The wealth of timber is unusually
great, and it is said that more of the area of Lincoln County is
included within national forests than that of any other county.
Within its limits is included the entire Kootenai Forest of
1,617,140 acres, also 398,666 acres of the Blackfeet and 8,371
acres of the Cabinet National Forests. The lumbering industry is
extensively carried on and here may be found some of the largest
saw mills in the state.
Mining is another important industry,
the ores and formations being similar to those of the Coeur
d'Alene district of Idaho. Placer mining has been carried on for
many years and certain large areas are said to be suitable for
mining by hydraulic methods. The principal metals which have
been successfully mined so far are silver and lead, but gold,
zinc and copper are also found. Promising mining properties are
now in process of development by several large concerns.
The growing season for crops is
estimated at from forty-six to ninety-seven days. The county is
excellent for grass, clover and timothy in particular, and many
of the farmers' give their chief attention to hay and the
hardier vegetables. Various kinds of fruit are also grown
successfully, including apples, pears, plums, cherries, and in
the Troy section peaches. Land costs from $10 to $100 an acre,
the price depending upon the character of the ground, its
location and the amount of clearing and other improvements
Railroad communication is furnished
by the main line of the Northern Pacific, and a branch line
running from Rexford to the Fernie coal fields in British
Columbia. The National Park Highway runs through the county east
and west, supplying good road facilities in that direction,
while the Electric Highway, which begins in Southeastern
Montana, has its present terminus in Lincoln County.
Libby and Other Towns In 1920
Lincoln County had a population of
7,797. Its most important town is Libby, the county seat, which
has an altitude of 2,053 feet above sea level. It is a modern
community, with good sewer and light systems, cement walks,
graded streets, substantial business blocks and handsome and
commodious residences. It also has a good high school accredited
for the four year term. Next in importance to Libby is Eureka, a
city located in the Tobacco Plains section, which at present is
the chief agricultural district. It rivals the county seat in
municipal improvements and is the home of the county high
school, which, like that at Libby, is accredited for the four
years term and gives additional courses in agriculture and
normal training. Troy and Warfield are also busy and prosperous
centers of population.
Lincoln County possesses many
attractions for the ambitious and industrious settler,
especially to one having some capital. The falls of the Kootenai
River, between Libby and Troy, are capable of being developed
into a superb waterpower, there are great mining possibilities,
and a number of opportunities for establishing profitable
tourist resorts. Logging operations have left considerable areas
of cut-over or stump lands which, when cleared, will produce
abundant crops. While the land is being cleared expenses can be
met and even a profit made by carrying on stock raising and
dairying, the abundance of grass and clover affording excellent
grazing. In such a country industry backed by intelligence
brings its due reward, and the pioneer of today is likely before
many years have passed, to be numbered among its substantial and
well to do citizens.
Montana Counties 1921
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Source: Montana its Story and Biography,
by Tom Strout, Volume 1, The American Historical Society, 1921