Part of American History and Genealogy Project

Welcome to Maine, my name is Judy White and I will be your host unless you would be interested in becoming part of AHGP.  To bring you as much information as possible we have created these pages until someone comes along that can do a great job of providing information for our visitors.  Please visit the About Page of AHGP to see how easy this volunteer project really is to join!  We have other projects you might like to volunteer for, just click the button


Maine, the northeastern of the United States, is bounded North by Lower Canada; East by New Brunswick, from which it is separated by the St. Croix River, and a line due north from the monument, at the source of the St. Croix River, as designated and agreed to by the commissioners, under the 5th article in the treaty of 1794, between the governments of the United States and Great Britain; thence north, following the exploring line run and marked by the surveyors of the two governments in the years of 1817 and 1818, under the 5th article of the treaty of Ghent, to its intersection with the St. John's River, and to the middle of the channel thereof; thence up the middle of the main channel of said river St. John, to the mouth of the river St. Francis; thence up the middle of the channel of the said river St. Francis, and through the lakes through which it flows to the outlet of the lake Pohenagamook. Read more...

County County Selection List (Newly added)
Knox County
Piscataquis County
Androscoggin County
Aroostook County
Cumberland County

Indian Soldiers of the American Revolution
Indian Pay Roll List

Pharmacy of the Red Man
Aroostook War Volunteers (9 Compaies)
History of Swan's Island Maine ~ Hancock County
Biographies, Early Settlers, Land titles, Other Islands
Maine ~ My State
Colonial Period, Revolutionary Period, Civil War
Birthplace of the State of Maine
Members of First Congregational Church ~ Bangor (800 Names)
Kennebec Historical Items
Maine Men Enlistment in Iowa ~ Civil War

Other Online Pages
Maine Military Forts, 1903
Maine State Death Database

Maine State Marriage Database
Maine Veterans Cemetery Records

Maine Neighbors

New Hampshire ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ ALHN ~ USGenWeb
Quebec Canada ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ CAGenWeb
New Brunswick Canada ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ CAGenWeb

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