Massachusetts AHGP

Welcome to the Massachusetts AHGP new home on the web. My name is Judy White and I will be taking care of this site until a new State Coordinator steps forward!! Things will stay pretty much the same as they were, except we will add new information, new county coordinators and needed repairs.

Maybe you would like to know a little about AHGP, they have been around since 2000 and a couple years ago I started taking care of the website, we have kept all the requirements in place which are pretty easy to do.  Take a look at the About Page.  Besides the county pages they have Project and Topic sites, you may have a pet project of your own you would be interested in having others read, let us know we would be pleased to add you to the site. By clicking our button you can find other ways you can help out.

Genealogy Village is the new home for AHGP Massachusetts, you can visit them at Genealogy Village. If you are in need of FREE space for a genealogy site, I am sure you will be welcomed.

County Selection List

What's New

Register of Appleton Maine, 1903 (was part of Massachusetts)
Appleton Register ~ Surnames
Appleton Register ~ Deaths
Massachusetts Military Forts, 1903 <New>
Gazetteer of the United States

Maine Men Enlisting from Iowa ~ Civil War<New>

Rockport Baptisms, 1755-1808
Rockport Baptisms, 1755 ~ 1765
Rockport Baptisms, 1766 ~ 1776
Rockport Baptisms, 1777 ~ 1787
Rev. Eben Cleaveland Records
Rockport Baptisms, 1788 ~ 1808

Byfield Parish Baptisms, 1709-1743
Byfield Parish Baptisms, 1709 ~ 1719
Byfield Parish Baptisms, 1719-20 ~ 1729
Byfield Parish Baptisms, 1729-30 ~ 1743
Contractions in Colonial Writings
Throat Distemper in Haverhill, 1735-7
Great Storm of 1635
Tailors in the Olden Time
Old Town Pump
The Shoemakers
Some Essex County Indians
Old-Time Lotteries

Gloucester's Deserted Village
Early Fence Building
Old Peabody Mills, Topsfield Massachusetts
Colonization of the Old Northwest Territory

Passengers Aboard the Speedwell
First Settlers to New England

Massachusetts Neighbors
Connecticut ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Maine ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
New Hampshire AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Rhode Island ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Vermont ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN

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Come back Soon!!

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