Contents of
Diary of John Joseph Pledger Murphy,
written while in a Union Prison (Point Look Out, Md.)
being a Confederate Soldier – 1865

Transcribed and submitted by Sandy Clark Great Grandaughter of J J P Jeans Murphy

Brought to you by the Georgia American History & Genealogy Project

Apr. the 25th, 1865. I was Reed as a pupil into Prison War Camp School. My studys were English, Grammer, Spelling & Defineing also Mathematox. Professer A. ?ergan of S. C. superiorintendant. Nothing transpired of any note up to the 30th of Apral. It was Confirmed that General Joseph E. Johnson had surrenderd his army, on the same terms that General Lee did his etc. etc.

May the 1st about one-o’clock P.M. there was a notice tacked upon the bulletin board which red as follows: All Prisoners of War Confined at this Post Wishing To Be Released on takeing the Oath of Aleigence To the United States will assemble at the gate tomorrow at Eight O’clock. Citizen & Blockade Runers will assemble in different masses so we can get there names Alphabiticly. By order of A. G. Braidy Maj. & Provost Martial. No Baggage

May the 2nd, 1865. At Role Call A.M. the Corporal Com. 7th Div Ordered Every Man to be in Reddiness & fall in at Eight A.M. & the Maj. Would tell ous [us] what to do. We did so & they taken the Names of every Co. in Each Division alphabeticalley & marched the men out side & let them Register there names & State there Place of Residence occupation Co. & Regt. Also where you wish to go etc. All the Rest of the div. did likewise. Saturday Morning May the 6th, the Prisoners of war drew Corn meal and no wood to Cook it with. Some of ous [us] gave Fish in Exchange for wood to Cook the meal, others gave one third to have it Cooked etc.

Sunday May the 7th. Inspection 10 A.M. as Usuel there was a rumor that it would be the last time we would be Inspected at Point Look Out, Md. Citazens & Blockade runners were called out in the Evening to be shipped to there Respective homes. Also Rumors were verry current that the Enlisted Men of the three 1st letters of the alphabet would be called out & take shiping for there homes etc.

Monday the 8th no one leaves the Prison all of the Prisoners seen to be verry much dispirited etc. [etc.] no hopes of getting to goe home very soon.

Tuesday the 9th I seen it stated in The Baltimore Sun that these Prisoners of war who desided to take the oathe of Allegience to the United States before the fall of Richmon and Petersburg would be releaced forthwith.

Wednesday the 10th there was Notice on the bulletin Board, which Red as Follows: All Prisoners of war who Register there names or Signifide there willingness to take the oathe of Allegience to the U.S. Writing will assemble at the gate 12 Oclock Noon for the purpose of going home. There was about 700 Registerd but no one went Out. Orders were to go back to there Quarters & be ready to leave at any moment.

Thursday the 11th, no boddy leaves the Prison. All of the men seen to be despondent. No rumors afloat. The day was very Dark over head.

Friday the 12th at 11 A.M. There was a notice that Red thus: all who names Commences with A & B of those men that Rejisterd there names to take the Oathe of Allegience to the U.S. before the fall of Richmon, Va. Will assemble at the gate at once, with there Baggage by order of H? A. Wychurch, Cap. & Acting Provo Martial

May the 12th 1865 They did so & was called out ot take shiping for there homes.

May the 13th, 1865 a notice about 10 A.M. was put up on the bulletin board which Red thus: All menn whose names begin with the letters of c d e f g h I j k & l that Registerd there names to take the Oathe of Allegience before the fall of Richmon will assemble at the gate at Once with there baggage by order of A. G. Braidy Maj. And Provost Martial.

May the 13th, 1865, there was about 400 in this squad also a squad of 50 men in the after noon was taken out etc. etc.

May the 14th ’65. Ten Oclock A.M. an order was issued for the men that Rejisterd Names to take the oath of Allegience before the fall of Richmon, there names Commenceing with m n o p q r s t u v w x y z will assemble at the gate at once with there baggage By Order of A. G. Braidy Maj. And Provost Martial Point Loot Out, Md.

May the 14th 1865

May the 15th, 1865. The day is very hot & swoltary the boys all seem to be down harted & verry much dispirited about getting out of Prison, the Rumors are Rather unfavorable the Rebel Clerks Report that there is no orders about any more of the Prisoners being Releaced.

May the 16th. The day was verry warm & unpleasant nothing of interest transpired during the day no Rumors.

May the 17th. Maj. Braidy informs the Prisoners of war that all things are Ready, our Oaths are made out, he is awaiting Orders from the war Department then he will give ous [us] transportation Right away to our homes.

May the 18th ’65. Nothing of Importance transpired during the day.

No news up to the 24th May ’65. The camp is full of Rumors Tuesday & Wednesday that is today [24th] the Grand Review comes off at Washington. All the boys seem to be in good hopes of going home or being releaced as soon as it is over with.

May the 25th. No news in Refference to our Releace.

26th & 27th. It was Raining all the time Boath Day & knight, as the weather was almost as coald as winter time, & no wood & no fire Place to burn it in. we were confined to our quarters All the time Except it was when we went after our Rashions meat bread & Soup etc.

May the 28th, 1865 Was the holy Sabath day but it liked a greateal [great deal] of Being kept holy by the Prisoners of war gambling Playing Cards & Chuckaluck games were kept up the same as it was during the week days etc. etc.

May the 29th, 1865 No Rumors. About Sunset general Grant U.S. Paid the Prisoners a viset. He was Recd with loud Cheers by all the Prisoners of War.

May the 30th & 31st. the weather was cleare & verry warm the sun shoned verry hot also President Johnsons Proclamation was in the papers. Some of the boys Rejoiced at it Whilst others Seemed to be very much dejected & low Spirited about it. In fact there was no 2 men that Could see in to it or look at it in the same way. As for my Self my soule was troubled & I was So vexed I could not help sheding tears. I was no Company To Any Person whatever. I could not Console myself noway.

June the 1st, 1865. They taken the names of the Places where the Prisoners in the Hospital wished to be landed at Savannah, Charleston, Mobeal, Brunswic, Citty Point, Richmon etc. the camp was full of Rumors. The Proclamation was Explained to ous [us] by the editor of the NY Herald.
2nd the oathe was administered
3rd they were shipped out side a Citazen of the united states.

June the 3rd they still Continue to ship the Sick out of the hospital.

June the 4th, 1865 Was the Holley Sabath day. I Enjoyed the blessed Privaledge of visiting a prare [prayer] meating in the 5th Division. In the Evening after Role Call I heard a sermon Preached from the 4th Chapter of the Book of Ester the text was If I Perish I perish. The Camp Was full of Rumors. Going out by the 10th of the month. The school was orderd to be broke up etc.

Monday the 5th, ’65 the School Continues also they Continue to take The men out of the hospital. No Prospect as I Can Sea of getting out of hear soon. In the after noon I got a detail as nurse in Hospital Ward No. 9. 3 men died in my Ward in the afternoon. All knight I rested verry well on a materas for the 1st time in Seven months.

June the 6th, ’65. No one was taken out of the Hospital. We lost 3 Patients out of No. 9 June the 7th. No business transacted etc.

June 8th, They made a complete thing of it taken all Out of the hospital that was able to go home. Oders come on the Point to Releace all Prisoners Immediately.

June the 9th. The school Broke up. They Called for all the Menn that wished to go to Mobeal, Ala. A Joyous shout Rang throughout the Hole Encampment.

Saturday, June 10th, The Provo Martial Still Continues to Releace the Missisipians & Ala. They got as low down in the alphabet as the Letter D. 3 Nurses went Out of my Ward No. 9 I Enjoyed the Privilidge of Riding out ? Mile to the Warf & back, with a couple of Sick Souldiers to meet there Wifes. A joyful time etc.

Sabath Morning June 11th, 1865. They Still Continue to take them out of the Bull Penn. 10 A.M. Religious Services in ward No. 9 the text was the 14th verse of the 3rd Chapter of St. John.

June the 12th, 1865. All things Looked Dark & gloomy. I visited Camps, the boys seem to be in low Spirits. They drawed two hard tacks ? to the man. Two new Nurses, McCray & Williford boath of N.C. my acquaintance with Mr. Williford was a delightful one to me. His cartships [courtships?] & Lynchburg & Richmond. It was a day verry well spent, I hope. 7 P.M. there was Religious Services in the ward.

June the 13th, ’65. 9 Oclock A.M. the Surgeon Doctor McInosh Had every Patient transferd out of this ward to No. 8 all the nurses Were verry anxious to know what he was going to do with ous [us], but in a short Time we found out what they were going to do. The ward was soon filled Again With Convalesants Mumps, Measles etc. at Early Candle light there Was Religious Services in this Ward. 10 Chapter of Romans, a few words of Comfort to the Sick and Attendants. Afterwards the Ward M.St [master sergeant?] called The attention of the minister to Mr. J. ?. Cribb 50th Ga. Regt. The Minister asked him if he was Fulley Prepared for what would soon folow. He toald him he had a good hope of heaven. The Minst. Prayed with him & bid ous [us] good knight.

June the 14th, another Day Dawned & to our supprise, Mr. Cribb still lives. He was very Restless through the day. He gave me His Parent Names. Toald me to wright them that he gave himself away to the Lord & felt Perfectly Resigned to His Holy Will & Requested me & all his friends to meat him in heaven. At the usual Hour, 9 Oclock P.M. I Retired, but about 20 a past three the knight watch Woke me to witness his deathe. I close His eyes, Put on his garments & caryed Him to the dead house. ? Past 3 he breathed his last. I dun all I could for him, but the good Lord seen Cause to take Him away. Good Atiention kind treatment availed nothing. It is all for the best.

June the 15th. Everything looks gloomey All the Atendants in the Ward Seemed to be cast down. And looked sad. How hard it is to loose a friend buta glorious thought it is to think of the hapy change & that our loss is his Eternal gain. At Early Candle light Religious Services in the Ward etc.

June the 16th, 1865. The day was Dark & Sultry. The thurmoniter was 80 degrees Above Zero. Very few men turned out of Camp only 700.

June the 17th, 1865. Scouring the wards was a general thing, throughout the hospital. They called for all the P. Q. & R, also a squad of oald menn & boys. The aggregate was about 800.

June the 18th was The Sabath day. We lost one man out of Ward 9. At 11 Oclock A.M. there was Religious Services in this No. 9 6th Chapter & last verse of the Appostle Paul. Letter to the Romans. For the wages of Sin is Death, but the gift of God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord. By Parson Reece.

June the 19th, 1865 They relieced 896 Prisoners of War that taken the oath of allegiance.

20th, ’65 Wee lost two menn out of Our Ward. The Releace of Prisoners was 864. the day was hot & Swoltery, a shower of Rain in the afternoon. 59 Patients, 16 Attendants in No. 9

21st, ’65 Released out of the Prison

June 22nd. The Releace of Prisoners amounted to 927. They got through the alphabet.

June 23rd, 1865 They called for all the A b in the Bull Penn & hospital and Releace was 929.

June the 24th, ’65, C D in Penn & Hospitol, also They Shipped All the Sick that would not be able to travel In a few days to General Hospital for treatment, of the, A B

June the 25th, ’65 Was the holy Sabath Day a very Serious and Solum death Taken Place in my Ward. Patteric Henry Wright of Richom Va. Early in the morning I seen from natural Appearance the he must. I asked him if he had any message to send to his uncle, Caleb Lee. He toald me to say to him That he died at this Place, Point Lookout. Also he was will. To go & that he was Prepared to meat death. At one Oclock P.M. he left this world & ascended to a throne of grace in heaven where the wicked ceace from troubling & the weary are at Rest. At Early candle light there was Religious Services in this Ward by Parson Reece of Va. No on Releaced today.

June the 26th, 1865. There was a call in the hospital for all the C & D That was able to travel, that wished to goe straight Through to Augusta, Ga, Richon & other Various Points. The Ward Master & three of the nurses Started for Home, 1008 was the Releace of Prisoners.

June the 27th, 1865. The day was Cool & Pleasant. I registered my Name & Signed the Oathe But Was not Swoarn Out of Service. Releace of Prisoners amountent to 1000.

June the 28th, About 10 A.M. all the J in the Hosp. Taken to the Oathe of Allegience to the U. S. of America they lost W. H. V. oathe Caused our Delay.

June the 29th they made a clean Sweep. Taken Every Mann Out of the Bull Pen. The day was verry warm. I have no doubt very Pleasant to the Prisoners that was last getting out of Prison.

June the 30th. By 12 N.. Every Confederate Prisoner of War was a cittazen of the U.S.A. 3 oclock P.M. Every man except my self & two of my Co., Wheeler & Spivey, also, Parson Reece & two sick that was in his care. We were sent to the Provo martials office & remained there until Sunset, we went aboard of the Ocean Wave for the Citty of Richmon. She Ran all knight until morning the 1st Day of July. About one hour by Sun, we Past fort Ripp Rapps & in the Course of a half an hour wee halted at Fortress Munrow. 10 minutes before 6 A.M. we again Set Sale for Re. Halted at Citty Point. 10 minutes After 3 oclock P.M. the warf was thronged with Souldiers. Among them was a man 3 ft. 6 ? in., 46 yrs of age, his weight was 78 lbs. The men were all very much Amused at the Sight of This little Mann. Courtis Chambers of N.C. At ? Past 3 we were orderd off of the boat & sent to the same oald Baracks I left the 12th of April When I embarked on a vessel for Point Lookout, Md. We were informed by the Provo Martial that it was best to go by Petersburg, so we concluded to take his advise. Also he toald ous [us] that it was impossible for him to give ous [us] better transportation than Our Oathe of Allegence to the U.S.A. The day was verry Warm. Shortly After we Taken shelter in the Barracks, we had a shower of Rain which cooled the Atmosphere & mad it very Pleasant.

July 2nd, 1865. At 6 oclock A.M. we went aboard of the cars for Peterburg, Va got there At 7 A.M. stoped for twenty Minutes then we started out on the Ptrs & Danville Railroad. The ladys waved there Handkerchiefs at ous [us] as we come in & started Out the Scenry was beautiful. Blackburys, Plumbs, Apples. Also green corn & all kinds of vegetables, etc. We Arrived At Burkville 12 Oclock N. And at half Past 3 oclock P.M. We went aboard of the cars on R. & D. R. R. Dark found ous [us] at Keysville, Va. The Cars Run All knight Long. Early Dawn of Day we Arrived at Danville, Va. But Owing to fatigue, Disability of My two Sick Menn, W. H. W. & F. M. S., I was Compelled to lie over In the Hospital.

July the Third. The Morning Was Quiet Pleasant. Tho the middle Part of the Day was very hot & Swoltary. I Seen a greate many of the Poore Women & Children Flocking Aound the Comissary Department To Draw Rashions from the government. Our fare Was very good; buisket, Sweten Caufie, Eggs, Ham vegetables etc. My two Comrads, also myself felt very much Refreshed after a good Rest & a plenty Of Something Nice to Eat. There was a Mr. D. E. Lane of Marian Dist. S. C. Whom the Doctor informed Must die. He gave me his Parting words to his Deare Wife Which are as follows: Ef it is the Lords Will to take me from this world & I see her no more I hope we will meat in Heaven.

July 4th, 1865. A good knights Rest, a nice Breakfast Made ous feel so very much Revived we Come to the Conclusion to Start home on the 5th. About 10 oclock A.M. Mr. Lane Departed This Life & we hope has gon home to a far Better Place than this Earthly home. Sad, Sad, Indeed, But Nevertheless it is A debt we Have all got to Pay, When the good Lord calls for ous. We Had a nice 4th of July Diner, Buisket, Corn Bread, Beans, Irishpotatoes, tomatoes Swet & Butter Milk, Chicken Soup, also, a nice Peach Pie. The streets Were thronged with Drunked Souldiers, etc. etc.

July the 5th, 1865. We made preparations to Leave on the Following Morning. Our haversacks were Filled with Biskets. Also a nice Peace of Ham. A good knights Rest etc.

July 6th, 1865. We left Danville about Sun Rise. As half past 9 A.M. we arrived at Greensborough N.C. & Went Aboard of the Cars for Charlott, N.C. After some trouble we got a seat in the Pasenger Box. 25 Minutes after two we arrived at Saulsbury, N.C. A nice glass of Lemonade also some good Water, the Corn Crops Looked very nice. At 5-1/2 Oclock P.M. we arrived at Charlott, N.C. And got Conveyance out to the Hospital, Where we stopped for the Knight. The bed bugs Run me out of the house in to the yard. I spend a very Restless knight. My Breast Pained me the hole Knight. Also the Bed Bugs massed there forces So heavy that it was Impossible for me to sleep.

July the 7th, ’65. We left the Hospital at Six Oclock A.M. was Conveyed to the Depot in Ambulances. Where we went on Board the Cars for Chester Station, S. C. fortunately Myself and two Sick Comrads were Placed in The Ladys Coach the Day was very warm. 3 Oclock P.M., we left the train and taken The Main Road Leading from Concord Church to Hopes Station. Dark We Spred our Blakets Down At Dumpers Spring & Stoped for the knight.

July the 8th at Early Dawn Of Day we again Renewed our March about 1 Mile we stoped & got Breakfast at James Steverson the day was very hot & swolery. 10 A.M. it was so very warm we had to lie over in the Shade until 3 Oclock in the After. When we again Renewed our march for the Sta. & At Ten Oclock P.M. we were in 4 miles of Hopes Station.

July the 9th At Early twilight In the Morning we were Set Across the River & at 8 A.M. we arrived at Hopes Station Very Much Wearyed & Pretty near Exausted But unfortunately for ous We learned the Train did not leave today. We slept & gatherd Blackburys & eat Peaches etc.

July the 10th we went On Board the cars Col & Greenville R.R. at 5 Oclock A.M. 8A.M. we arrived at Newbury & in a half An Hour we went on Board the cars and left For Aberville at frog Level I met up with My Oald friend Doctor Reid that was in Prison with me so long at Point Lookout Md. I was very glad to meat up withe him. it was a very Pleasant Meeting indeed with Boath Partys at ? Past two Oclock P.M. We Arrived in Aberville S.C. Drawed two Days Rashions & Put out on our Long & very wearisome March of 42 Miles to Washington Ga. 7 P.M. It was very Dark and a right Smart appearance of Falen Weather, so we taken Reffuge Whilst it Rained until about two hours Before under an oald gin house & we started on our journey.

July the 11th At Early Dawn of Day we were 9 miles from A.C.H. 11 oclock A.M. we Rested & taken A knap of Sleep Nere the 18 Mile Post from A.C.H.S.C. Where My Grandmother Pledger on my Mother’s Side was Bread & Born. 5 Oclock P.M. we crossed the Savanah & Broad River over into Lincolon County, Ga. Elbert Co. Runs down to a point in The fork of the Savanah & Georgia Broad River. My Mother & her father was Born in oald Elbert the Place I have very often herd them boath Speak of but never before had the Exquisit Pleasure of beholding it with my own eyes. The middle of the day was extremely warm. 6 P.M. Cloudy & heavy thundering Southeast, we lay in an oald Church Dureing the Rain & knight.

July the 12th. At Early Dawn of Day, we again Renewed our long & weasysome march for Washington, Ga. 6 A.M., we stoped at a farmers House just 14 miles from W. & got a nice cup of caufie also some Corn bread. 11 oclock A.M. we taken a knap of sleep at the 6 Mile Post until 1 A.M. we woke up very thirsty & at the 5 M. Post we had the Refusal of a Drink of Cold water. 6 P.M. we arrived in the little village of Washington Ga. Drew our Rashions gave a Portion of the meat to hav it cooked up. Also we get a nice treat of Buiskets Bacon & Butter Milk & Syrup. 7 we went down to the Deepot where we Remained Dureing the knight.

July the 13th, 1865. 6 A.M. myself & my friend William H. Wheeler called at General Langtons & got a cup of Caufe Also a slice of Ham for Breakfast. 20 Minutes after 8 oclock A.M. We went aborad the Cars on the Washington Brach & at 11 oclock A.M. we arrived at the Junction that is the Double Wells or Barnetts Station on the Ga. R.R. Sic Oclock P.M. I arrived at My Fathers house a happy meeting to think of the Goodness of our heavenly to Permit me to Return to My loved friends & Relatives onced more. A nice time up to the third August. Myself & father made Preparations to go to South Carolina.

4th of August we left the Ccitty of Augusta for Unionville S.C. & on the 12th We arrived at our Journeys End at u.v. 12th very much wearied and my feet was so very badly blistered I could Scarecely walk so on Monday the 15 we Came back through Unionville Spent the knight With the oald mann Aaron Sparks a 3rd Cousin of ours. I Enjoyed myself the very best kind with miss Bizie and Miss Maud Sparks, thoo I had never Seen them before, they were so kind & Affectionate, they felt Like they was my own born Cousins. 16th we arose very early a soon Breakfast. & onward we moved towards Home taken dinner With Cousin Silvey & Isac Murphy. We Spent the knight with Cousin Wiley Murphy the Acquaintance I formed with him & his family was very Pleasant to me Especialey with Cousin Delilah I Spent the biggest Part of three days with her. I was taken With her I Come very Near Stoping for life time with her. But father taken me away, before I had time to fix it up. Also I had the Exquiset Pleasure of Witnessing And Heareing the Examination of the Padgets Creek School. This School Cousin Lillah was a pupil of. The Compositions & Speaches were very fine. On the Morning of the 20th of Aug. 1865 we bid farewell to Delilah & all the family. Father did the Same we came four miles & Stoped All knight With Wm. Bobo.

21st we again Revewed our March in the direction of home. A pleasant time etc. we arrived in Augusta the 25th of August & found All well but my oaldest brother had Left ous & gon up the Country & is there now this the 1st day of October.

29th I got a job of work on The boats for myself with Mr. Stalions & worked with hime up to the 23rd of Sept.

24th of Sept Mr. Cuthbert Preach His farwell Sermon at the 2nd Lap As our pater also there was Baptism & a wedin on the same knight.

Monday Morning the 25th, 1865 I Secured a job of work at the factory the Watch there is where I am now.

October the 1st 1865. Everything Past off very Pleasantly up to the 11th when they Reduced the watchman From fourteen down to 10. & then they throwed me off & Put me in the yard at the Pityful Sum of $7.00 a week & Board myself.

12th Got A job of Sup The Cooking for A Co. of Hgh Hands On the Ga. R.R. Putting up Post & Rebuilding the Fly Line from hear to Atlanta. I had a nice a Plenty to Eat & nothing to do But to eat drink and be Mery. I formed Several Acquaintances with the yong Ladys which were very Pleasant to Me. We went as high up as Ceniors Sta. And On the 29th we returned to Augusta.

30th of Nov. the Contractor Payed ous off & as we had worked our time out And the Line was through of course we quit. He kept a few hands to Put up the wire etc.

Dec. the 1st ’65. I Bruised around & don nothing But Clerk for Street & Walker up to the third of the Month.

Dec. the 4th. I got a job on the Citty watch. On the 6th Thomas Olice a city Policeman Shot a colord Souldier for Mis Behaveing & acting very Disordily In the Streets. He first Remonstrated with him But he desisted & swore he would not be Arested By no Rebel Sun of a bitch, At the Same time run his hand behind him as if he was going to draw a wepon, But before he had time to Do So, Olif Shot him dead on the Spot Neare the lower Market.

The 13th his trial goes on Every one is in hopes of his comeing Cleare.

Lovers Lamentation

The time is Now drawing Ny
When you & I must Part
But Little do you think I know
The greaf of my Poore hart

What hav I suferd for your Sake
The one I love So dear
I wish I could go along withe you
Unless you could stay here.

Your eyes is of the Sparkling Bright
So Clear as the light
If I Prove fals to you my love
Darkness Shall turn to light
If I was maryed to my love
The one I do adore
I would live a happy Contented Life
And greave for you No more

But I am Slighted by my love
My loves forsaken Me
I wish I was ten thousand miles
On Lonsom Distant Le

My love is gon a far Land
Where I no more Shall Sea
But I hope at last at Gods
Bright hand together we shall be


Give me, Dear girl one heavily kiss
And Seal the measure of my Bliss

The stars of heaven are not more true
Than this unchanging Breast to you

Adam was holy & Edon was fare
But his hapyness lingered till woman was there

Your Pulse are the Clock of your eye
It shows how your minutes are flying
It marks the Departure of Time
And it tells you how fast you are dying

5th 1866
Must I Shun every lady for One
Whose Image fills my hole Breast
And Prefer no Other but her
What an Insult it would be to the Rest

Patterick Henry Wright Co. A 15th Va. Regt. Richmond, Va. 19 years of age.
Caleb Lee, Richmond, Va. 24th Street on Union Hill
P. H. Wright was Capt the 6th of May ’65 neare Farmville C.H. Va. Dark hair, Blue eyes, landed at Point Lookout, Md. The 16th of May

This picture taken of John Joseph Pledger Murphy when he was 22 years of age, at which age he served as a scout in the Confederate Army and was taken prisoner at the close of the War. [no picture]

John Joseph Pledger Murphy missionary diary of 1886-1887 tells of him visiting a family and “his son James Plows & I souldierd in the same company C 48 Ga. Regt. Later J.J.P. Murphy visits “W.E. Neltson & wife & daughter knew them, members of Co. C 48 Ga. Regt.” Still later he “traveled on R.R. to Atlanta, in the co. of W. H. Neltson & wife – formerly member of Co. C 48 Ga. Regt.”

48th Regiment, Georgia Infantry
48th Infantry Regiment completed its organization at Macon, Georgia, during the winter of 1861-1862. Its companies were recruited in the counties of Burke, Glascock, Warren, Richmond, Jefferson, Emanuel, and Harris. Ordered to Virginia, the 48th was brigaded under Generals Ripley, A.R. Wright, and Sorrel. It served on many battlefields of the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, then was involved in the long Petersburg siege south of the James River and the Appomattox Campaign. This regiment reported 33 casualties at Mechanicsville, 44 at Malvern Hill, 61 at Second Manassas, and 72 at Chancellorsville. It lost more than fifty-five percent of the 395 at Gettysburg, and there were 32 disabled at Manassas Gap.
On April 9, 1865, it surrendered 13 officers and 193 men. Colonels William Gibson and Matthew R. Hall, Lieutenant Colonel Reuben W. Carswell, and Major John R. Whitehead were in command.
48th Regiment, Georgia Infantry
John J. Jeans (First_Last) Regiment Name 48 Georgia Infantry Side Confederate Company C Soldier's Rank_In Private Soldier's Rank_Out Private Alternate Name John J./Jeanes Notes Film Number M226 roll 32


1881-83 Journal of John Edward Metcalf

1886-87 Journal of John Joseph Pledger Jeanes [Murphy]

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