Laramie City Wyoming Territory ~ First
About the 20th day of April, A. D. 1868,
the Union Pacific Railroad Company commenced the sale of town
lots in Laramie, the survey of the town having been made some
months previous, and the fact of Laramie City being determined
upon by the magnates of the company as the next termini town on
this great national highway, generally advertised the same at
all points east along the line of the road. Such had been the
strife for town lots at Cheyenne (the first town of importance
east of here,) in its early settlement, and such large sums of
money made there by speculators in town property, that every man
in the country having money enough to pay for a lot in Laramie
City, had anxiously been waiting for this important event. Such
indeed was the anxiety to be first that for nearly a month prior
to this time there had been camped on the plains around this new
town site from two to three hundred people; some in tents, some
under board sheds and in shanties and many others without
shelter save their blankets and the blue expanse above them.
With the sale of town lots began the
settlement of Laramie, and the rapidity of its settlement and
growth may be conjectured from the fact that within one week
from the day the first lot was sold by the company, over four
hundred lots were sold or contracted for; and in less than two
weeks something over five hundred buildings or structures in
which to live, or do business, had been erected.
These structures were of that peculiar
kind found chiefly in the termini towns along the line of the
railroad. Some were constructed of logs, some of cross-ties,
stood on end, for the walls, with canvass roof; others were made
of cloth, with stakes or posts set in the ground for corners,
and others the ordinary canvass tent; and yet another kind were
of boards put together in sections in such a manner as to be
easily taken down and moved forward to the next available point
on the road.
On the 9th day of May the rails were
laid to and past the town; and on the 10th day of May the first
train came into Laramie City and discharged its freight, and
such freight humanity has seldom if ever be held. Iron for the
railroad, crossties for the same, ploughs, scrapers, tents,
little seven by nine shanties, lumber for building purposes,
groceries and provisions, Jew peddlers with their packs, fancy
goods and some that were not so fancy, cooking stoves, crockery
ware in boxes and baskets, tinware in all shapes, wines and
liquors of all kinds and varieties, in barrels and boxes; and on
top of this strange mixture, riding on the flat cars on which
they had freighted their household goods, came men, women and
children, a motley crowd, as terribly mixed even as the
inanimate things brought with them.
Much has been said and much written
about the peculiarities of a large majority of the people
settling these termini towns along the Union Pacific Railroad.
The worst that has ever been said of any of them does not, nor
cannot approach the real truth, nor depict the heinousness of
the offenses committed by many of these people. What has or can
be said of any of the towns on the road, can with equal truth be
said of Laramie City. In about three months its population
aggregated about five thousand souls. Of these there were
probably about one thousand strong, earnest, daring men, ready
to face any danger, or ready to undertake any perilous task, if
they could, in any honorable way, better their fortunes. One
thousand more that were ready to adopt any policy, honorable or
otherwise, so that they got money, and ran no great risks. The
balance, with the exception of a few good and noble women, were
made up of gamblers, thieves, highwaymen, robbers, cut-throats,
garrotters, prostitutes, and their necessary companions, who
made their living by preying upon the poor laborers who, as soon
as their month's wages were in their pockets, would rush into
town from the road and timber, and sport while there was a penny
The settlement of the town had hardly
commenced when the more orderly portion of the people felt it
necessary to form and establish some kind of government, and on
the 8th of May notices were posted calling a mass meeting to
consider the question of forming a provisional government. This
meeting was holden at what was then a part of the Chrisman
buildings, now the Tivoli Hall, and after some discussion it was
determined to establish a city government. M. C. Brown was
nominated for Mayor, John Gurrelle for Marshal, E. Nagle, J. C.
Chrisman, G. P. Drake, and M. Townsley for Trustees, and P. H.
Tooley for Clerk. The election was holden on the 12th of May.
Over nine hundred votes were polled, and the gentlemen above
named were declared elected. An effort was made to organize a
strong and efficient government, but the condition of the
country and the lack of proper material made it nearly
impossible, and at the end of the third week M. C. Brown, by a
letter published in the Frontier Index, (the pioneer paper of
the city) tendered to the people of the town his resignation as
Mayor, and declined to have any further connection with the city
government. Some others followed suit, and what was at first,
from necessity, a weak government at best, soon degenerated into
no government at all. This condition of affairs could not last
long. Men settled their difficulties by resorting to the
revolver or knife, and in those personal hand to hand encounters
the victors were usually the heroes of the hour, their victims
were hurried under the ground and no questions asked. Robbery
and garroting were daily occurrences, and murder not infrequent.
There gradually arose in the minds of the better portion of the
people a feeling of uneasiness and fear for their safety. Steps
were soon taken to organize a vigilance committee, and the first
organization of this character was perfected in August, and
numbered at this time only twenty members. There were a few
worthy and very resolute men in this organization, but its only
substantial fruit was the hanging of a young man called the
"Kid," during the last days of August, in the building occupied
as a residence, for some years afterwards, by our worthy
townsman John Keene. But the hanging of this miserable,
insignificant creature created an excitement among the roughs,
and they at once organized thoroughly, not only for resistance
but for aggressive movement. They boasted of their strength, and
threatened all who dared complain of their misdeeds with
vengeance dire! Among the leaders of the roughs may be mentioned
Con Wager, Asa Moore, Big Ned, Sam Dugan, Tiger Bill, Morris
Kohn, and Dave Mullen.
Their organization and daily crimes
finally united all the better elements of our society, and in a
very short time a new vigilance committee was formed, numbering
from three to five hundred men. They were thoroughly organized
and officered by resolute, cool-headed men. These men were all
thoroughly armed, and on the night of the 18th of October, 1868,
a day long to be remembered by the old residents of Laramie
City, this committee met at an appointed place on the west side
of the railroad track in the city and divided into squads and
went to different parts of the town. It was the intention to
make a descent at precisely the same moment on all the more
prominent gambling halls in the town, and take out, without any
great disturbance, some of the most noted murderers and robbers,
and quietly hang them before their companions could rally
sufficient force to rescue them. But fate had ordered otherwise.
The squad of men assigned to the dance house known as the "Belle
of the West," had gathered around the doors of the same, a
brilliantly lighted hall filled with dancers of both sexes,
gaudily dressed women, gamblers, and desperadoes were whirling
through the intricate mazes of the dance, their twinkling feet
keeping time to sweet music, which floated in ravishing strains
upon the air, and ever and anon a burst of merriment would fill
the room, in which were mingled the silvery dulcet tones of
woman's voice, fair though frail, yet woman still. The
saturnalian festival was at its height, when a pistol shot, loud
and clear, rang out upon the evening! This shot was the signal
for a simultaneous attack at several points in the town, but
owing to some undue excitement with this part of the committee,
the signal was premature, and the dreadful attach was made at
this point only. But at the signal, a shout! a rush! and all was
confusion. The scene which followed beggars all description. The
deadly sound from more than one hundred revolvers was heard. The
roughs being well armed resisted the attack of the committee
with desperation; they fought like tigers driven to bay. What a
scene was here, where but a moment before all was gaiety. The
sweet strains of melody were hushed, and in their stead came
harsh discordant sounds, tumultuous, wild, and prophetic of doom
to the gambler and desperado. For fifteen minutes the sharp
crack from the deadly revolvers made music to the weeping and
wailing of the women and the shouts and muttered curses of the
men. The smoke from the pistols gathered in a cloud, and hung
like a pall over the heads of the doomed, as if to shut out from
the sight of the angels the dark scene below. The roughs were
overpowered, and the results were three men killed, one of the
committee, one a member of the band of music, and one noted
desperado, and about fifteen men were wounded, some quite
severely; and three of the leading roughs. Con Wager, Asa Moore,
and Big Ed were taken from the place and hung at the same place
where the "Kid" was hung in August. About sunrise next morning,
Big Steve, another noted robber and murderer, was captured and
hung to a telegraph pole near where South B Street crosses the
railroad track*
For a few days following this event
there was great excitement and men at other times reasonably
quiet and modest in demeanor, now became violent and
unreasonable. The larger portion of the roughs in a very few
days left the town, and many others joined the vigilantes and
became the most rampant and blatant advocates of order, virtue,
and honesty.
The vigilance committee as originally
formed had now served its chief purpose in ridding the town of
its worst characters, and a majority of the really good men in
the committee soon dropped out of the organization. This of
course left it to a large degree in the hands of unscrupulous
bad men, whose chief object was revenge. They could, under guise
of public protectors and avengers of public wrongs, murder their
personal enemies and go un-whipped of justice. Those now living
in Laramie who were among the residents of the town during the
first year of its existence, are unanimous in the declaration of
a sincere wish that it may never again be their misfortune to
live under such trying and terrible circumstances.
Out of this vigilante organization grew
the second provisional city government. L. B. Chase was elected
Mayor. This city organization suspended the vigilantes yet
carried on to some degree their practices. A few weeks after
this a young man by the name of Moritz was arrested by T. D.
Sears, Deputy Sheriff of Laramie county, under suspicion of
having committed a larceny on Bitter Creek, in Sweet Water
County. There appeared no good grounds for the suspicion, yet
the young man was taken to the city jail for safe keeping until
some reliable information could be obtained. The then city
marshal with a few of his "pals" favored the old vigilante
organization, and thinking probably that their renown and
reputation needed bolstering up, by the sacrifice of a new
victim, went to the city jail, took young Moritz out, and the
nearest and most convenient place for their purpose being a
small log building, then unfinished, in the rear of the Frontier
Hotel., rapidly traversed the distance between the jail and this
point, passed a rope over the log above the doorway sawed in the
end of the building, drew the man's head up to the log and there
strangled him in a most inhuman manner. He was found in this
position in the morning, his head drawn up against the log above
the doorway and his feet reaching the doorsill.
Moritz was the last man hung in Laramie
City, and it may be of interest to some to know that this city
marshal (Lee Griswold), concerned in the hanging of Moritz, was
afterwards arrested in Colorado for murder, and in attempting to
escape from the Denver jail in 1873, was shot and killed by the
watchman, a just retribution, surely.
In December, 1868, the Legislature of
Dakota Territory (of which we were a part at that time) passed a
charter for Laramie City, and appointed M. C. Page, Mayor. This
government, though legal, did not meet with very much greater
success than the former provisional ones had. Under this legal
administration, in the month of March, 1869, the members of the
city police, in the night, made an attack upon their own jail,
for the purpose of taking upon themselves the old vigilante
role, and hanging George Hays, who had been imprisoned that day
for some trifling misdemeanor.
This attack is said to have been made on
account of some personal spite existing between Hays and
Douglass, one of the police. The attack was made by Douglass,
Rodapouche and others whose names were never known. A man by the
name of Irwin, and our present fellow townsman M. H. Murphy,
were in the jail as guards. During the attack Irwin was killed
and Murphy was severely wounded. Hays escaped.
This affair created such an intense
excitement that for some days it was feared the entire town
would be burned by men employed in the timber, friends of Hays,
who were at this time in town in large numbers. Quiet was,
however, restored, by the influence of a few leading citizens of
the town, with the assurance that the murderers of Irwin and the
would be murderers of others should be brought to justice; but
the existence of this city government was virtually ended.
The following month of May, 1869,
brought to our new Territory of Wyoming, the newly appointed
officers for the same, and in June, 1869, a term of court was
held in Albany County for the first time. The court was presided
over by Hon. William T. Jones, Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court of Wyoming Territory. This term of court was effectual in
bringing peace, order, and good government out of the former
discordant elements; and the earnest and faithful services of N.
K. Boswell, sheriff of the county, in aiding the court in its
objects, soon established in the minds of the people entire
security of life and property.
The first Legislative Assembly of
Wyoming repealed the old city charter, and left our citizens
entirely under the jurisdiction of the Federal courts, and in an
incredibly short space of time Laramie City changed from one of
the most turbulent and disorderly, to one of the most orderly,
quiet, and moral towns in the whole "Great West."
While it is true beyond doubt that the
Vigilance Committee in the early days of Laramie City, rid the
town of very many bad men, and the world of a few of its worst
characters, and established, to some degree, safety and security
to life and property; yet, at least, one innocent man was hung
and another shot by this power having its inception from that
source. And like all other organizations of the kind it was kept
up too long. A continued connection with such organizations will
necessarily sow foul seeds in the hearts of the best men, which
will in time sprout and grow into luxuriant crops of "tares."
We find it impossible to give a
description or even a complete list of names of the first
business men, mechanics, &c., of our town, as is the custom in a
work of this kind. Sulfide it to say that a majority of our
merchant princes, business men and leading mechanics, are of the
first settlers, several of whom came here with a very small
capital and by close attention to their business have
accumulated a respectable little fortune.
These men during the wild confusion in
the fall of 1868, by lifting the veil of futurity, saw that
Laramie City was destined to be more than a great camp and than
an ordinary way station on the road; and commenced the erection
of more substantial business houses and residences, and are now
realizing and enjoying the benefits of such action. All
buildings, however, were built of wood (except the round-house
and machine shops of the U. P. R. R.) until the Fall of 1869,
when the Dawson Bros, erected the first stone building on South
A. Street, the same being now owned and occupied by Charles
Kuster as a liquor store; cost five thousand dollars. The next
was the building on Second Street, now owned by Edward Ivinson
and occupied by the Wyoming National Bank, erected by H, J.
Rogers & Co., same fall; cost ten thousand dollars. The next was
the splendid stone building on Second Street, erected by M. G.
Tonn, and occupied by him at the present time as a dry goods
store; cost sixteen thousand dollars; built 1870.
The manufacture of brick was considered
a failure, until the summer of 1871, when H. H. and Charles
Richards successfully made the brick for the construction of our
Court House and Henry Wagner's store, since which time Mr. J.
Millard Filmore has carried on the manufacture of good brick
quite extensively, and very successfully, until nearly all of
our principal Streets are adorned with splendid brick business
blocks and residences; and our city corporation can now boast of
a total valuation of real estate of more than one million