Building the City and City Government
Present City Government
Laramie City was incorporated under an
act of the Wyoming legislature, approved December 12th, A. D.
1873, and started out on her career of government on the 13th
day of January, A. D. 1874, by the election of five trustees,
viz: Wm. Harris, M. D., J. H. Finfrock, M. D., Robert Galbraith,
Division Master Mechanic U. P. R. R., T. J. Webster, of the firm
of Slack & Webster, Laramie Independent and James Vine,
furniture dealer: Dr. Wm. Harris, President and Ex-officio
Mayor, all gentlemen of high moral, intellectual and business
attainments, who sailed our little ship of government, safely
through the storms for one year, the most trying time in the
existence of any corporation.
As we are now on the second year of our
corporate existence, and our city government in a good healthy
financial condition, we propose to give a short biographical
sketch of each member of our present city council, by which it
will be seen that our community has a proper appreciation of
moral worth and intelligence.
Henry B.
Rumsey, our present
Mayor, was born in the state of Indiana in the year A. D. 1842,
entered the United States Naval Academy at the age of fifteen
years, from which he graduated in 1861, served in the navy
during the rebellion, at the close of which he was promoted to
the grade of Lieutenant Commander "for gallant service during
the war." (As shown by the U. S. Naval Record.) Afterwards
served in the European, West Indian and Brazilian Squadron,
until A. D. 1870, resigned from the navy in 1872, and commenced
civil life, by immediately coming to Laramie City, and becoming
one of the proprietors of the Laramie Hotel, his father already
being engaged in the business, where we still find the firm of
P. Rumsey & Son in a very lucrative business. Mr. Rumsey is also
largely interested in sheep raising, owning one of the finest
sheep ranches in this country and over three hundred head of
sheep. He is a gentleman of high moral, scientific and literary
Charles W.
Bramel, one of the
aldermen, is a native of Andrew County, Missouri; born August
11th A. D. 1840, graduated at Bloomington College, Missouri, in
1859, studied law under William. C. Toole Esquire, St. Joe,
Missouri, was admitted to the Supreme Court of Colorado, A. D.
1870, came to Laramie City December 26th 1870, was elected
prosecuting attorney for this (Albany) County in the fall of
1872, and re-elected to the same office in 1874, was admitted to
the Supreme Court of the United States, October, 1874. Mr.
Bramel is an earnest advocate, faithful in his profession, and a
noble generous man, a first class citizen.
C. S.
Dunbar, city alderman,
is a native of Massachusetts, born August 17th, A. D. 1848; is a
graduate of Easton Academy; was in business in Boston until the
fall of 1869, when he came to Chicago, and was there connected
with the house of Warner, Marston & Felix, until coming to
Laramie City, January, 1874, since which time he has been
engaged in the wholesale and retail grocery business, and has
established an immense trade. Mr. Dunbar is a first-class
business gentleman.
George W.
Fox, city alderman, is an
active of the State of Ohio, was born August 18th, 1838, brought
up a farmer, served an enlistment in the army during the
rebellion in the 17 1st regiment of Ohio Volunteers; came west
to Council Bluffs, Iowa, in the fall of 1865; in the spring of
1866 crossed the Plains with an ox train, by way of Fort Laramie
and the Big Horn, fighting their way through the Indians to
Montana, where he was engaged in mining until the fall of 1868,
when he came to Laramie City, since which time he has been
engaged in a wholesale and retail meat and vegetable market, and
by fair and honorable dealing has very much endeared himself to
our citizens. In fact as a benevolent, high minded, business
gentleman Mr. Fox has no superior.
A. G.
Swain, City Alderman,
was born in Richmond, Indiana, A. D. 1839. Enlisted in the Union
army on the 19th day of April, 1861, four days after the taking
of Fort Sumpter. Served during the rebellion in the Fifth
Regiment Ohio Vols. Infantry. Was afterwards in the wholesale
mercantile business in Cincinnati, Ohio, until July, 1869, when
he came to Laramie City to accept the position of cashier of H.
J. Rogers & Co.'s Bank, afterwards Edward Ivinson's Bank, and
finally the Wyoming National Bank, he holding the position of
cashier through all of those changes, and up to March, A. D.
1874, when he engaged in the wholesale and retail grocery trade,
in which business he is still en-gaged. Mr. Swain is one of
those gentlemen who only need to be known to be respected.
These five gentlemen of whom we have
just written, constitute our City Council and present
government, and from what we know of their moral worth and
integrity, they will guard well each and every interest of our
young municipality, and keep our city what it already is, the
most quiet little city in the West. Thanks to the ladies and
gentlemen, voters of Laramie City. We hope you will always show
your appreciation of morality and intelligence by the election
of such men. Let us continue to have our moral, social, and
intellectual interests keep pace with those of our finances.
The first public school of Laramie City
opened February 15th, A. D. 1869, Miss Eliza Steward, now Mrs.
Eliza Boyd, teacher. The whole number of pupils enrolled during
this term of three months, was one hundred and six, the interest
in which has steadily increased with the growth of our city. A
good school house was erected in the year A. D. 1869, which has
been improved in accordance with the requirements of the school.
The teaching force has increased with
the needs of the school from one to three, and is now under the
management and instruction of Prof. R. E. Fitch, and his two
able assistants, Mrs. A. E. Sinclair and Miss Kate Dugan, and
there is a near prospective need of one or two more.
A strictly graded course has been much
impeded heretofore by the transient nature of our population,
but this trouble is rapidly passing away.
The school now has nine grades,
comprising nine classes, and allowing promotions as often as
pupils are fitted for it. The aim is to leave old modes behind
and strive for all that is good in the vastly improved and much
improving new methods. The school is now prepared to teach all
branches found in a modern high school course, which is
in-tended to fit pupils for the first class in college.
The great need at present is that of
room adequate to the rapidly increasing numbers of those to be
taught. Public instruction has been liberally encouraged here in
the past, and this eminently intelligent and enterprising people
are not likely to let this want remain long un-supplied. For
well we all know that if intelligence and morality are to be
fostered, the building up of no other interest will in any way
atone for the neglect of the public school.
The first religious service in Laramie
City was instituted by Mrs. Jennie Ivinson, Mrs. Charles Wright,
and Miss Jennie Wright, now Mrs. Jennie Lancaster, who started a
Sabbath School about the 15th of July, A. D., 1868. And with
that unfaltering heroism peculiar to woman, who is ever ready
with her sweet ministrations to strew flowers in paths that
would else be barren and unlovely, making home charm-ing even in
the wilderness, and daring to grapple with the terrible evils
with which our people were beset at that time, and which were
whirling away our strong men with their pernicious currents,
these three noble women laid their shoulders to the wheel, and
the result was a calling together of the good people of both
sexes, and the Sabbath School was soon a known success.
Soon after a call was made for the Rev.
Joseph C. Cook, of Cheyenne, who on the 2d day of October, 1868,
came and organized an Episcopal parish, the first church
organization in our city. Rev. J. W. Cornell took charge of the
parish, and on the 21st of September, 1869, a church building
had been completed, costing four thousand two hundred dollars,
which was dedicated by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Randall, on said 2l8t
day of September, as St. Matthew's Episcopal Church. The present
value of this church property is six thousand dollars. The
church is in a flourishing condition, with the Rev. Z. T. Savage
as settled pastor.
The Methodist Episcopal Church of this
city was first organized by Rev. (t. F. Hilton, in the spring of
1869, and erected a church building during the year A. D. 1870,
at a cost of three thousand dollars, which was dedicated for
divine service January 15th, 1871, by the Rev. B. T. Vincent,
presiding Elder of the District of Colorado and Wyoming. The
present value of this church property is four thousand five
hundred dollars. The society is in a good condition, with the
Rev. H. L. Beardsly pastor.
The Roman Catholic Church was first
started here by Rev. Father Kelly, a missionary Priest, with
Col. J. W. Donellan, Henry Wagner, and J. W. Connor as Trustees;
church building commenced May, 1869, but was not completed until
the fall of 1871, after the arrival of, and by the zealous and
energetic labor, of Rev. Father E. Cusson, the resident pastor,
who also in 1874 erected a parsonage, at a cost of two thousand
dollars, making a total cost of this church property, of nine
thousand dollars. Society in a very prosperous condition.
Arrangements are now being made by this Society, for the
founding at this place of a "Mercy Hospital," to be under the
supervision and management of the Sisters of Mercy, with doors
open to all humanity alike, who may chance to fall in need of
their ministrations.
The Baptist Church in this city was
first organized on the 8th day of January, 1870, by Rev. George
W. Freeman, Superintendent of the Baptist Home Mission Society.
Church building erected same year; cost, five thousand five
hundred dollars. The first resident pastor was Rev. D. J.
Pierce, who will long be remembered as one of the pioneer
workers in every reform, and first in the organization of nearly
all our institutions for the promotion of intelligence and
morality. Present resident pastor. Rev. H. W. Thiele, with the
Church in a prosperous condition. The present valuation of this
Church property, with improvements made in 1874, is eight
thousand dollars.
The Union Presbyterian Church in this
city was organized by the Rev. F. L. Arnold, February 2d, 1871,
with the following Board of Trustees, to wit: Dr. J. H. Finfrock,
L. D. Pease, H. H. Richards, M. C. Brown, J. M. Filmore, and IST.
C. Worth. This organization erected a church building during the
summer of 1871, at a cost of five thousand dollars; three
thousand dollars of which was donated by Mrs. Daniel Parish, of
New York City. I believe this is the only donation ever received
by any of our churches from outside of our own community. This
church being completed was dedicated sometime in October, 1871.
The Society is now in a very flourishing condition, with Rev. W.
E. Hamilton as settled pastor.
This ends our church history; making
five churches, each with a splendid property, well furnished,
and each Society well supported.
First Child Born in Laramie
Patrick Sarsfield Keene, son of John and
Mary Keene, was born June 21st, A. D. 1868, and was the first
child born in Laramie City. Mr. John Keene, the progenitor of
this young hero, is one of our most substantial citizens,
enterprising and industrious, and zealously interested in the
future welfare of our city, a permanent citizen.
