The Whipping Post of Kanawha County,
West Virginia
By Tom. Swinburn
Strolling into the rooms of the West
Virginia Historical Society one day, I had a pleasant chat with
its venerable president, in which he called my attention to the
stump of the old whipping post there preserved. This recalled
what I had heard of the last man whipped at the post. He
requested me to write a sketch about it for the Magazine.
Not satisfied to depend on my own
recollections, which were but second-hand at best, nor even on
the memories of those yet remaining who were cognizant of the
events related. I searched the county records at such odd
intervals as I could spare from other duties chiefly at the noon
I wished to present a complete and
accurate history of the post and some account of each whipping.
But though the number of punishments was not great, I found the
limited time at my disposal utterly inadequate to the task. I
got such assistance from old citizens in regard to persons who
had been whipped as their memories could furnish. Then I went to
the records of the county, but found the older ones without
indexes, which of course made the task the harder.
As to the incidents of the last legal
whipping at the Kanawha post, I had the assistance of Mr. A. P.
Fry, Col. John Clarkson, Hon. Jacob Goshorn and others.
The Kanawha whipping post is supposed
to have been set up about the time when the brick court-house
was built. This was in the year 1817. But I doubt if the piece
now in the Society's room could have lasted so long. It was more
than a mere post. It was probably 18 feet high. I was divided
into two stories by a platform. On this platform, reached by
steps or ladder, stood the culprits condemned to the pillory.
There was room for two. This pillory was made by passing two
stout planks through a slot in the post, on edge, one above the
other. Holes were made in the planks to receive the necks and
wrists of the criminals, one on either side of the post. The
slot in the post was of sufficient length to let the upper plank
be raised to admit the heads and hands of the victim, then it
was let down and secured by a wedge-shaped key which locked them
fast and utterly helpless against the pelting's of mischievous
men and boys.
The whipping was done under this
platform. The condemned one stood on the ground, his arms round
the post, his wrists strapped to staples in the post. The number
of lashes varied with the enormity of the offense, and the
temper of the judges. The severity of the infliction was with
the officer who administered it. In one instance I found in the
record, the sheriff was directed to see the number of lashes on
the culprit's bare back "well laid on." And I am told that one
application affected a cure, so that a man was hardly ever, or
never known to incur the punishment a second time. This leads
many persons to regret the abolition of the post, and advocate
its return. The following article from The Literary Digest of
last December 13 voices the public sentiment for and against.
The article is entitled:

The Whipping Post in Delaware
The survival
of the whipping post in the State of Delaware, and the recent
flogging of a fourteen year old boy for petty theft, has aroused
some discussion in the press as to the efficacy of this method
of punishing crime. In the opinion of the New York Journal, the
practice is a "relic of barbarism" and belongs to the days of
the 'thumb-screw and rack. "Only Delaware," it says, "has
continued to enforce this degrading law, in defiance of progress
and the sentiment of other States of the American sisterhood and
it calls upon this State to put an end to the 'hideous
anachronism before the dawn of the new century. On the other
hand, the Washington Post expresses the belief that in cases of
hardened crime, such as incorrigible viciousness, wife beating,
etc. the effect of the "cat-o-nine-tails" is most salutory. It
rational observer in this direction knows that for such monsters
there is no deterrent save plain and simple physical suffering.
The so called humane and civilized methods have been tried and
found wanting. The brute goes to jail, fares sumptuously every
day, while his wretched family suffer cold and hunger, and in
almost every instance returns with unabated energy to the
practice of his favorite cruelty. For such beasts as these the
whipping post is the only adequate prescription. They are open
to no argument less eloquent than the lash. They fear this as
they fear nothing else. And if the custom were adopted and
rigidly enforced in every city, town, and neighborhood
throughout the land, the ends of Christian mercy would be better
Weekly (New York), looks at the matter in the same light,
declaring that "a good whipping administered in private would
probably be more effective as a preventative than a period of
comfortable sequestration upon the banks of the Hudson River or
in any other of the first-class criminal hostelries of the
country." Now it seems to me that if punishment is intended to
deter crime that form which does deter would be the proper one
to adopt. True, the whipping post is a relic of barbarism. But
is not every kind of physical punishment barbarous? Have we not
derived the practice of inflicting physical pain upon offenders
from our barbarian ancestors? What is more clearly barbarous
than dangling a man or woman by the neck at the end of a rope
till strangled to death? Why do we not abolish all relics of
barbarism in modes of punishment, such as the ball and chain,
the water hose, etc.? Because, like out barbarian forefathers we
believe the fear of pain the best deterrent. On this principle
the best deterrent is that which criminals most fear, and I
believe the fear of whipping is more effectual than any other.
But I am in
favor of removing all barbarous punishments. Yet, it were better
to remove the need of punishment than the instrument. The
instrument will inflict no pain if not used. The instrument will
not be used if there be no need. There will be no need if the
cause be removed. And is not the law-breaker the cause? Partly,
but more than he the law-maker. I shall hardly be understood
here. But under the term law I mean not only, statutory law, but
that wider and stronger law, public opinion and social custom.
Not to be tedious, I hold that our civilization fosters
millionaires and paupers, philanthropists and criminals. The
paupers and criminals far outnumbering the former. The pauper
may be to blame. Civilization always is. The criminal is
probably to blame. Civilization certainly is. But to my story.
Sometime in
the thirties Col. Andrew Donnally visited the city of
Philadelphia, and there found a young Irishman named Arthur
Mowbry, who as was customary in that day, had secured his
passage to this broad land of freedom and plenty under a
contract to hire himself out to someone who should pay the
amount of his passage, and be repaid by the services of the
immigrant. Being a voting man of parts. Col. Donnally, who was
himself an Irishman, took a fancy to him paid his passage, and
brought him to Kanawha. Here he became a general favorite, lived
in the family of Col. Donnally, and was treated as a member of
it. He served as clerk in the store of his employer, and had a
fair prospect of success in life. But he seems to have become
vain, fond of the company of other young men and of dressing
beyond his means. He took to drinking too much, and lost favor
with his patron, and eventually forged an order on Lewis
Rutliner & Co., which eventually landed him in the penitentiary.
But he did not remain there long for his counsel, Jacob Goshorn,
took an appeal in his case and reversed the Circuit Superior
Court, and brought his client hack to Kanawha. The whipping was
not for this forgery, but seems, some of my informants thought,
to have grown out of it in this way:
Mowbray, (his
name is spelled in various ways) and some boon companions had a
sort of club room where they spent their leisure time. In the
free and easy life they led they thought nothing of wearing each
other's clothes. Now it appears by the county records that the
first indictment against Mobray was quashed on some technical
defect. Perhaps thinking that would be the end of it, and not
willing to let him off so easily, my informants are of opinion
that a charge of stealing the coat of one Samuel Hickock, one of
the boon companions, was trumped up against him, and for this he
was whipped. Unfortunately for this theory the indictment for
stealing was examined a month before the examination for
forgery: The charge of stealing, however, may have been held
back to see the result of the charge of forgery, and when that
was quashed this was pressed. At any rate he was whipped for
stealing the coat. I have not been able to ascertain who did the
whipping. Col. Clarkson thinks it was Wm. Hatcher, deputy
sheriff, who was severe. Mr. Goshorn thinks it was John Slack,
and thinks he did it early in the morning when there were no
spectators, and that it was very lightly given.
Virginia AHGP

Source: The West Virginia Historical Magazine Quarterly,
Charleston West Virginia, 1901.
