Roll of Major Andrew Lewis's Company

The following names of Augusta men are from some size rolls published ten years ago by the Virginia Historical Society: Size Roll of Major Andrew Lewis' Company (no date).

Name, Age, Size, Trade, Country, Where Enlisted

Adams, Francis 24, 5-10 Shoemaker, England, Augusta.
Allot, Robert 30, 5-7½ Farmer, England, Augusta.
Brown, John 26, 5-7 Planter, England, Augusta.
Body, William 30, 5-5 Farmer, Scotland, Augusta.
Brannin, Thos. 30, 5-3½, Schlmaster, Scotland, Augusta.
Cooper, Samuel 23, 5-3¼ Farmer, Penn., Augusta.
Donnally, John 17, 5-6½ Planter, Virginia, Augusta.
Donnally, Mark 30, 5-0 Brewer, Ireland, Augusta.
Davis, Thomas 23, 5-1½ Farmer, England, Augusta.
Evans, Abraham 22 5-4¼ Farmer, Penn., Augusta.
Gilmore, John 27 5-8½ Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
Gailor, Edward 36, 5-6½ Butcher, England, Augusta.
Green, John 30, 5-4 Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
Garome, Moses 27, 5-3 Shoemaker, Ireland, Augusta.
Kegan, Thos. 20, 5-4 Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
Lain, Thos. 21, 5-8½ Sailor, England, Augusta.
Lucaner, William 27, 5-1½ Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
Mander, William 43, 5-4 Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
McEntire, John 25, 5-8½ Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
Polity, John 20, 5-5 Carpenter, Maryland, Augusta.
Perkisson, Thos. 23, 5-5% Roper, England, Augusta.
Picket. Henry 19, o-7% Sawyer, Virginia; Augusta.
Riley, John 26, 5-6 Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
Roberts, Joseph 30, 5-4 Skener. Ireland, Augusta.
Smith, Levi 16, 5-G Planter, Virginia, Augusta.
Smith, John 30, 5-1% Farmer, Ireland, Augusta.
Swiney, Terence 40, 5-5 Indn-trader, Ireland, Augusta.
Tate, David 40, 5-8 Indn-trader, Ireland, Augusta.
Williams, Joseph 21, 5-7 Planter, England, Augusta.

Capt. Waggener's Company at Ft. Holland on Ye South Branch.

Name Age Size Trade Country Where Enlisted.
McDoel, Samuel 20, 5-8 Shoemaker. Ireland. Augusta.

Capt. J. Lewis, 7th Company Virginia Regiment.

Duvret, Covev 28, 5-4½ Seaman, England, Augusta.

Capt. Henry Woodward's Company, Sept. 21, 1757

Name, Age, Size, Trade, Country, Where Enlisted
Campbell, George 25, 5-75 Blacksmith. Ireland, Augusta.
Fields, Henry 22, 5-3 Butcher, Ireland, Augusta.
Fendley, Briant 28, 5-5 Glassmaker. England, Augusta.
Guptor, William 28, 5-1¾ Cordwainer, Ireland, Augusta.
Sinks, Jacob 31, 5-5 Carpenter, Low Dutch, Augusta.
Shaw, Abr., Drummer 44, 5-8 Planter, England, Augusta.

The Preston Register

"A register of the persons who have been either killed, wounded or taken prisoner by the enemy, in Augusta County, as also such as have made their escape.

Compilers Note. I have thought best to economize in space by grouping the names according to locality. The original reading of this register may be seen in Waddell's Annals, and in the Virginia Historical Magazine for April. 1895. When not otherwise designated, it is to he understood ''killed."

Monongalia River, 1754

Robt. Foyles, his wife and five children.

Holston River, 1754, October

Steven Lyon
John Goldman,
Benjamin Harrison
____Burk, prisoner, escaped
1755, May 3, 1755
Mary Baker, wounded
June 18, 1755
Sam'l Stalnaker, prisoner, escaped
Samuel Hydon, prisoner
Adam Stalnaker
Mrs. Stalnaker, a servant man
Mathias Connie, 6-19
Michael Honck

New River 1755, July 3

James McFarland
John Bingeman
Mrs. Bingeman
Adam Bingeman
John Cook
Henry Lin, a young child
Nathaniel Welshire, wounded
Dutch Jacob, wounded
Frederick Stern, wounded
Mrs. Bingeman, Jr., wounded
Mrs. Davies, wounded
Dutch Jacob's wife, prisoner, escaped
Isaac Freeland, his wife and five children prisoners
Bridgeman's son and daughter and a stranger, prisoners

1755. July 30
Col. James Fatten
Caspa Barrier
Mrs. Draper and one child
James Cull, wounded
Mrs. English and her two children, prisoners, escaped
Mrs. Draper, Jr., prisoner
Henry Leonard, prisoner

1756, March
Vallentine Herman
Jacob Harman and one son
Andrew Moses

Reed Creek, 1755 July 12

Lieut. Wright and two soldiers.

1756, February __
Robt, Looney and a Dutchman.
1756. March __
John Lee
Michael Motes
Patrick Smith
Moses Man, prisoner

Greenbrier, 1755, Aug. 12

Henry Boughman
John Consi and his father-in-law
Walter Fishpough
George White
Mrs. Consler
Old Christopher, an old man, his wife and a school-master.

John Thomas
Corporal Bennet
Mrs. Fishpough and 5 children, prisoners
Consler's daughter and Mrs. Ineny, prisoners.

Fort Vause, 1755, Aug. 12

Morris Griffith, prisoner escaped
1756, June 25
Capt. John Smith, prisoner, returned
Peter Looney, prisoner, escaped
Wm. Bratton, prisoner, returned
Joseph Smith and Wm. Pepper, prisoners
Mrs. Vause and two daughters
a Negro and two young Indians, and a servant man, prisoners
Ivan Medley and two daughters, prisoners
James Bell
Christopher Hicks
_____ Cole, prisoner
_____ Graham

1765, June 25
Benj. Daries, Mrs. Mary English, prisoners,
William, Thomas and Saml. Robinson, wounded.
Lieut. John Smith, John Tracy, John English, killed.

Sept. 12. 13, 14
John Robinson killed,
John Walker, prisoner.

Jackson's River

1756, Sept. 11, 12, 13, 14
Ensign Madison
Nicholas Carpenter
Steven Sorrel
James Mais
James Montgomery
Nicholas Nut
John Bird
George Kinkead
_____ Fry
Mrs. Boyl, three children named Parsinger, killed

Joseph Swabs
_____ Willson, wounded
five children of Chas. Boyd
Mrs. Bird and six children
Mrs. Kinkead and three children
Mrs. Parsinger and two children
five children called Carpenter
Saml. Brown, a boy
_____ Snobs, a boy, prisoners
David Galloway, prisoner escaped
Mrs. McConnel, prisoner escaped
Joseph Carpenter, prisoner escaped

1757, May 14
And. Arnold
Henry Lawless, killed

1757, July
Mark Taller, killed
A servant man, prisoner
James Alien.
_____ Swabs, wounded.

1758, May 25
Moses Moore, prisoner

Forks of James River, 1757, July 25

Robert Reniek
Thos, Moon, killed
Mrs. Reniek and seven children
Mrs. Denis, prisoners

Craig's Creek. 1757, March

Win. Bradshaw and son prisoners
July 25
John Crawford, Jr., killed
Jno. Alex. Crawford, wounded

Fort Dinwiddie 1757, Sept _

Serj. Henry, killed
1758, Jan. _
Wm. Ward, a boy, killed


1757. Sept. -
James Stuart, killed.
James Stuart, Jr.,
James McClung and two children named Cantrell, prisoners.

1758, April 24
John McCreary.
Wm. McCreary, prisoners


1757. Oct.-
Tames McFerrin, killed,
Wm. McFerrin, prisoner.
1758, March 20
_____ Snodgrass, a girl, prisoner.

Brock's Gap

1757. Nov. 3
Three Dutch people, one killed, two prisoners
John States, killed
Abm. Merchant, killed

1758, March 19
Wm. Clepole, killed

Roanoke, 1758, Jan

A soldier of Capt. Woodward and a servant of Bryan's killed.

March 20
James Gatline, killed.
Joseph Love, killed.
Wm. Love, killed.
A servant maid and a child prisoners

South Branch, 1757, Feb. __

Jacob Peters lost six children prisoners, one escaped
May 16.
George Neese and two sons prisoners
Henry Lawrence
_____ Sudie, Michael Freeze and wife, killed.

1758, March 19
Peter Moser, killed.
Nicholas Frank, killed.
John Coowod, killed.
George Moses, wounded
Adam Harper, wounded
John Cunningham and two others (names forgotten) prisoners

South Branch, 1758, April 24

Capt. James Dunlap, killed
John Hutchinson, killed
Thomas Caddon, killed
Henry McCallam, killed
John Wright, killed
Thomas Smith, killed
Robert McNully, killed
Wm. Elliott, killed.

April 27
Mrs. Elliott, killed
Ludwick Falek and wife, killed
Adam Little killed
_____ Brock, killed
John Ramsey, killed
Win. Burk, killed
_____ Roeney, killed
Win. Woods, killed
John McCulley, killed
Thomas Searl, killed
James Gill, killed
John Guy and a stranger, killed.

April 28
Capt. Sylest and 16 persons not known, on South Fork, prisoners.
April 24
Persons at same place missing, South Fork prisoners.

West Virginia AHGP

Source: West Virginia Historical Magazine Quarterly, Charleston, West Virginia, April 1903.


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