Frederick County West Virginia Voters, 1758

The next list of importance that we have, is the list of voters in Frederick County. Washington was in this county after the defeat of Braddock in 1755, constructing Fort London, in Winchester, and remained there for some time. He was a candidate for the House of Burgesses, in this county three times, in the years 1757, 1758 and 1761. In the year 1757 the vote stood:

For West, 271.
For Swearengin. 270.
For Washington, 40. In the year 1758, the vote was.

For Washington. 310.
For Martin, 240.
For West, 149.
For Swearingin, 45.

In the year 1761 the vote was as follows:
For Washington. 505.
For Mercer, 399.
Tor Stephens, 294.

We have a list of the voters for the year 1758. Each voter had a right to vote for two men, and those two that received the largest vote, were elected. It is said that in 1757, when Washington was defeated that he took no trouble or expense to obtain votes, but stood on his dignity, relying on his merit, and that he was not elected, but in the subsequent years, he added to his merit. He accustomed habit of "treating" and that his receipt for a full barrel of whiskey is extant. The list of voters, contained 443 names, and of course, at that time, they were all freeholders. Some voted for two of the candidates, but many were satisfied with voting but for one. The first 310 names are those that voted for Washington. The vote of Frederick County Virginia, taken July 24, 1758.

Robert Ashby
Thos. Ashby
Robt. Allen
John Ashby
Stephen Ashby
Rev. John Alderson
John Allan
John Arnold
James Burn.
Dennis Bon
Christopher Beilee
Andrew Blackburn
James Ballenqu
Jacob Barnes
Jno. Bombgardner
Sam'l Blackburn
Thos. Bobb
Charles Baker
Sam'l Beam
Reynold Baldwin
Ric'd Barbee
John Blair
Jacob Bowman
Geo. Bower
Henry Bibor
Marlen Black
Philip Bobb
James Burns
William Baldwin
Joseph Burdon
James Blair
Henry Brinker
Chas. Barnes
James Barrett
Jno. Briscoe
Thos. Bobb (son of Phil)
Geo. Bruce
Henry Bowen
Thos. Bobb Jr.
Peter Bobb
Joseph Bobb
Bryan Bruin
John Buckley
Jacob Barrett
Joshua Baker
Col. John Carlyle
Doctor James Waik
Wm. Cochran
And'w Calvin
Marlen Cryler
Simon Carson
Christian Clark
David Chester
Jacob Cochener
Thos. Chester
John Cook
Henry Cloud
Nath'l Carr
Mathew Coleman
Edward Corder
Wm. Cramley
Robt. Cunningham
John Cromley
Joseph Calvin
Jacob Cowper
Thos. Carney
Wm. Cox
Valentine Crawford
John Colston
Thos. Cooper
Jno. Chinowith
Jas. Catrer Jr.
Edw. Cartmell
Wm. Carrell
James Catlet
Fred'k Conrad
Nath'l Cartmell
Joseph Combs
Wm. Chambers
Chas. Dick
John Dyer
Edward Dodd
David Dedrick
Wm. Doil
Thos. Doster
Jno. Don
Patrick Duncan
Isaac Evans
Wm. Evans
Joseph Edwards. Jr.
Wm. Ewings
Thomas Lord Fairfax
Paul Froman
Rich'd Foley
Abraham Fry
Jacob Fry
Joseph Fry
Bern. Fry
Henry Funk
Martin Funk
Joseph Eossett
Samuel Fry
Joseph Funk
John Funkhauser
Rich'd Fossett
Wm. Frost
Mathias Funk
Geo. Farrar
Isaac Foster
Col. Geo. Wm. Fairfax
John Fossett
Capt. John Funk
John Glenn
David Glass
James Grinnan
Wm. Glorer
Wm. Gaddis
Jos. Glass
Robert Glass
John Grinnan
Christ'r Grable
Philip Glass
Adam Hunter.
Noah Hampton
John Harbinger
Rev. John Hoge
Geo. Hardin
John Honsman
James Hoge Jr.
Henry Heth
Geo. Henry
Nich's Hanshaw
Thos. Hart
Robert Harper
Geo. Huddle
Muette Handly
John Harrom
John Hope
Jacob Hite
Col. John Hite
Isaac Hite
Peter Jordan
Aaron Jenkins
Daniel Johnston
Robt. Johnston
Gent. Stephen Johnston
Joseph Jones
John Jones
Wm. Jalleffre Jr.
Gabriel Jones
Gent. Geo. Keller
James Knight
Fielding Lewis Esq.
Thos. Lemon.
Joseph Lupton
Wm. Lupton
Edward Lucas
Samuel Littlu
James Loyd
And'w Longaai
Joseph Langdon
Geo. Mich. Lonenger
Francis Lilburn
Geo. Lochmiller
Isaac Laren
Robt. Lemon
Rev. Wm. Meldram
Win. McGee
David Miller
Robt. Marney
Jos. McDonnell
David Morgan
Wm. McMahan
Rich'd McMahan
John Milburn
James McGill
Robert McCoy
Jacob Morgan
Laughlen Maddin
Jos. McCormick
John Maddin
James McCormick
John McCormick
Henry Moore
Gent. Robt. Milburn
Darby McCarty
W. M. Monger
Wm. Miller
Thos. Mason
Darby Murphy
Pat. McDaniel
Lewis Moore
Geo. Nevil
Sam'l Odle
Isaac Perkins
Michael Poker
Thos. Wilson
Win. Patterson
Geo. Paul
Chas. Perkins
Lawrence Pence
Wm. Pickering
Jesse Pugh
Thos. Postdate
Josiah Pemberton
Joseph Parrell
Jno. Parrell
Peter Perry
Philip Poker
Thos. Perry
Azariah Pugh
Jonathan Perkins
Win. Russell
Jno. Road
Capt. Robt. Rutherford
Thos. Reece
Jacob Reece
Henry Rinker
Geo. Ross
Patrick Rice
Edward Rice
Geo. Rice.
Wm. Reynolds
Isaac Reddell
Henry Reece
Wm. Roberts
Wm. Roberts. Jr.
Jno. Reed
Ulrich Rubble
Cornelius Ruddell
Lt. Charles Smith
John Smith
Peter Stephens
Jno. Snap
Jno. Snap Jr.
Daniel Storer
Henry Stpheny
Jacob Stricklen
Benj. Stricklen
David Snodgrass
Jno. Snodgrass
Sam'l Smalsolfu
Nich's Schracks
Ulrich Stoner
Robt. Stewart
Jacob Sowers
John Seamen
Jno. Strickly
Jno. Serrall
Jacob Sebert
Joseph Strickler
David Shepperd
Jno. Small
Thos. Shepperd
Lewis Stephens
Jacob Stover
Dennis Springer
Rich'd Stephenson
Edw. Snickey
Law. Snap
Robt. Stewart
Daniel Stephens
John Wilkinson
Robt. Wathington
Ralp Withers
Jno. Wilson
Jno. Wright
Wm. White
John Voting
John Anderson
Josiah Ballenger
Robt. Buckles
Thos. Cordooy
Geo. Hampton
Simeon Hyatt
Jos. Horner
Jonas Pledge
John House
Sam'l Isaacs
John Keywood
James Lindsay
Thos. London
Edmund Lindsay
John Mengenhall
Morgan Morgan Jr.
Jacob Moon.
Samuel Pearson
Job Pugh
Geo. Pemberton
Thos. Sheake
John Stroud
Joseph Thompson
Evans Thomas
Samuel Taylor
Anthony Turner
Anthony Turner Jr.
Edw. Thomas.
Owen Thomas
John Taylor
Magnus Tate
Nich's Urinceller
John Vestal
Jacob Van Metre
Henry Van Metre
Col. James Wood
Alex. Woodrow
Gent. Jas. Wright
Joseph Wilkinson
John Stroud
Alex. Vance
John Van Meter
Abram Van Meter
William Wilson
John Armstrong
Tobras Benk
John Bentley
John Burden
Geo. Bowman
Samuel Baldwin
Benj. Blackburn
John Becket
John Baylis
Chas. Buck.
Jas. Sarter
Wm. Chaplin
Thos. Catron
Thos. Caisson
James Cromley
Wm. Calmes
Wm. Duckworth
Henry Easton
Thos. Ellis
John Eire
Martin Punk.
Edw. Griffith
Jacob Gibson
Stephen Hotzenbell
Robt. Halfpenny
Godfrey Humbert
Thos. Hampton
Robt. Haines
James Ploge
Thos. Helms
John Lemon
Nich. Lemon
John Leith
Henry Loyd
John Lindsay
Robert McCoy
Richard Mercer
Mayberry Maddin
Col. Win. Morgan
Richard Morgan
Jacob Miller
Edw. Mercer Jr.
Jno. Nisoranger
Alex. Ogleby
John Painter
Robert Pearis
Thomas Pugh
Samuel Pritchard
Joseph Roberts
Edw. Rogers
Geo. Strode
Lawrence Stephens
Thos. Sharp
Jere Smith
Peter Stover
Wm. Stephenson
Geo. Stein.
Jno. Thomas
Ellis Thomas
Harrison Taylor
Zebulon Tharpe
Simon Taylor
James Vance
Samuel Vance
And. Vance
John Vance
John F. Vaniagaon
David Vance
Joseph Vance
Wm. Vance
Peter Woolf
Isaac White
Geo. Whitzel
Robert Wilson
Geo. Wright
Jacob Wright
David Wright
Chris. Wendall
James Wilson
Robert Wilson Jr.
Wm. Helms order of Congress to be kept wherever they sit and the other by Richard Hyland.

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