Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Navy Lost Lives During the World War ~ April 6, 1917 ~ November 11, 1918

The Bureau of Navigation, in publishing this list of those who died in the Naval Service during the World War, desires to take advantage of the occasion and to express its high appreciation of the patriotism, devotion, and loyalty of those citizens of the country who have willingly given their lives to its service.

To the bereaved ones it wishes to express its deepest sympathy in the losses they have sustained and to offer them the comforting thought that the departed ones have died nobly, and their memories will ever be held in sacred esteem by their surviving comrades and by all citizens who appreciate the services rendered by those who have served in their country's defense.

Thos. Washington,
Chief of the Bureau of Navigation.
Washington, D. C,
March 11, 1920

Officers, Regular and Reserve

A B C D E F G H I J K L Mc M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Enlisted Men

Surname Abbate to Albert
Surname Adler to Andama
Surname Anderson to Angle
Surname Anglovic to Ayeks

 Surname Babb to Baldwin
Surname Baldy to Barry
Surname Barssock to Bean
Surname Beanlac to Belyeu
Surname Bender to Biddle
Surname Bidstrup to Bloedel
Surname Bloodgood to Bowar
Surname Braunworth to Brister
Surname Bristow to Brunell
Surname Brunkhardt to Burris
Surname Burrow to Byxbee

Surname Cads to Cantlion
Surname Cantrell to Carroll
Surname Carrothers to Chamberlain
Surname Chambers, to Clare
Surname Clarey to Coger
Surname Coghlan to Connolly
Surname Connolly to Costello
Surname Costigan to Crane
Surname Craven to Crowley
Surname Crudo to Cutting

Surname D'Abreu to Davies
Surname Davis to De Long
Surname De los Santos to Dixon
Surname Dize to Downing
Surname Doxtater to Dunn
Surname Dunning to Dyke

Surname Eades to Elliott
Surname Ellis to Estep
Surname Estes to Ezell

Surname Faas to Ferguson
Surname Fernandz to Fitzsimmons
Surname Flaherty to Foreman
Surname Forrest to French
Surname Fretter to Furrer

Surname Gadberry to Gates
Surname Gato to Gill
Surname Gillan to Goldstine
Surname Goldstoff to Grahs
Surname Grainger to Griswold
Surname Grizzell to Gwin

Surname Haarhaus to Halverson
Surname Halvekstadt to Harbaum
Surname Harbert to Hart
Surname Hartle to Heath
Surname Heckel to Herbert
Surname Herdman to Hill
Surname Hiller to Holland
 Surname Hollear to House
Surname Houser to Hyre

Surname Ide to Iverson

Surname Jack to Jobes
Surname John to Jonasson
Surname Jones to Justesen

Surname Kaaukea to Keller
Surname Kelley to Kilroy
Surname Kimball to Kline
Surname Klink to Kreiling
Surname Kreitzer to Kynock

Surname Laaukea to Lantz
Surname LaPointe to Leamon
Surname Leary to Ley
Surname Licht to Lorans
Surname Lord to Lyons

Surname McAdams to McDaniel
Surname McDonald to McKelvey
Surname McKenna to McWilliams

Surname MacDonald to Malnory
Surname Malone to Martin
Surname Martine to Medicis
Surname Medioldia to Mikesell
Surname Milam to Miller
Surname Milligan to Moores
Surname Moorhead to Mueller
Surname Mueller to Mytro

Surname Nachtmann to Nichols
Surname Nicholson to Nyros

Surname Oak to Ondock
Surname O'Neil to Oxford

Surname Pacaud to Paytal
Surname Peace to Person
Surname Personett to Pickett
Surname Pickle to Porter
Surname Portner to Putnam

Surname Queeney to Quota

Surname Raasch to Reardon
Surname Reburn, to Reynolds
Surname Rhea to Riznick
Surname Roach to Roman
Surname Romanitch to Runyan
Surname Rupp to Ryrie

Surname Sabol to Schaubel
Surname Scheidt to Schweitzer
Surname Scisinger to Shanley
Surname Shannon to Shooter
Surname Shrimpton to Sleeper
Surname Slocum to Smith, Lane
Surname Smith, Marion to South
Surname Southern to Steiner
Surname Steinhilbe to Stinchcombe
Surname St. Marie to Sullivan
Surname Sunderland to Szyrowinski

Surname Taber to Terwilliger
Surname Tessein to Tighe
Surname Tilden to Trautman
Surname Travers to Tyrrell

Surname Udstuen to Utterback

Surname Vail to Von Schrader

Surname Wachalac to Walsh
Surname Walstead to Weaver
Surname Webb to Welsh
Surname Welty to Whitmyer
Surname Whitney to Williams
Surname Williamson to Winne
Surname Winningham to Woodworth
Surname Woody to Wymore

Surname Yanacek to Youree

Surname Zabel, to Zwieseland

Navy Enlisted Men Not In Active Service


Source: Officers and Enlisted Men of the United States Navy who Lost their Lives During the World War, from April 6, 1917 to November 11, 1918, Washington Government Printing Office, 1920.



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