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Women of the New South
In her delightful "Reminiscences of
a Long Life" Mrs. Sarah Pryor quotes a letter written by
her husband, ex-judge Roger A. Pryor, in which occurred the
following words: "When I renewed my oath of allegiance to the
Union I did so in good faith and without reservation. But as I
understand that oath it not only restrains me from acts of
positive hostility to the government but pledges me to do my
utmost for its welfare and stability. And, while I am more
immediately concerned to see the South restored to its former
prosperity I am anxious that the whole country may be reunited
on the best of common interest and fraternal regard. And this
object, it appears to me, can only be obtained by conceding to
all classes the unrestricted rights guaranteed them by the laws
and by obliterating as speedily and as entirely as possible the
distinctions which have separated the North and South into
hostile sections."
This letter was written from New York in
1867, and, of course, the rule of conduct outlined in the words
here quoted was more difficult to follow when he declared them
than it has been in later years. In general, however, it has
been followed by all who served the Confederacy in high military
and civic station.
And with the women no less than with the
men the necessity of accepting the situation and of adjusting
themselves to the new conditions made a powerful appeal. This
was true of the women and the men who remained in the South, as
well as those who immediately after the war sought the larger
opportunity for a betterment of fortune which the wealthy and
growing North and West offered.
The latter found means of helping the
South of which at the outset they did not dream. In the book
just named Mrs. Pryor mentions many instances of this sort in
her own experience. From her wealthy New York neighbors she
brought aid to many poor people, formerly of high position in
the South, whom she met in that city. She served on committees
which gave entertainments in New York for the endowment of
scholarships in Washington and Lee University in Virginia; for
the relief of yellow fever sufferers in Florida and Alabama; and
for succor to the survivors of the tidal wave which destroyed
Galveston in 1900. But she did not find time to tell about any
of this work in books until within the past few years.
The Southern states have produced and
are producing many prominent women in all the great fields of
activity. They have won a wide reputation for hard,
conscientious, intelligent work. In the social scheme of the New
South there are no Amelia Sedleys or Dora Spenlows. A great many
of them have made their mark national and, some of them,
international in literature. Their names, Mrs. Collier Willcox,
Mrs. Dolly Williams Kirk, Mrs. Kate Slaughter McKinney, Miss
Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Abby Meguire Roach, Mrs. Emma Bell Miles,
Miss Maia Pettus, Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull, Mrs. Mary Ware, Miss
Lafayette McLaws, Mrs. Ellen Chapeau, Mrs. Carolina Smith
Mahoney and Miss Ella Howard Bryan and many others, confront us
in the table of contents of the best magazines.
A large number of the writers of the
most popular novels of recent times are Southern women. Among
these are Miss Ellen Glasgow, Mrs. Amelia Rives Troubetzkoy,
author of "The Quick and the Dead" and many other books
which have a wide circulation; Mrs. Alice Hegan Rice, well known
as the writer of "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," "Lovey
Mary" and many other tales; Mrs. Grace McGowan Cooke, Miss
Margaret Prescott Montague, Mrs. Mary Finley Leonard, Mrs. Annie
Booth McKinney, Miss Abbie Carter Goodloe, Mrs. George Madden
Martin, and Mrs. Danske Dandridge. Mary Murfree who, under the
pen-name of "Charles Egbert Craddock," has made every square
mile of the mountains in her native Tennessee classic ground to
writers of fiction of the higher order; Frances Courtney Baylor
has done a similar service for the Blue Ridge and for many of
the streams which have their sources in that range.
Mrs. Howard Weedon, member of a family
of slaveholders for several generations, in addition to her
tales and poems on Southern subjects, is a painter of Negroes,
whose work has attracted wide attention.
Mrs. Lucy Meachem Thurston has given us vivid glimpses of
Virginia and other parts of the South Atlantic Seaboard. As an
illustrator of her own and other novels, poems and sketches,
Mrs. Louise Clarkson Whitelock is well known to a large circle
of readers. The great-granddaughters of General Isaac Shelby,
the first Governor of Kentucky; Miss Eleanor Talbot Kinkead and
Miss Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead are novelists and scholars of
reputation, the latter also a lecturer on English literature.
In other branches of literature Southern
women are also actively at work. A very good illustrator of that
section's readiness and skill with the pen is given by Miss
Mildred Lewis Rutherford in "The South in History and
Literature," recently published. Miss Rutherford herself is an
educator and a writer of educational works. Miss Grace Elizabeth
King in her novels has written entertainingly of De Soto, Jean
Baptiste Le Moine, founder of New Orleans, and other prominent
characters in Southern history. Interesting lives of George
Mason and Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, have been written by
Miss Kate Mason Rowland. Miss Emily Virginia Mason (recently
deceased) sister of John Thomas Mason, first Governor of
Michigan, was the author of "Robert E. Lee," and wrote
reminiscences of men and things in her native South. Miss Annie
Maria Barnes is a well-known writer of histories and
biographies, besides being a journalist and active religious
In the intervals between her novels and
plays Miss Sarah Barnwell Elliott has found time to write an
occasional biography.
To the role of active women journalists
the South has made many very creditable contributions. Among
them are Miss Martha W. Austin, of New Orleans; Mrs. Sarah
Beaumont Kennedy, of Memphis, widow of the late editor of the "Commercial
Appeal" of that city; Miss Cally Ryland, of Richmond; Mrs.
Annie Kendrick Walker, of Birmingham, Alabama; Mrs. Evelyn Scott
Snead Barnett, of Louisville, and Mrs. Helen Pitkin Schertz, of
New Orleans. All of these are also workers in other fields, and
are prominent in the social life of their respective
communities. Mrs. Mary Edwards Bryan, of Atlanta, who has been
on the editorial staff of several journals and magazines of the
North and South, is a prolific writer for the leading magazines
and the author of many novels, and is a member of several clubs
in New York and in the South.
In Marion Harland's "Autobiography"
published in 1910, occurred these words, "The idea of reviewing
my life upon paper first came to me with the consciousness,
which was almost a shock, that of all the authors still on
active professional duty in our country I am the only one whose
memory runs back to the stage of our national history which
preceded the Civil War by a quarter century. I alone am left to
tell of my own knowledge and experience when the old South was
in debt and in trouble."
But Mrs. Terhune, who was born in
Virginia in 1831, must have had a slight lapse of memory when
she was penning these words, for Mrs. Pryor, who was born in
Virginia in 1830, as already cited in this article, is a living
writer, and Mrs. Ruth McEnery Stuart, novelist and clubwoman,
who was born in Louisiana long before the Civil War, and who, as
the widow of a cotton planter, remembers the old South, and
though she has resided in New York in recent years, has been a
factor of some influence in the building of the new South. Mrs.
Virginia Carolina Clay Clopton, born in North Carolina in 1825,
widow of Clement Claiborne Clay, of Alabama, and author of "Memories
of Mrs. Clay, of Alabama," or "A Belle of the Fifties,"
is also still living. Mrs. Myrta Lockett Avary, who resided in
Atlanta and who has been actively identified with settlement and
charity work for many years, and has been contributor to many
magazines and newspapers, and who knows a little of the old
South from recollections, is the author of "A Virginia Girl
in the Civil War" and "Dixie After the War," and
has edited "A Diary from Dixie" and "Letters and
Recollections of Alexander H. Stevens." The daughter of
Louis T. Wigfall, of Texas, a senator of the United States and
of the Confederacy, wrote a book a few years ago entitled "A
Southern Girl in '61," which was widely read. This is Mrs.
Louise Sophie Wigfall Wright, and she resides in Baltimore. Mrs.
Mary Anna Jackson, widow of "Stonewall" Jackson, the
distinguished Confederate general author of the "Memoirs"
of her husband, was living in Charlotte, North Carolina, until
recently. She, too, like all the other ladies mentioned here,
has been prominent in the progressive movements along all lines
in the New South. In active educational work, in an executive
capacity and as teachers many Southern women are conspicuous.
Miss Julia S. Tutwiler, the president of the Alabama Normal
College, at Livingston, was also an active worker in prison
reform. Mainly through her efforts the University of Alabama has
been opened to the girls of that state. She is author also of
many songs used in Alabama's public schools. Mrs. Elizabeth
Buford, of Nashville, Tennessee, is the founder and regent of
the Buford College, of that city, and has been connected with
other educational institutions of the South. Mrs. Kate Waller
Barrett, of Alexandria, Virginia, is a well-known sociologist,
and is president of the Florence Crittenden Mission, in
Washington, D. C. Miss Mary Kendrick is at the head of the
faculty of Sweet Briar College, in the Virginia town of that
name. At Herndon, in that same state. Miss Virginia Castleman is
in charge of the music department of the Herndon Seminary, and
is the author of many excellent works for young people. The
librarian of the Carnegie Library in Nashville, Tennessee, is
Miss Mary Hannah Johnson, who has also organized other libraries
in the South. Among others in the long list of educators in many
fields are Miss Margaret Warner Morley, of Tryon, North
Carolina; Miss Florence Rena Sabin and Miss Lida Le Tall, of
Baltimore; Miss Myra Geraldine Gross, of Emmitsburg, Maryland;
Miss Frances Ninno Green and Miss Eliza Frances Ambrose, of
Montgomery, Alabama.
In the agricultural field women rarely
distinguish themselves. Mrs. Virginia Anne King, however, of
Greenville, Texas, has one of the largest stock farms in the
world, extending into two or three of the counties of large area
of that state, and comprises many ranges and farms, some of them
under a high state of cultivation. She has to have many men in
her employ. Her name seldom appears in the newspapers, but she
is recognized as an important factor in the development of her
state and of the Southwest.
Through the "Daughters of the
Confederacy" and other orders of this class the women
of the South have been doing much for the upbuilding of their
localities. In the many national organizations like the "Daughters
of the American Revolution" and its twin, the "Colonial
Dames," "Daughters of Signers of the
Declaration" and many religious and temperance
societies of the Southern members have associated themselves
with those of the whole country, and have contributed toward
making the South better appreciated in the North, and thus
minimized sectional passions and tragedies. A strong venture in
the same direction is the "Mount Vernon Association,"
which was founded in 1856, and which, necessarily, includes
Southern and Northern women.
Among the Southern women who have been
conspicuous in these orders are: Miss Amelia Cunningham, of
South Carolina; Mrs. Lizzie Henderson, of Greenwood,
Mississippi; Mrs. Annie Booth McKinney, of Knoxville, Tennessee;
Mrs. Roger Pryor, already mentioned, Mrs. Lawson Peel, of
Atlanta; Mrs. Rebecca Calhoun Pickens Bacon, of Charleston; Mrs.
Cornelia Branch Stone, of Galveston; Mrs. Andrew W. Dowdell, of
Opelika, Alabama; Mrs. George H. Wilson, of Louisville, and Mrs.
R. C. Cooley, of Jacksonville, Florida. In the work of reunion
Mrs. Virginia Frazer Boyle, of Memphis, novelist, poet and
club-woman, has written "Odes of Jefferson Davis and Abraham
Says Mrs. Myrta Lockett Avary, "True to
her past, the South is not living in it. A wonderful future is
before her. She is richer than the whole United States at the
beginning of the War of Secession. She is the land of balm and
bloom and bird songs, of the hand and the open door." In the
aggregation of this spirit of hopefulness, courage and
progressiveness of the New South the women have indeed been a
powerful influence.
Sarah C Acheson
Mrs. Sarah C. Acheson, public-spirited
woman of Texas, should be remembered as gratefully by that state
as are her ancestors by the nation at large. She was descended
on the paternal side from English and Dutch families, who
settled in Virginia, 1600, and on the maternal side from Colonel
George Morgan, who had charge of Indian affairs under Washington
with headquarters at Fort Pitt and of whom Jefferson in a letter
still in possession of the family says, "He first gave me notice
of the mad project of that day" meaning the Aaron Burr treason.
Among Mrs. Acheson's ancestors should be mentioned Colonel
William Duane, of Philadelphia, editor of the Philadelphia
"Aurora" during the Revolution. Mrs. Acheson's girlhood was
spent in Washington, Pennsylvania, where she was born February
20, 1844. And there, in 1863, she was married to Captain
Acheson, then on General Myer's staff, the marriage taking place
when the captain was on furlough with a gunshot wound in the
face. He left for the front ten days after, encouraged by his
young wife. Doctor and Mrs. Acheson moved to Texas in 1872, and
during their residence there Mrs. Acheson has been a moral
force, her influence being strongly felt, not only in the city
where she resides, but throughout the state. Texas with all the
blows which have come to its welfare is a place to bring out
heroic deed. Mrs. Acheson has displayed spirit of a kind that
the world seldom sees. When a cyclone struck the village of
Savoy many of its inhabitants were badly wounded, some were
killed, others made homeless. But Mrs. Acheson reached them as
speedily as train could take her and she acted as nurse and as
special provider for the suffering. She gave three years of
active service to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and
she was state president at a time when a strong leader was
greatly needed to guide their bark into a haven of financial
safety. The world's progress in social, scientific and religious
reform is not only an open but a well-read book to her, and in
the evening of her long active life she has become an ardent
worker for woman's suffrage.
Mary B. Poppenheim
Miss Mary B. Poppenheim was born in
Charleston, South Carolina, of South Carolina ancestry for six
generations on both sides, her forebears having migrated to
South Carolina from Bavaria and Ireland prior to the American
She was graduated from Vassar College
with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1888, holding the position
of vice-president of the entire student body and president of
the Art Club at the time of her graduation. Miss Poppenheim made
a special study of American History at Vassar College under the
direction of Professor Lucy Salmon. Miss Poppenheim organized
the Historical Department of the South Carolina Division of the
United Daughters of the Confederacy and was historian from 1899-
1905, resigning to become state president of the South Carolina
Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which
office she held from 1905- 1907 (limit of term). When historian
of the South Carolina Division of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy she was one of the compilers and editors of "South
Carolina Women in the Confederacy," 2 vols., published by the
South Carolina Division of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy in 1903 and 1907. Miss Poppenheim was historian of
the Charleston Chapter of the United Division of the Confederacy
for three years, and was also a member of the Historical
Committee of the United Daughters of the Confederacy for three
years. She is a charter member of the Vassar Alumnae Historical
Society and was one of the first five women to become members of
the South Carolina Historical Society, of which she has been a
member since 1899. Miss Poppenheim is chairman of the General
United Daughters of the Confederacy Education Committee
(organization representing 50,000 women) serving a third term,
and also chairman of the South Carolina Division of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy Committee, and member of the Board
of Directors of the Charleston Chapter of the United Daughters
of the Confederacy.
Miss Poppenheim is the literary editor
of 'The Keystone," the official organ of the club
women, and the Daughters of the Confederacy of Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi and Florida, which
position she has held since the establishment of "The
Keystone," June, 1899.
Miss Poppenheim organized the
Intercollegiate Club of South Carolina, 1899, and has been its
president ever since. She is a member of the Ladies' Benevolent
Society (organized 1813) and has been its recording secretary
since 1896.
A member of the Rebecca Motte Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution.
A charter member of the South Eastern Branch, Vassar Alumni
A charter member of the Vassar Alumnae Historical Society.
A charter member of the Century Club.
A charter member of the Civic Club.
A charter member of the South Carolina Audubon Society.
A charter member of the Young Women's Christian Association.
On the Board of the Ladies' Memorial Society and Woman's
She holds membership in all of these now. Miss Poppenheim was
chairman of the Literature Committee of the General Federation
of Women's Clubs 1906- 1908, and was in charge of the Literature
Session of the Boston Biennial.
Miss Poppenheim has written for various
magazines along historical lines and has traveled extensively in
Women of
Source: The Part Taken by Women in
American History, By Mrs. John A. Logan, Published by The Perry-Nalle
Publishing Company, Wilmington, Delaware, 1912.