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Monuments Erected to Women
Margaret Haugherty 1814 ~ 1882
Margaret Haugherty Monument, New Orleans
The first of these was Margaret Haugherty, the
baker-philanthropist, who left a fortune for the orphans of New
Orleans; the next was erected to the memory of a Chippewa Indian
woman in Chicago; the third was to the great temperance leader,
Frances E. Willard, which is in the capitol at Washington. The
next to be thus honored was a heroine of the Confederate army
during the war, Emma Sanson, of Gadsden, Alabama, and the last
was placed in the Capital Park, at Birmingham, in honor of the
memory of Mary A. Calahan, a school teacher.
Emma Sanson 1847 ~ 1900
Emma Sanson Monument, Gadsden, Alabama
Emma Sanson was the daughter of a poor white farmer, living a
few miles from Gadsden, in the northern part of Alabama. When
General Forrest was in pursuit of General Straight, of the Union
Army, in 1864, she piloted him through a pass in the mountains
so that he was able to over-take, surprise and capture Straight.
The legislature of Alabama voted her a pension for life, and the
legislature of Texas gave her a grant of land, while the people
of Gadsden and the survivors of Forrest's command erected a
monument in her honor. It is a marble figure of a country girl
pointing into the distance, and the inscription tells the story.
"I will show you the way."
Mary A. Calahan
Mary A. Calahan, Monument, Birmingham, Alabama
Mary A. Calahan was the principal of a public school, the Powell
school, at Birmingham, when a mere village. Many of the
prominent citizens of Birmingham were taught by this woman, and
she was the best known and most popular and influential woman in
that section of the state. She gave her life to education, and
had more to do with the molding of the character of the
prominent men of today in that part of Alabama than any other
agency; hence, when she died, a subscription was started and a
monument erected to her memory. It is a marble figure, seated
with a book in her hand, and it has been suggested that a
memorial library shall also be built to the memory of this
splendid woman who was so revered by her students.
Women of
Source: The Part Taken by Women in
American History, By Mrs. John A. Logan, Published by The Perry-Nalle
Publishing Company, Wilmington, Delaware, 1912.