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Anna (Symmes) Harrison 1775 ~ 1864
Anna Symmes Harrison
Anna Symmes Harrison, wife of William Henry Harrison, ninth
President of the United States, was born the 25th of July, 1775,
at Morristown, New Jersey, her mother dying soon after her
She was given into the care of her maternal grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Tuthill, at Southhold, Long Island, at the age of four
years. The British were then in possession of Long Island and,
notwithstanding her tender years, she realized the danger of the
journey. Her father, Hon. John Cleves Symmes, a colonel in the
Continental Army, assumed the disguise of a British officer's
uniform, that he might accomplish the perilous undertaking of
transferring his little daughter from Morristown, New Jersey, to
Southhold, Long Island.
He did not see her again until after the evacuation of New York,
in the fall of 1783. She had most excellent care by her worthy
grandparents, who did not neglect to give Anna religious
instruction in her earliest childhood. She was also taught that
industry, prudence and economy were Christian virtues. She was
educated in the school of Mrs. Isabelle Graham, of New York.
In 1794 she accompanied her father and stepmother to Ohio, where
her father had a small colony of settlers at North Bend, on the
Ohio River. Judge Symmes was appointed one of the associate
judges of the Supreme Court of the great northwestern territory.
His district was a very large one, and frequently while he was
attending the courts in his district. Anna visited her sister,
Mrs. Peyton Short, at Lexington, Kentucky. During one of these
visits she met Captain William Henry Harrison, the youngest son
of Benjamin Harrison, of Virginia, and later married him.
After his service in the army. General Harrison was appointed
the first governor of Indian Territory by President Adams, and
removed his family to the old French town of Vincennes, on the
Wabash, then the seat of government of the Indian Territory.
Here he and Mrs. Harrison and their family lived for many years.
Mrs. Harrison, through her courteous manners and liberal
hospitality as mistress of the Governor's Mansion, won for
herself a wide reputation. She resided in the Governor's Mansion
through the administration of Adams, Jefferson and Madison, till
1812, when, after the surrender of Hull, Harrison was appointed
to the command of the Northwestern army.
Mrs. Harrison remained in Vincennes during the absence of
General Harrison, when he commanded the army which fought the
battle of Prophets Town, Tippecanoe and other engagements. After
his victories General Harrison was appointed Major-General of
the forces in Kentucky, and removed his family to Cincinnati,
where Mrs. Harrison and her children remained while he conducted
his campaign against the hostile Indians. She arranged for the
education of her children by private tutors, and herself
conducted the entire rearing of her family, displaying the
greatest executive ability, loyalty and Christian fortitude,
bearing bravely bereavements that came to her through the death
of her children and other members of her family.
When, after his election to the Presidency, General Harrison
left his home to be in Washington for his inauguration, the 4th
of March, 1 841, he was unaccompanied by Mrs. Harrison, who was
in very delicate health and, through the advice of her
physician, did not accompany her husband to Washington.
Consequently, she never presided over the White House. One month
from the day of his inauguration President Harrison died of
pneumonia. Mrs. Harrison was in her home at North Bend, and was
overwhelmed for a time by this fearful blow. She rallied,
however, and lived for many years in the old home.
She eventually removed to that of her only surviving son, Hon.
J. Scott Harrison, five miles below North Bend, on the Ohio
River, where she resided until her death, the 25th of February,
1864, in the 89th year of her age. She lived to see many of her
grandsons officers and soldiers in the Union Army during the
Civil War and to predict the elevation of her grandson, Benjamin
H. Harrison, to the office of President of the United States,
which office had been filled by his grandfather, General William
Henry Harrison.
Women of
Source: The Part Taken by Women in
American History, By Mrs. John A. Logan, Published by The Perry-Nalle
Publishing Company, Wilmington, Delaware, 1912.