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Ann Elliott Morris 1762 ~ 1848


Ann Elliott, too, the wife of Lewis Morris, won her fame and gave inspiration through a mere incident in her life. She was one of the belles of Charleston, when that city was occupied by the British, and she always insisted upon wearing a bonnet decorated with thirteen small plumes in order to flaunt her devotion to the struggling colonies and for her patriotic spirit she was called "the beautiful rebel" At one time, while Colonel Morris, to whom she was then engaged, was on a visit to her, the attention of the family was drawn to the windows by an unusual noise and the perceived that the house was surrounded by the Black Dragoons, who had been informed of the young American's presence in the city.

The American officer had no time to escape but Ann Elliott went to one of the windows and calmly presenting herself to the view of the British Dragoons demanded what they wanted. "We want the rebel,'' was the reply. "Then go and look for him in the American Army," answered the young girl. "How dare you disturb a family under the protection of both armies?" Her firmness and resolution conquered the day, and the enemy, somewhat confused, departed without pressing their search.

Later in life, Mrs. Lewis Morris received the praise of a prominent American General, who said: ''She has ever been one of the most cheering examples of patriotic spirit; the influence of her active, courageous life has been felt deeply among the soldiers."

She died in New York on the 29th of April, 1848, at the age of eighty-six.

Women of America

Source: The Part Taken by Women in American History, By Mrs. John A. Logan, Published by The Perry-Nalle Publishing Company, Wilmington, Delaware, 1912.


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