Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Wisconsin Gazetteer ~ Appendix ~

Wisconsin Gazetteer, Containing the names, location, and advantages, of the Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, Post Offices, and Settlements, together with a description of the Lakes, Water Courses, Prairies, and Public Localities, in the State of Wisconsin. Alphabetically arranged.

Notice. Names and descriptions prepared too late for their proper place, will be found in the Appendix.

L, Lake Pr., Prairie
P.O. Post Office P. V. Post Village
R, River T, Town
V, Village
CH., Court House, or County Seat


Almond, Town, in county of Portage.

Ancient, P. O. in Dane County.

Argyle, P. O., in Lafayette County.

Argyle, Town, in Lafayette County.

Ashton, P. O., in Dane County.

Badger, P. O. 9 in Fond du Lac County.

Beaulieux, Rapids, are in the Wisconsin River, seven miles above the mouth of Pine River. See Jenny Bull Falls.

Belmont, Town, in Lafayette County.

Benton, P. O., in Lafayette County.

Berlin, P. V., is situated on sections 3 and 4, on the east side of Fox River, in town 17 ST., of range 13 E. It was laid out in 1849 by N. H. Strong, Esq., from whom it derived the name of Strong's Landing, by which it is sometimes called. It is a place of considerable business, has a good river trade, and is in the center of a large agricultural district. It has two newspapers, and various mercantile and mechanical establishments.

Benton, Town, in Lafayette County.

Big Foot Prairie, P. O., in town of Walworth, Walworth County.

Bristol, P. O., in town of same name, in the county of Kenosha.

Byron, P. O., in Fond du Lac County.

Centreville, Tawny in Manitowoc County.

Centre, Town, in Lafayette County.

Collins, P. O., in Manitowoc County.

Coon Prairie, P. O., in Crawford County.

Copper Rock, River, is a tributary from the west of Wisconsin River, which it enters, at Rock Island, 10 miles below Grand Father Bull Falls.

Cottage Inn, P. O., in Lafayette County, on stage route from Madison to Galena, 60 miles southwest from Madison.

Depere, Town, in Brown County.

Dunkirk, P. O., in Dane County.

Edson, Town, in Manitowoc County.

Elk Grove, P. O., in town of same name, Lafayette County.

Elk Grove, Town, in Lafayette County.

Eolla, P. O., in Dane county.

Fayette, Town, in Lafayette County.

Florence, P.O., in town of Portage Prairie, Columbia County, on section 6, town 12 N., of range 12 E., at head of Duck Creek.

Fond du Lac, City. This place was one of the earliest located towns in Wisconsin, a paper city, laid out and platted several years in advance of the progress of civilization. But the past ten years has wrought a change which few Western towns can rival. The city is located at the head of Lake Winnebago, on section 10, town 15, of range 17 E. The principal business portion is situated about three-quarters of a mile from the lake, on the Fond du Lac River, whose mouth forms a convenient port of entry for the steam boats and other water crafts which run between this place, Oshkosh, Wolf River, and Upper and Lower Fox Rivers. The river, at the upper part of the city and a short distance above, furnishes several very fair mill powers for the manufacture of lumber, flour, &c, and on which an oil mill is also being erected. The principal part of the city is built upon a level prairie on the east side of the river. On the west side was formerly a beautiful sugar maple grove, which affords one of the most inviting and pleasant retreats that could well be desired, and in which are erected a large number of private residences, which are destined to be the most desirable in the city. The place is backed up and sustained by one of the richest and most productive fanning counties in the State. One of the most inviting features of this place, is the pure water with which it is supplied, from the large number of never-failing fountains, or artesian wells, which brings the water to the surface of the earth, and yields a most bountiful supply of as pure water as can be found in the State, and to which may be attributed, in a great degree, the extensive healthfulness of the place. The streets are wide, the lots of convenient size, and laid out with much uniformity and taste, with several public squares, which, when properly improved, will add much to the beauty of the place. About 3 miles of double plank road has been constructed within the limits of the city. A large amount of money has also been expended in building side-walks throughout the entire city, which are mostly of plank, and of very convenient width. The present population of the city is estimated at about 4,000, and is rapidly increasing by the influx of business men and capitalists from the East. It was first incorporated as a village in 1847, and a city charter granted in the winter of 1852. There are in the city 9 hotels, 2 exchange or banking houses, 12 dry goods, 15 grocery and provision, 4 clothing, 4 wine and liquor, 8 boot and shoe, 2 hat and cap, 4 harness and leather, 3 stove and tin ware, and 1 iron and hardware stores; 2 jeweler, 5 cabinet, 5 blacksmith, 3 paint, 2 gun, 3 wagon, and 3 milliner shops; 4 warehouses, 4 lumber yards, 5 saloons, 3 livery stables, 6 bakeries, 1 foundry, 3 sash and blind factories, 4 meat markets; 1 cigar, 1 car, and 1 cradle manufactory; 1 book binder, 2 planing mills, 8 nursery establishments, 1 auction store, 2 daguerrean galleries, 3 printing offices, 16 law offices, 9 physicians and surgeons, 3 barber's shops. In addition to these, there are a large number of small establishments, where various kinds of business are carried on with great success. There are 7 religious denominations.

Francis Creek, P. O., in Manitowoc County.

Freedom, P. O., in Sauk County.

Georgetown, P. O., in Lafayette County.

Grand Father Bull, Falls, are the largest rapids on the Wisconsin River. The river at this place is divided into three chutes by two chains of rocks rising fifteen feet above the water.

Green Bat, Town in Brown County.

Hampden, P. O., in town of same name, in Columbia County.

Hartford, P. V., in Washington County.

Helena, P. V., see Helena Village.

Howard, Town, in Brown County.

Hortonville, P. O., in town of Hortonia, on Wolf River, in Outagamie County.

Jackson, County, was set off from La Crosse at the January session of the legislature in 1853, and includes all of said county of La Crosse, north of town 18. The seat of justice is at the village of Black River Falls, on Black River. In this county about 15,000,000 feet of pine lumber is sawed annually. For further particulars, see La Crosse County.

Janesville, City, is located on section 1, of town of same name, in Rock County. It is pleasantly situated on both sides of Rock River, 14 miles north of the State line, and about mid-way between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi river; 40 miles southeast of Madison, and 90 from Chicago, 111. It was organized into a city government in April, 1853. It is the county seat of Rock County, has two extensive water powers which are but partially developed, and is surrounded by a fertile and farming dairy country, with which it has an extensive trade. Its steady and rapid increase in population and wealth will appear from the following statistics: The first families settled upon the spot where the city now stands in the year 1836. A village was laid out in 1839. In 1843, the population was 333; in 1845, 857; in 1847, 1,458; in 1849, 1,812; in 1850, 3,100; in 1853, about 5,000. Bail roads from Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Chicago, Beloit, Dubuque, Madison, and Fond du Lac, are projected to this city; the first already completed, and the others are under contract to be finished in one or two years. There are 4 flouring mills, within the limits of the corporation, having 10 run of stones; 3 saw mills, 1 woolen factory, 1 mill for manufacturing water lime, and grinding coarse feed for cattle, swine, &c, to which is to be added an oil mill, two foundries, a mill for sawing stone and turning wood, with a large number of mechanic shops of all descriptions; 12 dry good, 17 grocery, 2 hardware, 2 book, 3 drug, several clothing, shoe and variety stores; 2 banks, (Badger State, and Central Wisconsin); 5 hotels, and a sixth being erected, of very large dimensions, on the ruins of one recently burnt down; 4 printing presses, 3 weekly and 1 monthly newspaper, and 1 book bindery. The State Institution for the Blind is located at Janesville, a portion of the buildings are completed in which several children are receiving instruction. Besides the public schools, Janesville has an academy and a female seminary, both excellent institutions; also 6 large churches erected, built of brick or stone.

Jenny Bull, Falls, (Beaulieux Rapids), on the Wisconsin River, are in town 31, of range 6. , At this place are 4 mills, cutting about 3,000,000 feet of lumber per year.

Kewaskum, P. O., in Washington County.

Kossuth, Town, in Manitowoc County.

Lawrence, Town, in Brown County.

Leroy, P. O., in Fond du Lac County.

Lisbon, P. O., in Waukesha County.

Little Chute, P. O., on Fox River, in Outagamie County.

Manitowoc Rapids, P. V., is situated at the Rapids of Manitowoc River, in Manitowoc County, 4 miles west from Lake Michigan. The river at this place furnishes a good hydraulic power, which is improved, and used for several manufacturing purposes.

Manitowoc Rapids, Town, in Manitowoc County.

Manitowoc, P. V., is beautifully situated at the mouth of the Manitowoc River, on Lake Michigan, 90 miles below Milwaukee. Its present population is about 2,000, and is rapidly increasing. Its harbor, the best natural one on the lake west, is being improved through an appropriation by Congress. The county seat of the county has been lately located here, and an appropriation made for the erection of county buildings. It has 1 pier, .4 warehouses, 12 stores, 2 steam saw mills, 6 blacksmith and wagon, 3 shoe, and 3 tailor's shops; 2 ship yards, at which ship building is carried on to considerable extent; 4 hotels, and 2 school houses; it has Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Methodist, and Catholic congregations, the first has built a fine church, and the others have arranged for suitable sites, and will soon erect churches. Large quantities of lumber, manufactured on the river above, are sold and shipped here every year, from which considerable revenue is derived yearly. As soon as the plank road, which is being built between this place and Menasha, is finished, Manitowoc will become the depot of considerable trade of the Fox River Valley, and a place of importance as a commercial point. The railroads projected from this place north and west, connecting with roads in the interior will undoubtedly be built.

Manitowoc, Town, in Manitowoc County.

Maple Grove, Town, in Manitowoc County.

Marcy, P. O., in Waukesha County.

Menasha, P. V., is situated at the outlet of Lake Winnebago, on the north side of the northern channel. It is now a place of some ten or twelve hundred inhabitants, and possesses all the advantages for a large town. Its hydraulic power is very great, and has been improved with great rapidity. There are now in operation upon it, 2 grist mills, 5 saw mills, 1 large tub and pail factory, which occupies a building 40 by 60 feet, and 3 stories high, 2 cabinet and chair manufactories, 2 sash and blind establishments, 1 large iron foundry, 1 brewery, and there is also an extensive pottery which turns out large quantities of the best kind of ware, pronounced, by those who are conversant with such matters, equal to the best Ohio stone ware and the clay of which it is made is found in the immediate vicinity in inexhaustible quantities. The place contains 4 taverns, and the usual number of shops and stores. Hon. Curtis Reed commenced the settlement of the place in July, 1849, and has since been the leading spirit of the place. A plank road connects this place with Appleton and Grand Kaukauna; and one is also in progress of construction to Manitowoc, on Lake Michigan, and will be completed during the present season. The State Improvement and U. S. Land Offices are located here; and ah appropriation of $5,000 has been made by Congress for the construction of a light house. A daily line of steam boats connect with Fond du Lac, and the Fox and Wolf rivers.

Meeme, Town, in Manitowoc County.

Menomonee Falls, P. O., in Waukesha County.

Mentor, P. O., in Sheboygan County.

Mentor, P. O., in Waukesha County.

Mishcott, P. O., in Manitowoc County.

Monticello, Town, in Lafayette County.

Muscle, Lake and River, are on the western head waters of the Wisconsin, in Marathon County.

Muskego Centre, P. O., in town of Muskego, Waukesha County.

Mukwa, P. V. & C. H. on Wolf River, in Waupacca County.

Neenah, P. V., is situated at the outlet of Lake Winnebago, opposite Menasha, on the south side of the south channel. The property was first purchased from the Government by Harrison Reed in 1846. There are now 3 large flouring mills, 2 saw mills, 1 sash and blind manufactory, 1 cabinet shop, 1 planing mill, and an immense hydraulic power yet unoccupied. Some think that time will ultimately connect the two villages of Menasha and Neenah, including the large island between, in one large city, possessing advantages of location and water power rarely equaled.

New Diggings, Town, in Lafayette County.

New Holstein, P. O. in town of same name, in Calumet County.

Newton, Town, in Manitowoc County.

North Janesville, P. O., in town of Janesville, Sock County, town 3 N., of range 12 E.

Oakland, P. O., in town of same name, in Jefferson County.

Oneonta, P. O., in Sauk County.

Orin, P. O., in Richland County.

Onion River, P. O., in Sheboygan County.

Owascus, P. O., in Fond du Lac County.

Pittsfield, Town, in Brown County.

Springville, P. O., in Fond du Lac County.

Turkey Grove, P. O., on section 31, town 5, of range 6, 28 miles from Madison, Dane County.


Source: Wisconsin Gazetteer,  By John Warren Hunt. Madison: Beriah Brown, Printer, 1853

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