West Coast Gazetteer & Directory ~ Sehome ~ Utsalady, Washington Territory

Sehome P O
Whatcom County, located on Bellingham Bay, about 1 mile south-west of Whatcom.

Bellingham Bay Coal Co, W L Steinweg manager, coal and general merchandise
Blake A L, U S inspector customs
Steinweg W L, postmaster
Western Union Telegraph Co, J Donovan agent

Semiahmoo P O
Whatcom County, is situated on Semiahmoo Bay, in the extreme northern portion of the Territory. It is the outlet for a good farming district.

Elwood John, postmaster and general merchandise

Skagit P O
Whatcom County, is situated on the south fork of the Skagit River, about 5 miles from its mouth, in an excellent agricultural section.

Gage D E, postmaster and general merchandise

Skamokawa P O
Wahkiakum County, 6 miles north-west of Cathlamet, at the mouth of the Skamokawa River

Brooks A L, postmaster
Brooks & Lowell, general merchandise

Snohomish City P 0
Snohomish County, county seat is a prosperous town situated on the Snohomish River, about 25 miles from its mouth. The farming and timber lands in the vicinity is its main source of support. A newspaper, called The Eye, is published weekly. Communication is maintained with Seattle bi-weekly by steamer.

Blackman Bros, general merchandise
Cathcart E, proprietor Snohomish Hotel
Deering George, liquor saloon
English A, general merchandise
Ferguson E J, manager Snohomish Trading Co
Hilton J H, general merchandise
Jackson Bros, general merchandise
Jackson & Packard, publishers The Eye
Plaskett J H, general merchandise
Snohomish Trading Co, general merchandise
The Eye, Jackson & Packard publishers
Ward W H, blacksmith
Wells, Fargo & Co, L Wilbur agent
Wilbur L, druggist, postmaster, and agent Wells, Fargo & Co

Stanwood P O
Snohomish County, is located about 50 miles north of Seattle, near the mouth of the Skagit River. Farming is the principal pursuit carried on in this section.

Irvine J H, general merchandise
Pierson D O, postmaster and general merchandise

Steilacoom P O
Pierce County, an incorporated city of about 400 inhabitants, is pleasantly situated on Puget Sound, about 23 miles northeast of Olympia. During the past year the county seat was removed from this place to New Tacoma; and since that time the business of the town has seriously declined.

The lands in the vicinity are better adapted for grazing purposes than farming; and sheep raising is the principal pursuit carried on. About $25,000 worth of wool is annually shipped from this point. It is connected with Olympia, New Tacoma, and Seattle, by steamer; and with Lakeview, a station on the Northern Pacific R. P., by stage.

Officers, C. T. Fay, Mayor; M. Gimel, John Neison, Henry Rupp, T. H. Shelton, and N. H. Orr, Councilmen; Isaac Pincus, Treasurer ; C W. Gallagher, Auditor and Clerk; W. S. Wells, Marshal.

Clendenin, Miller & Co, general merchandise
Eisenbeis F, general merchandise
Fannin William, druggist and books, stationery, cigars, tobacco, etc
Fay C T, justice of the peace and mayor
Gamble & Kaufman proprietors Steilacoom Brewery
Goodtime L Mrs., general merchandise
Guess M F, livery stable, and stage proprietor
Hedges William Mrs., proprietress O K Restaurant
Johnson E W, shoemaker
Light E A, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, and notary public
Light E A & Sons, general merchandise and forwarding and commission
Neison John, blacksmith
Orr N H, wagon maker
Rigney G W, books, stationery, notions, etc, postmaster and agent Western Union Telegraph Co
Runquist Peter, blacksmith and horseshoer
Sohafer & Howard, proprietors North Pacific R R Brewery
Shelton T H. liquor saloon
Vaughan William D, gunsmith and shooting gallery
Weller J G, butcher
Wells, Fargo & Co, E A Light agent
Westbrook J J. livery stable
Western Union Telegraph Co, G W Rigney agent

Tacoma P O
Pierce County, is situated on Puget Sound, about 2 miles northwest of New Tacoma with which it is connected by stage. The town contains two churches, a public school, several stores, and a saw mill

Eberscham Charles, liquor saloon
Fuller J N, livery stable
Hanson & Co, general merchandise and lumber manufactures
Kauffman M, general merchandise
Miles E T, physician
Steele J A Mrs., hotel,
Stevens H A, butcher
Walters A, butcher and postmaster
Whipple A J, druggist
Wolff L, general merchandise

Tulalip P O
Snohomish County, is on the Tulalip Indian Reservation, about 30 miles north of Seattle, It is connected by steamer with Seattle.

Beach A J, physician
Kane O. Indian agent
Moore E B, postmaster and general merchandise

Tumwater P O
Thurston County is a small but flourishing manufacturing town situated on the Des Chutes River, about 2 miles south of Olympia. The site is an excellent one for manufacturing purposes, the river having a fall of ninety feet in a distance of half a mile. At the point where it empties into the sound are falls 30 feet high and 100 feet wide.

Biles James & Sons, tannery
California Pipe Factory, I Burlingame manager
Canby James, proprietor Canby House
Cooper S M, manufacturer doors, sashes, blinds, etc
Dunlap James, groceries
Eastman C F, harness, saddlery, groceries, postmaster and blacksmith
Esterly R G, manufacturer chairs, and wood turner
Gelbach George, flour mill
Kendall F B, wood turner
Manville G W, butcher
Peel Bros, flour mill
Prime J P, general merchandise
Ward Ira, flour mill and manufacturer lumber, doors, sashes, blinds, etc
Warren k Mitchell, manufacturers lumber

Pacific Co (see Ilwaco)

Upper Crossing

Whatcom Co (see Nooksack).

Utsalady P O
Island County, is situated on the east side of Paget Sound, about 60 miles north of Seattle. The saw mill located at this place has a daily capacity of 80,000 feet, and turned out during the year 1881 about 15,000,000 feet of lumber.

De Jerup Peter, hotel
Kenneth Albert, postmaster
Puget Mill Co, Cyrus Walker manager, lumber manufactures

West Coast Gazetteer

Source: Disturnell's Business Directory and Gazetteer, of the West Coast of North America, W. C. Disturnell, Publisher, San Francisco, California, 1882


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