West Coast Gazetteer & Directory ~ Santa Barbara, California

Santa Barbara P O
Santa Barbara County, county seat and incorporated city of 5,500 inhabitants, is situated on the sea-coast, about 288 miles by water and 360 miles by land, south-east of San Francisco. The harbor is an open roadstead, but the immense growth of sea kelp, which extends to deep water, forms a nearly effectual breakwater, and an excellent wharf 2,000 feet in length affords facilities for receiving and discharging cargo without the use of lighters. This, like some other towns on the coast, was founded by Franciscan Friars, and is the only place in California where that order still maintains a mission. The old church still standing; is a long, massive Structure, built of stone, occupying a high eminence about two miles from the beach. The city occupies a pleasant site in fine view of the broad expanse of ocean and backed by rolling hills. It is regularly laid out with streets of good width, which cross each other at right angles, and the business portion contains many substantial brick buildings.

Among the institutions maintained are four public schools, having an attendance of about six hundred scholars. The Santa Barbara College is an institution of high character, and the building is a handsome, commodious structure. A free library is also maintained, which is well supplied with books and papers. The orphan children are cared for at the St. Vincent Orphan Asylum, which is the finest building in the city. The organized secret and benevolent societies are the Masons, Odd Fellows. United Workmen, Knights of Pythias, Good Templars, and American Legion of Honor. There is also a Santa Barbara Society of Natural History, Horticultural Society, and Agricultural Association. The religious denominations represented are the Episcopal, Congregational, Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, and Baptist. Two newspapers are published, the Press, daily and weekly, and the Independent, semi-weekly.

The city is lighted with gas, and a good supply of water is distributed by the Santa Barbara Water Co. The fire department consists of a hook and ladder and hose companies, and seventeen hydrants furnish a good supply of water for fire purposes. It has a delightful climate, and is noted as a resort for invalids, many of whom come from the Eastern States to convalesce under the influence of its pure, healthful atmosphere. The soil of the surrounding; country is very rich, which, with the favorable climate adapts it for the various productions of the semi-tropical as well as the temperate climes. It is also an excellent grazing section, and stock raising as well as fruit growing and farming is carried on to a considerable extent. The incorporation of the company for the extension of the San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria Valley railroad is looked upon as a forerunner of increased prosperity for the city. Stages arrive and depart daily, connecting with the Southern Pacific railroad at Soledad for San Francisco, and at Newhall for other points. Weekly communication is also maintained with San Francisco by the steamers of the Pacific Coast Steamship Co.

Officers, Charles Fernald, Mayor; G N Collins, Eli Rundell, J T Janssens, E C Roeder, J C Hamer, Councilmen; A E Janssens, Assessor; W S Maris, Collector; E B Ord, Police Judge; John Donnellan, Marshal.

Ahern Misses, millinery and fancy goods
Arlington (The), D W Thompson proprietor
Austin N P, dry goods, clothing, groceries, etc
Barnard A W, cooper
Bates C B, physician
Becher H G Miss, physician
Bell & Bell, furniture
Bell & Hunt, boots and shoes
Birabent J M, billiard and liquor saloon
Boyce John J, attorney at law
Brecht August, barber
Breslauer T M, dry goods and clothing
Brown W M, mechanical drawing
Canfield R B, attorney at law
Carrillo A, liquor saloon
Carrillo A A, butcher
Chambers E V, watchmaker and jeweler
Cheney Thomas H, blacksmith
Collins G N, blacksmith and wagon maker
Connolly Daniel, tailor
Cook Mortimer, clothing, hats and boots
Cooper A S, notary public and surveyor
Covarrubias O M, livery stable
Crane A, books and stationery
Crane H G, justice of the peace
Crooks E W, physician
Daily and Weekly Press, C F McGlashan publisher
Dillard R M, notary public and attorney at law
Dunshee R, carriage maker
Eberle & Lowe, blacksmiths
Eddleman J J, harness and saddle maker
Eddy W M, president Santa Barbara County National Bank
Edmondson Edward, artist
Edwards & Boeseke, stoves, tinware and hardware, and agricultural implements
Emerson & Co, boots, shoes, and sewing machines
Fast S, groceries and provisions
Fernald Charles, attorney at law
Field Edwin, watchmaker and jeweler
Finger H J, druggist and coroner, and public administrator Santa Barbara Co
First National Bank of Santa Barbara, W W Hollister president, A L Lincoln cashier
Fisher I K, butcher
Fluehe A, clothing, hats, etc
Forbush F, gunsmith
Forbush R, furniture and undertaker
Ford H C, landscape artist
Frede C B Co, barbers and baths
Frisius & Hernster, liquors and cigars
Fullington R F, agricultural implements
Garcia M F, barber
Garland A, general merchandise
Garretson J M, assessor Santa Barbara County
Gorham & Co, lumber
Goss W F M. shoemaker
Greenlee & McPhail, livery stable
Guinaud B, watchmaker and jeweler
Gutierrez B. druggist
Haberlitz A, bakery and confectionery
Hails R. merchant tailor
Hall T A, saddle horses
Hall & Requa, attorneys at law
Hamer M F Mrs., millinery and fancy goods
Hanauer M, dry goods and clothing
Harrison & Cook, restaurant
Hart J V, merchant tailor
Haskell A E, superintendent Telegraph Stage Co
Hayward & Kenney, millinery and fancy goods
Hayward & Muzzall, photographers
Heacock E A, superior judge
Helmer & Silva, barbers
Hollister W W, president First National Bank of Santa Barbara
Hubel John, billiard and liquor saloon
Hunt C C & Co, groceries and crockery
Hunt & Bates, carriage and wagon makers
Hurlbut H. shoemaker
Huse Charles E. attorney at law
Ivison Edward, real estate agent
Johnson George N. candy manufacturer
Johnson J N, livery stable
Judd F W, sign and ornamental painter
Kaeding Otto, proprietor O K Saloon
Kincaid Joseph H, district attorney Santa Barbara Co
Klett L. barber and baths
Knight & Blood, furniture, upholstery, carpets, and undertakers
Knox S B P. physician
Lee D B. dentist
Leland G W, livery stable
Levy C, billiard and liquor saloon
Levy J, groceries, tobacco, and cigars
Lienar Samuel, butcher
Lincoln A L. cashier First National Bank of Santa Barbara
Lincoln Barney, Morris House Saloon
Linden Joseph T, oyster saloon
Longawa John, carriage and sign painter
Loomis S, harness and saddle maker
Maguire Frank, cigars and tobacco
Maguire J A, cigars and tobacco
Martin D 33' & Co, livery stable
McGlashan C F, publisher Daily and Weekly Press
McNulta Thomas, attorney at law
McPhail H A C, books, stationery, musical instruments, etc
McPhail Peter, furniture
Meany John, plumber and gas fitter
Merguire H F, dry goods
Miller I, watchmaker and jeweler
Mission Water Co of Santa Barbara, R B Canfield president
Mix James, carpenter
Moore F A, publisher Santa Barbara Weekly Independent
Moore P L, cigar manufacturer
Moore & Barron, real estate and insurance agents
Morris House, James H Swift proprietor
Moxeno J B, saddle and harness maker
Munroe James, proprietor Occidental Hotel
Murat Joseph, restaurant
Nebel Charles, carriage trimmer
Newell P N, groceries and crockery
Noble W E, dry goods and clothing
Noponio P, groceries and liquors
Norcross J A Miss, manager Western Union Telegraph Co, and ticket agent Pacific Coast Steamship Co
Occidental Hotel, James Munroe proprietor
Oglesby A A, attorney at law
O K Saloon, Otto Kaeding proprietor
Opposition Ventura and Santa Barbara Stage Line, Frank Ruiz proprietor
Ortega House, W H Wheaton proprietor
Pacific Coast Steamship Co, Miss J A Norcross ticket agent
Parma G B, fruits and groceries
Parma V, billiard and liquor saloon
Pendola G B, groceries and liquors
Perkins A O, real estate and agent Wells, Fargo, & Co
Perkins Joseph J, notary public and commissioner of deeds
Phillips A W, collector, constable and insurance agent
Pierce Charles II, lumber
Raffour Louis, restaurant
Reed John, surveyor Santa Barbara Co
Richards J T, attorney at law
Richardson W T, carpenter
Roeder & Ott, hardware and tinware
Rogers Bros, groceries and crockery
Rosenberg T H B, restaurant
Rossi Angelo, fruit and groceries
Rossi V, manufacturer of alone shell jewelry
Ruiz A M, druggist
Ruiz Frank, livery stable
Rutherford George horseshoer
Rynerson C C, flour mill and groceries and provisions
Santa Barbara College, Mrs., P K Guild principal
Santa Barbara County National Bank, W M Eddy president, E S Sheffield, cashier
Santa Barbara Free Library
Santa Barbara Independent, F A Moore, publisher
Sheffield E I, cashier Santa Barbara County National Bank
Sherman Charles E, sheriff Santa Barbara Co
Sherman & Ealand, butchers
Simon S, bakery
Smith & Johnson, groceries and provisions
Spence John, nurseryman and florist
Squires W B, marble and stone cutter
St Vincent Orphan Asylum
Stoddard Henry, postmaster
Storke C A, attorney at law
Stratton W C, attorney at law
Stringfield A M, photographer
Summers E J Mrs., millinery and fancy goods
Swift James H, proprietor Morris House
Sylvia H, barber
Telegraph Stage Co, A E Haskell, superintendent
Thomas B F, attorney at law
Thompson C, liquor saloon
Thompson C A, notary public and attorney at law
Thompson D W, proprietor of The Arlington, and livery stable
Thurmond G E, superintendent public schools, Santa Barbara County
Tripp W H, artist
Van Winkle H M, dentist
Walcott John, groceries, visions, and crockery
Warn & Co, liquor saloon
Warner I C. blacksmith
Wells, Fargo, & Co, A O Perkins agent
Western Union Telegraph Co, Miss J A Norcross manager
Wharton T, boots and shoes
Wheaton W H, proprietor Ortega House
Williams A B, clerk, recorder, and auditor Santa Barbara County
Williams B B, house, sign, and carriage painter
Williams H, restaurant
Wilson J E, gunsmith
Woodbridge William H, notary public, insurance, and real estate agent
Wright Paul E, attorney at law
Yanez M, groceries
Yates L G, dentist
Yndart U, treasurer Santa Barbara Co 

West Coast Gazetteer

Source: Disturnell's Business Directory and Gazetteer, of the West Coast of North America, W. C. Disturnell, Publisher, San Francisco, California, 1882


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