West Coast Gazetteer & Directory ~ Puyallup ~ Seabeck, Washington Territory

Puyallup P O
Pierce County is a thriving town pleasantly situated in Puyallup Valley, 12 miles east of New Tacoma, on the Puyallup branch of the Northern Pacific Railroad. The valley is about 28 miles long and 5 miles wide. It is exceedingly fertile, and is considered one of the best valleys in the Territory. Hop raising is the principal industry of this section, about seven hundred tons being grown annually. During the picking season about two thousand Indians are employed gathering the crop. The town contains a large barrel factory and a sash and door factory. The trains of the Northern Pacific afford daily communication with New Tacoma and Carbonado.

Bellows P, proprietor Pacific Exchange Hotel
Campbell A C, blacksmith
Hollenbeck J, proprietor Central Hotel
Knox J, butcher
Mattulath Manufacturing Co., Louis Sohns manager, barrel manufacturers
Meeker M, postmaster
Meeker, Osborne & Co, general merchandise
Pine C, carpenter and builder
Puyallup Sash and Door Manufacturing Co, Temple & Finney proprietors
Ross Mrs., millinery
Sibley William, liquor saloon
Sohns Louis, manager Mattulath Manufacturing Co
Spinney C H, physician
Stewart J P, groceries, hay, and feed
Wagner William & Co, general merchandise
Williams F S, physician

Clallam County, is a small settlement on the Quillyhute River, near the sea-coast. The valley through which the river flows contains a large area of excellent prairie and bottom land, and a portion is heavily timbered.

Baxter S & Co, general merchandise and fur-seal fishing

Renton P O
King County, is a thriving place, situated on the line of the Columbia and Puget Sound R. R., 12 miles south-east of Seattle. In this section are extensive coal beds, owned by the Renton Coal Co. During the year 1881 about 20,000 tons were extracted.

Brinkley & Holbrook, butchers
Covert J, druggist and physician
Custer C S, general merchandise
Evans H, liquor saloon
Glendon _____, hotel
Johnson _____, shoemaker
Renton Coal Co, R Robinson agent
Snow H H, general merchandise
Thorn R L, varieties
Weier James, liquor saloon

Samish P O
Whatcom County, on Bellingham Bay, about 15 miles south of the town of Whatcom.

Dean E, postmaster, agent Western Union Telegraph Co, and general merchandise

San Juan P O
San Juan County, is situated on an island of the same name, about 25 miles north of Port Townsend. The island, which is about 20 miles long and 3 miles in average width, is the largest in the archipelago, and is specially adapted to grazing. Sheep raising and farming are the principal pursuits. Upwards of ten thousand sheep roam over the hills, and about thirty thousand pounds of wool is annually exported. Weekly communication is maintained with Port Townsend.

Katz I, postmaster and general merchandise

Seabeck P O
Kitsap Co, is situated on Hood's Canal, Puget Sound, about 18 miles south-west of Port Townsend. The principal pursuits carried on are the manufacture of lumber and ship building.

Adams W J, proprietor Washington Mill, and ship builder
Clayson E. hotel
Holyoke Richard, superintendent Washington Mill, and postmaster
Howard D K, hotel

West Coast Gazetteer

Source: Disturnell's Business Directory and Gazetteer, of the West Coast of North America, W. C. Disturnell, Publisher, San Francisco, California, 1882


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