West Coast Gazetteer &
Directory ~ Port Angeles ~ Port Townsend, Washington
Clallam County, is situated on the southern shore of the
Strait of Juan de Fuca, about 14 miles west of New
Dungeness. The town is prettily located, has a deep
harbor, and was formerly the port of entry for Puget
Sound District. In the vicinity are a number of good
farms, but it is not an extensive farming district.
Communication is maintained with Port Townsend weekly by
Meagher N, postmaster and general merchandise
Smith N K, general merchandise
Kitsap County is situated on Bainbridge Island, 9 miles
west of Seattle. The manufacture of lumber is
extensively carried on by the Port Blakely Mill Co., who
have a first-class mill with a daily capacity of about
135,000 feet. Another important industry carried on is
shipbuilding, the principal ship yard on the Sound being
located at this point. The town contains a good public
school, a church, and lodges of Masons and United
Workmen. It is connected with Seattle and other points
by steamer.
Hall Bros, ship builders
Hayes J M, postmaster
Nugent James, steamship proprietor
Port Blakely Mill Co, William Renton manager, lumber
manufacturers and general merchandise
Sackman D J & Co, hotel
Western Union Telegraph Co, J W Edwards agent
Discovery P O
Jefferson Co, 10 miles southwest of Port Townsend, is
pleasantly situated on Port Discovery Bay, a fine body
of water 8 miles long and from 1 to 1½ miles wide. The
manufacture of lumber is the principal industry. Farming
is also carried on in the vicinity, but not extensively.
Communication is maintained with Port Townsend daily by
stage and steamer.
Ackerson, Moore & Co, lumber manufacturers and general
Downes George W, postmaster
Pugh John, hotel
Kitsap County a town of about 400 inhabitants, is
located on an arm of Puget Sound, about 20 miles
south-east of Port Townsend. The place contains one of
the largest saw-mills on Puget Sound, it having a daily
capacity of about 200,000 feet. Communication is
maintained with Seattle and other points by steamer.
Condon John S, hotel
Jackson D L, postmaster, and agent Puget Sound Telegraph
Puget Mill Co., Cyrus Walker manager, lumber
manufacturers and general merchandise
Jefferson Co, is situated on Puget Sound, 13 miles
southeast of Port Townsend. The manufacture of lumber
and ship building are the principal industries.
Attridge R D, hotel
Puget Mill Co., Cyrus Walker manager, lumber
manufacturers and general merchandise
Kitsap Co, the county seat, is located on Bainbridge
Island, about 12 miles northwest of Seattle. It is
connected with Seattle and other points on the sound by
Meigs G A, general merchandise
Meigs' Lumber and Ship Building Co, G A Meigs president
Primrose P J, postmaster
Jefferson County county seat, incorporated city, and
Port of Entry for Puget Sound District, about 40 miles
north-west of Seattle, occupies one of the most
beautiful and charming sites on the sound. The location
is on Port Townsend Bay, at the junction of the Strait
of Juan de Fuca and Admiralty Inlet. The business
portion of the city is built upon the beach, at the base
of a bluff rising nearly perpendicular to a height of
about seventy-five feet. The bay, which is about seven
miles long and three miles wide, is a beautiful sheet of
water, and one of the best harbors on the sound,
affording safe anchorage at all times.
Although exhibiting: in a less degree than some other
places on the sound the business "boom" of the
Northwest, there is an air of prosperity here indicating
a basis of permanence and solidity which augurs well for
its future. The population, according to the census of
1880, was 917, and is now estimated to be about 1,100.
It is in contemplation to construct a railroad from this
point to Olympia, a company having been organized for
this purpose.
In the vicinity are good agricultural and grazing lands
and a vast extent of choice timber lands. At Irondale,
six miles distant, are extensive iron beds of brown
hematite, or bog-ore, covering an area of about two
miles square. A large saw-mill is to be erected during
the present year, which will contribute materially to
the prosperity of the town. An excellent paper, the
Puget Sound Argus, is published weekly. A public school
is maintained, having an attendance of about 130
scholars. There are organized lodges of Masons, Odd
Fellows, Red Men, Ancient Order United Workmen, and Good
Templars. There are several churches, including the
Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, and Roman Catholic.
The fire department consists of one company, having a
hand engine. The water for domestic purposes is obtained
from private wells, there being no water company. The
climate is mild and exceedingly healthful. Communication
is maintained by steamer daily with Seattle, New Tacoma,
and other points on the sound; triweekly with Victoria,
B. C.; weekly with Neah Bay, San Juan, Friday Harbor,
East Sound, Semiahmoo, etc.; also tri-monthly with San
Francisco, and monthly with Alaska. Stage connection is
maintained daily with Port Discovery.
Officers, T. Minor, M. D., Mayor; J. J.
Hunt, J. F. Sheehan, S. Waterman, A. Weymouth, D. H.
Hill, J. A. Kuhn, H. L. Tibbals, Councilmen; W. P. Bell,
Clerk and Attorney; D. H. Hill, Treasurer; F. W. James,
Surveyor; J. F. Sheehan, Street Commissioner; T. T.
Minor, M. D.; Health Officer; J. J. H. Van Bokkelen,
Police Judge; Charles Jones, Harbor Master; Charles
Finn, Marshal.
Bartlett C C, treasurer Jefferson Co
Bartlett C C & Co, shipping and commission merchants,
general merchandise and coal
Bash A W, collector of customs
Bell WP, attorney at law
Blake George W, harness and saddlery
Central Hotel, Dodd & Pugh proprietors
Clinger J G, auction store, and Coroner Jefferson County
Cosmopolitan Hotel, J J Hunt proprietor
Dalgardno J Mrs., proprietress
Occidental Lodging House
De Lion R W & Co, stevedores
Dodd & Pugh, proprietors Central Hotel
Eisenbeis Charles, groceries, provisions, and feed, and
proprietor Port Townsend Cracker Bakery and Washington
Enell Charles A, agent San Francisco and Philadelphia
Marine Underwriters
Enell Charles A & Co, shipping and commission merchants,
and steam tug agents
Fenchler John L, butcher
Fitzpatrick John, boots and shoes
Franklin Hotel, D Spoor proprietor
Freeman A M, proprietor Holly Tree Inn
Gerrish O F & Co, groceries, hardware, crockery,
liquors, etc
Gross Bros, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, etc
Haller & Bell, attorneys at law and notaries public
Hammond T M, livery stable
Harned W M, deputy collector customs
Hernandez J M, boot and shoe maker
Hill N D & Son, drugs, paints, oils, books, stationery,
Holcomb O H, books, stationery, and varieties
Holly Tree Inn, A M Freeman proprietor
Hunt J J, proprietor Cosmopolitan Hotel
Jackman & Terry, butchers
James F W, general merchandise
Jones Charles, harbor master
Jones James, groceries, books, stationery, cigars,
tobacco, fruits, etc
Kane & Berry, restaurant
Korter William, barber
Kuhn J A, attorney at law and notary public
Landes Henry, broker and general commission merchant,
and furs, wool, and hides
Latimer & Co, drugs, and paints, oils, glassware, etc
Law John, watchmaker and jeweler
Learned W H H, auction and commission, and postmaster
Llewellyn W H, agent Wells, Fargo & Co and Puget Sound
Telegraph Co
Maniouloux R Rev., pastor Our Lady Star of the Sea
McCarthy James, contractor masonry
Mead F W, physician
Miller B S, Sheriff and Assessor Jefferson County
Minor Thomas T, physician and mayor Port Townsend
Morrison Andrew, proprietor Gold Room Saloon
Norris J T, stoves and tinware
Occidental Lodging House, Mrs. J Dalgardno proprietress
Ogilbee J W, groceries, cigars, tobacco, candies, etc
Peterson John P, tailor and sewing machines
Phillips Thomas, real estate, loan, and insurance agent
Port Townsend Cracker Bakery, Charles Eisenbeis
Port Townsend Saw Mill Co, lumber manufacturers
Puget Sound Telegraph Co, W H Llewellyn agent
Puget Sound Weekly Argus, Allen Weir publisher
Rice & Logan, proprietors Bank Exchange Saloon
Rothschild D C H, consul Costa Pica, consular agent
France and Peru, and vice-consul Nicaragua, and Uruguay
Rothschild & Co, shipping and commission merchants
custom house brokers, and agents steam tugs
Seavy James, auditor Jefferson Co, and Clerk District
Seavy William, proprietor Port Townsend and Port
Discovery stage line
Sheehan J F, stoves and tinware
Smith D W, attorney at law, notary public, and probate
judge Jefferson County
Spoor D, proprietor Franklin Hotel
Sterming J G, liquor saloon
Swan James G, attorney at law, proctor in admiralty,
ship and custom-house broker, and notary public
Tibbals H L, agent Pacific Coast Steamship Co, and
commissioner Jefferson County
Tilman H, painter
Tobey N D, ship and boat builder
Torjusen T, liquor saloon and wreck-master Jefferson Co
Van Bokkelen J J H, notary public, justice of the peace,
and police judge
Washington Brewery, Charles Eisenbeis proprietor
Washington Hotel, J H Woodley proprietor
Waterman & Katz, general merchandise and lumber
Watkins H W, carpenter
Weir Allen, publisher Puget Sound Weekly Argus and
justice of the peace
Wells, Fargo & Co, W H Llewellyn agent
Weymouth A, blacksmith
Willison H C, physician
WoodleyJ H, proprietor Washington Hotel
West Coast Gazetteer

Source: Disturnell's Business
Directory and Gazetteer, of the West Coast of North
America, W. C. Disturnell, Publisher, San Francisco,
California, 1882