West Coast Gazetteer &
Directory ~ Nooksack ~ Pillar Rock, Washington Territory
Whatcom County is situated at the head of navigation on
the Nooksack River, a distance of about 25 miles from
its mouth.
Harkness D, general merchandise
Moultrie William, postmaster and general merchandise
Oysterman W, agent Western Union Telegraph Co
Harbor P O
Island County on Whidby Island 8 miles, north-east of
Coupeville. Daily communication is maintained with Port
Townsend by steamer.
Ribbling J W Miss, postmistress and general merchandise
Cowlitz County is located on the north side of the
Columbia River, 22 miles north-west of Kalama
Cutting Packing Co, salmon cannery
Hogue & Young, lumber manufacturers
Young Henry, postmaster and general merchandise
Island P O
San Juan Co, located about 40 miles north of Port
Sweeney S, postmaster and general merchandise
Oysterville P O
Pacific County, the county seat, is situated on
Shoalwater Bay, about 40 miles north-west of Astoria.
Brown John, Sheriff and Assessor Pacific County
Cailott John, nurseryman
Carruthers M Mrs., hotel
Clarke I A, stock raiser and oyster beds
Davis F C, stock raiser and tanner
Espy R H, oyster beds
Goutter Osbourne, stock raiser
Griswold M S, justice of the peace
Johnson Chris, hide merchant
Jones I S, groceries and liquors
Loomis L A, mail contractor
Lupton W H, blacksmith
Paul J P, carpenter
Rodway D A, postmaster, groceries and liquors
Wirt Andrew, hotel
Harrington F, salmon cannery
West Coast Gazetteer
Source: Disturnell's Business
Directory and Gazetteer, of the West Coast of North
America, W. C. Disturnell, Publisher, San Francisco,
California, 1882