West Coast Gazetteer &
Directory ~ La Conner ~ New Dungeness, Washington
Whatcom County is a thriving little town, about 70 miles
north of Seattle, situated on the eastern shore of Puget
Sound, on a large slough separating Fidalgo Island from
the mainland. The La Conner Flats, on the edge of which
the town is located, is a large tract of reclaimed tide
land, which is exceedingly fertile and extensively
cultivated. Oats and barley, the principal productions,
are shipped in large quantities to San Francisco.
A newspaper, called the Puget Sound Mail, is published
weekly. Communication is maintained twice a week by
steamer with Seattle and other points.
Andrews L L, general merchandise
Calhoun G V, physician
Church J S, carpenter
Cook M B, hotel
Davis John E, blacksmith
Dwelly J F, furniture manufacture
Caches J & G, general merchandise
Gillan J A, register U S Land Office, notary public,
collector, and agent Western Union Telegraph Co
Jorgensen S, postmaster
Kellogg & Anderson, drugs, books, stationery, etc
Martin B L, general merchandise
McGlynn John, hotel
Morrison & Carlson, liquor saloon
Power James, publisher Puget Sound Mail
Tinkham W W, attorney at law
Valentine S T, stoves and tinware
Western Union Telegraph Co, J A Gillan agent
Island P O
San Juan County situated about 30 miles north of Port
Townsend, with which it is connected by steamer.
Weeks A Miss, general merchandise and postmistress
Snohomish County is located on the Snohomish River,
about 15 miles from its mouth.
Smith E, postmaster, general merchandise, and hotel.
Whatcom County near the mouth of the Nooksack River,
about 6 miles north-west of Whatcom.
McDonough B, postmaster and general merchandise
Whatcom County on the Nooksack River, 15 miles from its
Hawley M C, general merchandise
Judson J, postmaster
Marysville P O
Snohomish County
Comfort J P, postmaster and general merchandise
Preston N E, general merchandise
Vernon P O
Whatcom County is located on the Skagit River, about 16
miles from its mouth.
Beeber John, liquor saloon
Clothier & English, general merchandise
Deere W Y, physician and druggist
Hartson A, blacksmith
LaBallister C, hotel
McNamara _____, hotel
Snohomish County is situated on the east side of Puget
Sound, about 22 miles north of Seattle.
Snyder F V & Co, brewery
Sorenson A, hotel
Bay P O
Clallam County is situated on the bay of the same name,
100 miles west of Port Townsend. It has a good harbor,
with sufficient depth of water for the largest vessels.
The Ma-kah Indian Reservation is located here. It is a
station of the U. S. Life Saving Service, and the
fitting-out point for a number of small vessels engaged
in fur-seal fishing. Communication is maintained with
Port Townsend weekly by steamer.
Gallick E., postmaster
Gallick William, general merchandise and fur-seal
Willoughby Charles, keeper U.S. Life Saving Station
Wood Oliver, Indian agent
Newcastle P O
King County 20 miles east of is the terminus of the
Columbia and Puget Sound R. R. At this place are the
coal fields of the Seattle Coal and Transportation Co.,
which are about three miles in length by one mile in
width. There are three veins, four, ten, and eleven feet
in thickness, which yield from 700 to 1000 tons per day.
Collins & Duffy, liquor saloon
Flynn P, liquor saloon
Seattle Coal and Transportation Co, J N E Atkinson agent
Dungeness P O
Clallam County the county seat, is located 22 miles west
of Port Townsend, in a good farming and grazing section.
Clapp C F, general merchandise and hotel
Cline E, general merchandise
Foreman Joseph, liquor saloon
King William, blacksmith
Morris John, postmaster, notary public, and real estate
West Coast Gazetteer

Source: Disturnell's Business
Directory and Gazetteer, of the West Coast of North
America, W. C. Disturnell, Publisher, San Francisco,
California, 1882