West Coast Gazetteer &
Directory ~ Bradbury ~ Eastport, Oregon
Columbia County 20 miles
northwest of St. Helen.
McGraw A. general merchandise
Simmons William, general
merchandise and postmaster
Curry County is situated in a
small and fertile valley in the extreme south-western
portion of the State. The principal industries carried
on in this section are farming and dairying.
Cooley Martha F Miss, postmistress
Clatsop Co, is situated on
the south side of the Columbia River, 22 miles above
Astoria. Communication is maintained by steamer daily
with Portland, Astoria, and intermediate points.
J W & V, salmon cannery
Cook y, postmaster
Western Union Telegraph Co, J
Spencer agent
City P O
Columbia County is situated
on the south side of the Columbia River, 32 miles
north-west of Portland. The surrounding country is
principally timber land; a small portion only being
adapted to farming. Daily communication is maintained by
steamer with Portland and river ports.
J & Son, general merchandise and wood contractors
Caples E, general
merchandise, wood contractor, and postmaster
Coos County is situated 6
miles south of Marshfield, Daily communication is
maintained with Empire City by steamer.
Arrington James M, postmaster
Harding John, hotel
Harding John, shoemaker
Haynes J C, cheese maker
Jarvis & Laird, livery stable
McLaughlin D J, general
Roberts D, liquor saloon and
boarding house
South Port Coal Co, coal
Watson D L, attorney at law
Watson D L, liquor saloon
City P O
Coos County is situated on
the Coquille River, 15 miles south of Marshfield.
Andrews C, general merchandise
Bundo, Bennett & Co, sawmill
Mehl G, brewer
Moulton J T, general
Curry County (P O address,
Port Orford.
Lorentson N C, general merchandise
Portland P O
Multnomah County an
incorporated city, is pleasantly situated on the east
side of the Willamette River, directly opposite the city
of Portland. On the water front considerable of the land
is low, subject to overflow, and a portion intersected
with sloughs. Thence gradually rising and rolling for a
short distance, it merges into an alternately level and
undulating country, affording excellent advantages for
building purposes. The city presents a thriving aspect,
and its advantageous location, together with the
fertility of the surrounding country, insures its future
prosperity. It is nicely laid out with streets of good
width, and contains some substantial brick buildings and
fine residences.
population, according to the census of 1880, was 3918,
and is now estimated at 5,000. It is the terminus of the
east side division of the Oregon and California
Railroad, and upon completion of the Oregon Railway and
Navigation Co.'s road from Walla Walla to this point,
will be virtually, for a time at least, a terminus of
the Northern Pacific. Two excellent public schools are
maintained, having an attendance of six hundred and
eighty scholars. The churches organized are the Baptist,
Methodist Episcopal, Congregational, Episcopal,
Scandinavian, German Lutheran, Catholic, and United
Brethren. Of secret and benevolent societies there are
Masons, Odd Fellows, Ancient Order United Workmen,
Chosen Friends, and Patriotic Order Sons of America. A
hook and ladder company constitutes the full force of
the fire department. An excellent supply of water is
distributed through the city, from a spring which is
said to be the largest in the State, pouring forth a
volume of about 400,000 gallons in twenty-four hours.
Hospital for the Insane, located here, is a
well-conducted institution, and contains at the present
time three hundred and forty patients. Upon the
completion of the new State Asylum at Salem, it is to be
changed into a Reform School. The East Portland
Vindicator, a well-conducted paper, published weekly,
advocates the interests of the section. Communication is
maintained daily by rail with Roseburg, Lebanon, and
Brownsville, and twice a day with Albany. Three steam
ferries connect it with Portland.
Officers, R. C. Myers, J. E. Mayo, B.
Crane, M. T. Cunningham, J. M. Sliker, E. J. Sprague,
Trustees; J. T. Stewart, Recorder and Auditor; W. B.
Welch, Treasurer; A. H. McEwan, Assessor; S. R.
Harrington, Attorney; John Campbell, Surveyor; George
Linville, Marshal; Wash Jones, Street Commissioner.
Barman L & D, general merchandise, corner Fourth and I
Beard E C, job printer,
Beebe & Beebe, proprietors
Golden Rule Hotel, L
Beck & Logan, livery and feed
stable, corner First and L
Bode Frank, groceries and
bakery. Fourth
Brigham E C, watchmaker,
Brohaska G, liquor saloon and
lodgings, corner Water and L
Burdin E, carpenter, I
Burney W T, attorney at law,
Byrnes & Payne, fish, game,
poultry, and groceries, Fourth
Cameron W P & Co, general
merchandise. Fourth
Campbell John, city surveyor,
Charlton C Mrs., physician, J
Clarke & Burdin, undertakers,
Coffin Henry L, dentist, J
Coley H C, physician, L
Cougil W F Mrs., general
merchandise. Fourth
Coulter J M, groceries,
cigars, and tobacco, corner First and L
Dalton William, hardware,
paints, oils, doors, sashes, and blinds. Fourth
DeBoest John, liquor saloon,
Delor & Schrader, liquor
saloon, corner First and L
Doud & Sliker, wholesale
flour and feed and commission merchants, corner Water
and J
East Portland Foundry, Frank
Payne proprietor, J
East Portland Steam Sawmill,
H A Hogue proprietor, Water
East Portland Vindicator, E L
Thorp publisher. Fourth
East Portland Water Co, G E
Nottage, president
Freeman Thomas B, carriage
maker, L
Garrison C G, general
merchandise, corner Fifth and L
Gibson L C, billiard hall,
cigars, tobacco, confectionery, etc, Fourth
Gloss Frank, shoemaker, Fifth
Golden Rule Hotel, Beebe &
Beebe, proprietors, L
Gordon W S, stoves, tinware,
and hardware, Fourth
Grady James, liquor saloon,
corner Water and L
Hahn William, barber, Fourth
Hall & Stott, hardware,
paints, oils, etc, cor Fourth and J
Harrington S E, attorney at
law and city attorney, corner Fourth and J
Heintz E, barber. Fifth
Hendee D H, photographer, I
Hill C H, constable and
collector, Fourth
Hill, McGuire & Co, real
estate, insurance and general brokers, Fourth
Hill & Powell, harness and
saddlery. Fourth
Hogue H A proprietor East
Portland Steam Sawmill, Water
Holmes R H & Son, general
merchandise, corner Fourth and G
Home Hotel, S M Keenan
proprietor. Fourth
Hospital for the Insane, Dr.
S E Josephi superintendent
Humboldt Brewery, John Kroetz
& Co proprietors, corner Fourth and M
Josephi S E Dr.
superintendent Hospital for the Insane
Kadderly J J, stoves, tinware,
and sewing machines. Fourth
Keenan S M, proprietor Home
Hotel, Fourth
Kellogg & Long, wood yard,
corner Third and H
Kerns L B, millinery and
fancy goods, Fourth
Kerns W G, books and
stationery, and insurance agent, J
Kiessling H H, boots and
shoes, Fourth
Kitterman H & Son, general
merchandise. Fifth
Knott Bros, proprietors Stark
St Ferry, foot L
Kroetz John & Co, proprietors
Humboldt Brewery, corner Fourth and M
Listmann & Muller,
manufactures furniture and bedding, Fourth
Logan & Irwin, druggists,
Logus Charles, pork packer, L
Lope Adam, liquor saloon.
Lowengardt S, general
merchandise, L
Lyons & McKenzie, livery and
feed stable, corner Fifth and L
Marker George H, dentist,
corner Fourth and L
Matlock, Kirk & Co, real
estate and insurance agents, Fourth
McGuire W W, justice of the
peace. Fourth
Meyers Henry, liquor saloon,
corner Fourth and L
Myers H Clay, butcher. Fourth
Newell J A, general
merchandise, corner J and Fourth
Nottage G E, assistant
physician Hospital for the Insane
Orr J W, wheelwright, Fourth
Parelius M W, picture frames
and engravings, Fourth
Parker J B & Son, blacksmiths
and wagon makers, Fourth
Payne Frank, proprietor East
Portland Foundry, J
Perry George, agent Wells,
Fargo & Co, and real estate and insurance agent, Fourth
Pittenger John M, notary
public, Fourth
Powell & New, livery and feed
stable, L
Prettyman, Creitz & Co, real
estate and insurance agents, I
Quinn M S Mrs., restaurant, L
Raffety Bros, druggists, J
Raffety C H, physician, J
Riley M, boots and shoes,
corner Fourth and I
Robertson Thomas, druggist, L
Rodgers J H, painter, I
Ross G J, general
merchandise, Fourth
Royal W W, physician, corner
Fourth and L
Schmeer S, oyster saloon,
confectionery, candies, etc, Fourth
Smith Albert B, livery and
feed stable, I
Smith C B, physician, Fourth
Smith S, physician. Fourth
Sorensen E, shipyard, foot U
Strube G & Co, butchers,
corner Fourth and I
Sylvester B, wagon maker and
blacksmith, L
Thorp E L, publisher The East
Portland Vindicator, Fourth
Underbill & Neppach, flour,
hay lime, cement, groceries, etc, Fourth
Walders U, bakery, I
Webber J W, civil engineer
and surveyor, corner Seventh and I
Welch Bros, druggists, corner
Fourth and I
Wells, Fargo & Co, George
Perry agent. Fourth
Went John, liquor saloon,
corner Fourth and L
West T B, general
merchandise, corner Fourth and L
Wheeler C II, groceries,
provisions, etc. Fourth
Whittenburg & McMillen,
general merchandise, Holliday's Addition
Coos Co (P. O. address,
Eastport Coal Co, coal mine.
West Coast Gazetteer
Source: Disturnell's Business
Directory and Gazetteer, of the West Coast of North
America, W. C. Disturnell, Publisher, San Francisco,
California, 1882