Utah County, Utah Farmers and Merchants Directory

This Farmers and Merchants Directory represents the beginning of a new era in distributing reliable Farm and Business information. In the past the Utah County Farmer has not known very much about his distant neighbor, but now, at a glance he may know the exact status, location, and products of every farm in the County.

This volume endeavors to bring a mass of most valuable information into the very homes of the people, accessible to the housewife, farmers, business and professional men alike. To the farmer it is the only complete "Buyers' Guide" he has ever had; to the business man it is the only exclusive, completely classified Business Directory ever issued in Utah County; to the public generally, it is the first combined Farmers and Merchants Directory ever issued within the State of Utah.

Every effort has been put forth to effect an accurate compilation of facts. The information found in the farmers' section was obtained directly from the farmer by solicitors and each farmer as he signed his name to the information slip vouched for its correctness.

There is little wonder that some skeptical farmers should refuse to give our representatives the information they asked for and in such cases we had to depend upon their neighbors; therefore, any little discrepancies in the number of acres or products raised, is due to that fact.

Historical Facts Utah County, Utah

Farmers and Merchants Directory

A B C D E F G H I J K L Mc M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

Towns of Utah County

American Fork Goshen Lehi
Mapleton Payson Pleasant Grove
Provo Salem Santaquin
Spanish Fork .. Springville


Utah County Commissioners


Utah County


Source: Farmers and Merchants Directory, Utah County, Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1916. 



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