Wilson County Tennessee
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Land Grants in Wilson County 1780-1800


Beyond an occasional migratory and venturesome hunter, trapper or scout, who passed through the vast forests and canebrakes in quest of the abundant game or in pursuit of marauding bands of Indians, the presence of white men was unknown in Wilson County previous to 1790.

At the close of the Continental war the State of North Carolina made grants of large bodies of land to her soldiers in pay for gallant service in time of battle. The land so granted was situated in Tennessee, then a portion of North Carolina, and it was by the owners of the land that Wilson (then Sumner) County was settled.

1780 - 1790

Walter Allen, 912 acres
Redmond T. Barry, 640 acres
Andrew Bostane, 220 acres
John Burton, 1,168 acres
John Conroe, 640 acres
Nicholas Conroe, 640 acres
Cornelius Dabney, 640 acres
John Davidson, 274 acres
Thomas Evans, 640 acres
William Hogan, 500 acres
John Kain, 571 acres
James Kennedy, 640 acres
Stephen Merritt, 640 acres
James C. Montflorence, 1,000 acres
Hardy Murfree, 1,000 acres
William Ray, 1,000 acres
Isadore Skerett, 640 acres
John Williams, 640 acres

1790 - 1800

Henry Barnes
James Barron
Samuel Barton, 1,000 acres
John Boyd
John Boyd, Jr., 228 acres
George Brewer, 1,000 acres
Thedford Brewer, 1,000 acres
George Brewer, 1,000 acres
John Brown
Boyd Castlemen
Willie Cherry, 228 acres
Samuel Churchhill
Vachel Clark
Joseph Cloud
Jesse Cobb
John Dabney, 228 acres
Alexander Denny, 640 acres
David Douglas
Thomas Evans
William Fleming
David Gibson, 1,000 acres
Jonathan Green
Johnson Hadley
Edward Harris
John Haywood
Jeremiah Hendricks
William Hogan, 500 acres
Lazarus James, 337 acres
Ambrose Jones
George Kennedy
Archibald Lytle, 1,000 acres
William Lytle
William Martin, 1,280 acres
Alexander Mebane
James Menees
Jacob Patton
Ephraim Peyton, 640 acres
Gideon Pillow
Reeves Porter
Delilah Roberts
James Rogers
Henry Ross, 274 acres
Bennett Searcy
Philip Shackler
Robert Stewart
Absolom Tatum, 300 acres
Daniel Wilbourn
John Wright, 2,000 acres

Many of the above never became settlers of the county, and numbers of the pioneers of Wilson County purchased of them the lands on which they settled.

Wilson County | AHGP Tennessee

Source: History of Tennessee, Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1886


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