Roll of Tennessee Cavalrymen in the Natchez Expedition
Among the
papers of General Coffee is a roll of the regiment of cavalry
commanded by him on the expedition to Natchez. This is in the
form of a record of names of men with the number of blankets,
sabres and pistols furnished by each. It is probable that this
is the same regiment that was afterward commanded by General
Coffee in the first part of the Creek War. There are no muster
rolls of the troops of the Creek War in the archives of
Tennessee, but these are preserved in the War Records Office of
the War Department at Washington. This roll of cavalrymen
contains the names of ancestors of many Tennesseans.
It will be interesting to ascertain
from what counties respectively these cavalry troops come. It is
certain that troop No. 3, commanded by Capt. Baskerville, came
from Sumner County. A number of the names are memorable in its
annals. It will be well if anyone who reads this roll will point
out the home counties of other troops. The title is as follows:
"A return of Blankets, Sabres and Pistols, furnished by
individuals at their own private expense, in the Regiment of
Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, commanded by Colonel John Coffee a
part of the detachment under the command of Major General Andrew
Jackson, in the service of the United States of America,
destined for the defense of the lower country."
Some of the names are obscured by
discoloration. The following is the list by companies:
Number 1 (72)
Capt. Goleman |
John Nash
Reid Barksdale
Thomas G. Watkins
Sam'l Matery
Gray K. Hubbard
Peter Winn
John Knight
P. Gatlin
Rob't Bedford
Henry McPeak
Vincent Willie
George R. Nash
Jacob Johns
Thomas Bedform
Thomas Nash
John McPeak
Josiah W. Zachery
Benjamin Wilson
Robert Smith
Thomas Nelson
William Jones
_____ Whitsett
John Smith
James Clemens |
Thomas Hubbard
Vincent Hubbard
Francis B. Cox
Henry Miller
John Bailey
James Stone
John Stone
John Smith
William Lockerd
Elisha Saunders
John Bowles
Willie Jones
Nathan Stockerd
George Williams
Samuel Smith
Robert Dyer
Joseph Kendrick
Theodorick Mabery
Bazel West
Walter Myrick
Joseph Patterson
Paul McMillian
Cyrus Sharp
Matthew Dickey |
Alexander Cathey
John Gazaway
John Hall
John Wilson
Benjamin Maberry
Jonathan Sherwood
William H. Dyer
William Higgins
William H. Whitson
Isaac Edwards
Joab H. Barton
William Gibbon
Lewis C. Anthony
John McQuaig
William Arnold
Benjamin Ward
William Steen
Adam Cox
Thompson Enoch
John F. Couser
John R. Enoch
Joseph Adkins
Thomas Adkins |

Number 2 (51)
Capt. Molton |
David Rushings
Absolum Maddin
Andrew Hamilton
John Lewis
John McHenry
Charles Baker
John Boothe
Isenias Haley
Howard W. Turner
Elisha Simmons
Robert Norris
John Baker
Thomas Arnold
Israel Arnold
Ephraim Arnold
James L. Bell
James Black |
Jesse Bays
John Cooper
Hewell Parrish
Alexander Dickson
William Evans
Shadrick Prinn
Stephen Harris
Isaac Hill
Randolph Harris
John Hooper
John Hays
Patrick Kelly
James Lewis
Aaron Lewis
Joseph Larkin
M. C. Molton
Samuel Lewis |
Peter Phillips
Benjamin Persel
William Powers
Jesse Norris
Samuel Richardson
Andrew Smith
James Simmons
West Wood
Hugh Dickson
Richard Juster
William Wingate
Samuel Morris
Richard Rushing
Jacob Vaughn
Wm. Wright
Richard Justice
Clarke Spencer |

Number 3 (68)
Capt. Baskerville |
John Baskerville
Moses Henry
Reubin Blackemore
Thadeus W. Barber
Robert Hodge
James Wilson
Thomas Knight
Thomas Brookshire
James Johnson
Ephraim Hunt
Henry Bledsoe;
John Bachelor
Peter Bryson
Matthew Duty
William Malory
Thomas Young
James Trousdale
John White
George Cooper
Solomon Duty
Ralph Dickinson
Archd Mitchell
Francis Johnson |
Jacob C. Cook
Isaac Bledsoe
Joseph Braton
Benj. Brown
John Fuller
Thomas T. Blackmon
Benj. Dowell
Jacob West
Ebin Phillips
John Gwin
John Mardrell
Wm. Murphy
David Williams
Benj. Ashlock
George Duty
Rob't Moore
Wm. A. Roberts
Wm. Carothers
Umphrey Bate
Arch'd Johnson
Silas Prewett
Benj. Duty
Ed. Kean |
R'd C. Johnson
Macklin Key
Jacob Gillespie
John Parker
Falton Boran
Lemuel Stubblefield
Isaac Ball
David Higgins
Wm. Counsel
Asa Harden
Ashly Stanfield
William Grubbs
John Byrn
Robert Fall
John Rutherford
James D. Edson
Phillip Ashlock
William Robertson
Hugh Latimore
William Bowling
Alex Bowling
George Mecklenberry |

Number 4 (35)
Capt. Stump |
R. C. Fielding
Joseph Gray
William Ritchie
N. Y. Hail
W. B. Amnon
D. E. Irvan
William Hudson
William Cleaves
J. Messy
Joseph Chumley
E. Singleton
C. Manly |
William Letts
Stephen White
Isaac Lewis
Jesse Belam
Hugh Walker
Isaac R. Gray
James McQuirter
David Willis
Alex Rily
William Anderson
Willis C. Clarke
Thos Stephens |
Joel Leek
Stephen Cavender
L. Green
Matthew Williams
Alsey Pace
A. Duglas
John Blaize
M. Garrett
Wm. S. Burnett
Peter Binkley
Rob't Holt |

Number 5 (38)
Capt. Tyrel |
_____ Cornelius
C. Davidson
Abner Warren
D. Tredwell
R. Bruden
J. K. McKean
J. Bassey Thos.
Ray Reuben
C. Biggs
S. Cogghill
Ben Caps
Rob't Cartwright
Jas. Frazer |
Moses Frazer
Thos. B. Hudson
Rich'd Harmon
J. McDurnett
John Robertson
John Robert Jr.
Wm. Turner
Geo. Gallegher
James Brayden
Thos. H. Harris
Gary Kelly
Wm. Richards
John Rainey |
John Smith Sen.
John Smith Jr.
James Vaught
Jedson Wilie
Ezekiel Brown
Rich'd McMahan
Isaiah Hogan
Aaron Edwards
Rob't Hight
Henry Lemon
Thos. Stuart
James Laseter |

Number 6 (71)
Capt. Byrn |
Josiah Walton
James Hamilton
Isaac Luny
John Cotton
Isaac Ellett
John Montgomery
Alex Cotton
William Cantrel
James Strother
Sam'l Rogers
Allen Cotton
Jacob Savia
Stuart Brigance
Adam Cowger
Hubbard Avent
James Byrn
Norflet Perry
Sam'l Edison
Olley Blackamon
Henry Winn
Chas. Brigance
Nicholas Lattimore
Rob't Parks
Hardy Robason |
Thos. Coffman
John C. Lattimore
Isaac Morris
Jesse Daniel
Berry Edwards
Rob't Moon
Thos. Dugger
John Curby
Everet Elliss
Westley Dugger
Alex McElroy
John H. Payton
Tho. M. Scurlock
Jos. Elliss
Ezekiel Brown
John Hunter
Dred Dugger
Nicholas Bain
Rob't Strother
John Bell
Solomon Anderson
Rob't W. Ceiltis
Igreat Dugger |
Jurdon Uzell
Willie Dorset
Henry Pearson
Rich'd Boyce
Winslow P. Johnstone
John Kalhoun
John Turner
Elisha Staltons
Wm. Daniel
Sam'l Lawrence
Simeon Perry
Henry Barnes
Benj. Kinsol
Tho. Daniel
Tho. Finley
Archibald Kempson
John Rice
John McKinsay
Elijah Rice
Tho. Marlin
Peter Winn
Thos. Wingo
Charles Brigance |

Troop Number 7 (57)
Capt. Smith |
Robt. Q. Johnston
Henry Hart
Wm. T. Williams
Wm. Lofland
Jno. S. Sanders
Sam'l Greenfield
Eth'd Williams
Elias F. Deloach
Benj. Darnal
Wm. Haygood
Wm. Briant
Wm. Hutchington
Benj. F. Smith
Josiah Fort
Henry Fort
Wm. Fort
Rob't Haygood
Wm. Adams
Joel Campbell |
David Duvall
Rob't Briant
Thos. Darnal
Nicholas Darnal
Daniel Collier
Wm. Smith
Moses Grant
Abijah Hightowre
Stephen Terry
John Robertson
Sam'l Lunsford
Larkin Usery
John Moore
Jas. B. Campbell
Jacob D. Clines
Joshua Luntsford
Henry Johnston
Jas. Cook
Tho. Cook |
David Waldin
Morgan Moore
Wm. Jimonson
Britton Briges
Jos. French
Morris Morris
Martin Duncan
Wm. McFaden
Tate Odeneal
Francis Hambleton
Jno. Garner
Joseph Colwell
John Grant
Tho. Roberts
Jas. Loyd
Sam'l H. D. Ryburn
Jas. Walker
Arthur Williams
Jno. Baker |

Number 8 (52)
Capt. Jetton |
John Wilson
Wm. Newgent
Jos. Wilson
David Hall
Jno. Lawrance
Ezekiel Dickson
George Douglas
Wm. Hill
Wm. Gavel
Moses Swan
Barnes Clark
Vyneard Croford
John Casy
Luke Dean
Daniel Eastwood
Kinchen Freman
Jno. Hill |
Lemuel Hall
Wm. Johnstone
Rob't Kelton
John Kislough
Jas. Marlin
Wm. Mabury
Jno. Marlin
David Moore
Amis McCoy
Jno. McCarrell
Enoch Harris
Oliver Harris
Wm. Noton
David McCay
George Philips
Wm. Parker
Wm. Norman |
Wm. Morris
Hugh Kirk
Thos. Pinkerton
Jno. McCary
Henry Thompson
Alex Russell
Rob't Russell
Thos B. Smith
Levy Taylor
Martin Taylor
Charles Taylor
Sam'l Nale
Rob't Whittle
Sam'l Warren
Jas. McClash
Edmond Tennison |

Number 9 (50)
Capt. Kavennaugh |
Isaac Coon
T. W. Linster
Jno. Bridges
Jos. Holcombe
J. W. Linster
Daniel Duns
Tho. Cowan
Wm. Parks
R. Ragsdale
R. L. Deen
Wm. Gurley
Levy Ragsdale
Andrew Beagar
Isaac Bigell
Wm. Bigell
John Benson
John Capps |
Wm. Cowan
Peter Edwards
John Epps
Wm. Fibrel
Andrew Goodman
Benj. Garley
Benj. Goodman
Jesse Gully
Geo. Glasscock
Nathaniel House
H. B. Jackson
Lee Kavenaugh
Jos. Long
Wm. Marten
R. W. Coutcker
Andrew McKinny
Glen Owen |
Mat Patton
J. B. Scrugs
Wm. Scott
J. R. Tankely
Joseph Teas
Tho. Wallace
John Wise
Ephriam Beazly
J. Carothers
H. P. Holt
Jas. Boyet
Benj. Jones
Laban Benson
Wm. Edmondson
Green House
Collinck Kinny |

Number 10 (66)
Capt. Bradley |
William Hallum
Isham Wynne
John Hallum
John P. Moss
Joseph Reiff
John A. Giving
David Parrish
John Warren
Jacob Reiff
Stephen Barton
John Bradley
Joseph Bouton
Drury Bettes
Wyat Bettes
John Bartlett
John Bryant
James Bales
William Bryant
Thomas Burket
John Cavet
Carter Crutcher
Wm. Crawford |
Green Cook
Jesse Cook
Elisha Cole
David Cole
James Calhoon
James Dooly
Peter Earhart
Thos. Grissom
James Eason
John Guthrey
Thompson Hays
Reid Horn
George Harpole
Sam'l Hunter
Isaac Hunter
Eli Harris
Pleasant Irby
Joseph Irby
James Roane
Luke Kent
James Jones
Joseph King |
Isaac Kelly
Thos. Morton
Rob't Marshall
Andrew McDaniel
Wm. McDaniel
John Irby
Sam'l Miller
Sam'l Neel
G. Neel
B. Organ
S. Organ
John Reiff
R. Sutton
Rich'd Rowland
James T. Wynne
J. C. Williams
Wm. Talbut
Jno. Young
A. Brown
Daniel Warren
John Cocke |

Number 11 (44)
Capt. McKean |
Will Harris
Eben Purcel
David McKnight
Rob't Moore
H. Hammons
S. Bedford
Geo. Patton
A. Lackey
Alfred Moore
Allen Corbet
Burwell Featherstone
E. H. Chaffin
H. Sheppard
H. Hartgrove
Jno. Dickson |
James Hill
Jno. Hill
James Moore
Josiah Vanhouse
Jno. Irwin
Jno. May
Jno. Wood
Jas. Monahan
Jos. Thompson
Jno. Cabler
Moses Ashbrook
Brent Wallace
Thos. Smith
Thos. Furgason
Thos. Rodes |
Thos. Hamilton
Nath. Henderson
Lem'l Nichols
Thos. Darnall
A. Chisolm
J. D. Graves
Abraham Rodes
H. Scott
H. Horn
H. Crenshaw
John Hopper
Jos. Thompson Sr.
Rob't Beard
Wm. Weer |
AHGP Tennessee

Source: Tennessee Historical Magazine,
Volume 2, Number 4, December 1916.
