Robertson County Tennessee
Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Pioneers from Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina - 1789-1795


On Red River: William Johnson, Elias Fort and sons, Rev. Sugg Fort and brother, Josiah Fort; Daniel Holman, John Phipps, Charles and Thomas Kilgore, James Yates, George Bigbee, David and Hugh Henry, Samuel Mason, Augustin Cook, John Bell, Rev. Thomas Plasters.

On Sulphur Fork: Henry, John, and James Gardner; Isaac Dortch; Carr, Holland, and Jonathan Darden; John Hutchison; Col. Archer Cheatham and his brothers, John and Anderson; John Crane, William and Jeremiah Batts, Charles and William Miles, James Norfleet, Elias Fort, Archelaus Mahan, Nathan Clark, John Couts, James Appleton, David and James Jones, Dr. Richard Nuckolls, Benjamin Porter, Patrick Patterson, Martin Walton, Robert Kerr.

On Caleb's Creek: Caleb Winters, Joseph Washington, Azariah Dunn, Henry Ayres, George Murphy, Rev. William Carter, George Williams, Thomas Farmer, David J. Justice.

On Beaver Dam Creek: Thomas Woodard, Arthur Pitt, John Chambers, James Owens, Joseph Winfield, William Benson, John Krisle, John Draughon, Martin Walton, Meredith Walton, Thomas Baird, Waddy Stark.

On Carr's Creek: Michael Fiser, Matthew Day, James Connell, Jacob Binkley, James Culberson, Jacob Fiser; Henry Johnson, grandfather of Hon. Cave Johnson and William and John Huddleston; Henry Johnson, son of Hon. Cave Johnson.

On Brown's Fork: Henry Frey, Jacob Binkley, Henry Childress, Samuel and William Crockett, Patrick and Thomas Martin.

On Elk Fork: William Fort, James Mitchell, David Smith, Andrew Shanklin, Joseph Wimberly.

On Miller's Creek: Robert Head, Richard James, John Carr, James Bryan, Nicholas Conrad, Jesse Martin, Rev. John Lemaster, James Elliott, Samuel Walker.

On Brush Creek: Col. Benjamin Elliott, Benjamin Jordan, Giles and William Connell, James Atkins, John Stephenson, Mark Noble, Frank Grimes, Matthew Luter, Sr., Matthew Luter, Jr., John and James Yoes.

On Sycamore Creek: Hardy Bryan, James Ventriss, Anthony Hinkle, Shadrick Rawls, Lawrence Clinard.

On Spring Creek: Rev. Joseph Dorris, who built the first shingle-roofed house in the county; Daniel Highsmith.

On Battle Creek: James Jamison, Elisha Pilant, Elisha Bellamy.

On Buzzard Creek: Reuben Rose, William Mason, Joseph Perry, Howell Sellars.

On Wartrace Creek: James Bell, Matthew Rose, John McIntosh, John Chowining.

The first settlement made in what is now Robertson County was at Kilgore's Station, in 1779.

We learn that Thomas Kilgore was one of the first settlers in what is now Robertson County. In 1779 he, in company with Moses Mauldon, Ambrose Mauldon, Samuel Mason, Josiah Hawkins, and others, built a fort one mile west of where the village of Cross Plains, in this county, is situated, and called it "Kilgore's Station." Thomas Kilgore lived to be one hundred and eleven years old. He was never known to ride, except one time, always preferring to walk. He never took any medicines until just before his death.

The first settlement made in what is now, Robertson County was on Red River, just below where the St. Louis and Southeastern Railroad bridge crosses said stream, by William Johnson, from North Carolina, in 1787. Soon after Charles Miles, from South Carolina, built a blockhouse near the Sulphur Fork of Red River. Other settlements were made at the mouth of Sulphur Fork, then called "Richland Creek" by James Stewart and William Fort, about 1790. In the following year Kilgore's Station was established by Thomas Kilgore.

Robertson County | AHGP Tennessee


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Source: American Historical Magazine, Volume V, No. 1, editor W. R. Garrett, Peabody Normal College, Nashville, Tennessee, 1900.


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