Early History of Middle Tennessee
This is a great little book for those
searching the middle Tennessee Counties contains names of many
of the families who lived there, fights with Indians and forts
that were built for their protection. Contains photos of
individuals, homes and monuments.

The history of Tennessee, and especially
that of our own section of the State, was long sadly neglected,
and it is now with the greatest difficulty that many of the
isolated facts of tradition may be woven into a continuous
thread of history.
The failure of preceding generations to gather and record,
first-handed, many of the stirring events of early times in the
Cumberland Valley from those who participated in them., has
increased the task of the historical writer of today. Only one
other attempt has been made to write a history of Middle
Tennessee and that was by Col. A. W. Putnam, of Nashville, in
1859. From this work I have gathered much valuable information
as well as from Carr's Early Times, the histories of the State
written by Judge Haywood, Dr. Ramsey, Mr. Phelan, Prof. McGee,
Garrett and Goodpasture and others. I am also indebted to
Imlay's Historical Works, Roosevelt's Winning of the West, and
Washington Irving's account of Spanish travels.
Much of the latter-day traditions extant in both Sumner and
Davidson Counties has been collected and harmonized and to the
many sources from which this has been gathered I acknowledge
myself indebted. Especially do I desire to express thanks to Dr.
J. H. McNeilly, of Nashville, Dr. R. V. Foster, of Lebanon, and
Col. Ruben T. Durrett, of Louisville, for the courtesies and
help extended and many favors shown. Without the aid of these
and of others who might be mentioned I should have fallen far
short of the historical accuracy which I believe to be a
characteristic of the forthcoming work:
For my own gratification as well as for that of coming
generations, I have gathered the facts presented from every
available source, and now give them to the public, trusting that
they may both instruct and entertain,
Edward Albright.
Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 15, 1909

Mound Builders
First Indian Settlers
Spanish Adventures
Hunters and
Timothy Demenbreun
Boone, Callaway and Scraggins
The Long
Mansker's Party
Thomas Sharp Spence
Indian Tribes and
First White Settlers
Robertson, Arrival at French Lick
Location of Forts
Donelson's Voyage
Perils of The River
End of the Voyage
Compact of Government
of 1780, Indian Warfare Begins
Events Of 1780, Massacre at Renfroe's Station
Events Of 1780, Clover Bottom Defeat
of 1781, In Search Of Ammunition
Events of 1781, Mrs. Dunham and Daughter Wounded
Events Of
1782. David Hood Scalped
Events of 1783. Forts Established In Sumner County
Events of
1784, Militia Reorganized
Events of 1785, Wm. Hall Arrives At Bledsoe's Lick
Events of
1786, Population of Settlement Increases
of 1787, Increase Of Immigration
Events of 1787, The Cold Water Expedition
Events of
1788, Attack on Bledsoe's Fort
Events of 1789, Col. John Sevier Elected To Congress
Events of 1790, Middle Tennessee Becomes Part Of The Western
of 1791, Alexander McGillivray, Trouble with the Cherokees
Events of 1792,
Indian Ravages
Of 1792, Lieutenant Snoddy and Party
Events of 1793, Major Evans And Party Attacked
Events of 1794, The Territorial Assembly Meets
Events of 1794, The Nickajack Expedition
Events of 1705-1796, State Of Tennessee Organized
AHGP Tennessee

Source: Early History of Middle
Tennessee, BY Edward Albright, Copyright, 1908, Brandon Printing
Company, Nashville, Tennessee, 1909
