*Washington County, Rhode Island is situated in the south part
of the state, and contains 367 square miles. The Atlantic bounds it on the south, and Narraganset Bay on the
east. It is drained by Pawcatuck River and its branches, the principal of which are Wood and Charles Rivers,
which afford good water power. The surface is moderately uneven; soil, a strong gravelly loam, well adapted
to grazing. It has several good harbors. Capital, North Kingston. There were in 1840, neat cattle 10,741,
sheep 35,136, swine 8,399; wheat 1,428 bushels produced, rye 6,267, Indian corn 113,591, buckwheat 446,
barley 12,590, oats 69,317, potatoes 257,731; 80 stores, capital $114,250; 6 lumber yards, capital $14,300;
16 fulling mills, 25 woolen factories, 23 cotton factories with 23,666 spindles, 10 tanneries, 28 grist mills,
21 saw mills, 1 printing office. Capital in manufactures $771,610. 6 academies with 270 students, 19 schools
with 742 scholars. Population: 14,324.
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