Pacific Coast Business Directory

Washington Territory - Port Townsend, Jefferson County to Yelm, Thurston County

Port Townsend, Jefferson County, PO, Port of entry, incorporated town and County seat, is on a commodious and well sheltered harbor at the entrance of Puget Sound from the Straits of Juan de Fuca, 65 miles from the ocean, and, commercially it is the most important town in the Territory at the present time. Here is the United States Custom House and the Marine Hospital, and all vessels to or from American ports must pay their respects to the authorities. The harbor of Port Townsend Is a large bay, four miles broad by six in length, giving good anchorage and protection, excepting a partial exposure to southeast winds. A military station is at the head of the bay, which is well situated for protecting the entrance to the harbor and the Sound, the passage opposite being five miles in width. The place is connected by lines of steamers with every other locality on the neighboring waters, including Victoria and other points in British Columbia. With such connections it enjoys a large trade, besides a prosperous business dependent on its own immediate resources. These are the magnificent forests of fir, spruce and pine, which cover nearly every portion of the surrounding country, and the abundance of fish which abound in the contiguous waters. An extensive sandstone quarry, on the south side of Scow Bay, has recently been opened by a company for the purpose of supplying building stone for San Francisco and other cities. At the head of the Bay a United States fort is located, commanding the harbor and protecting the entrance to the Sound. Port Townsend is comprised of two divisions, one on the beach by the water's edge, and the other on the bluffs overlooking the harbor. The first contains the principal business houses. Custom House, Masonic, Odd Fellows' and Good Templars' Halls. On the bluff are the churches and schools, the neat private residences of citizens, and the Marine Hospital. One newspaper, the Argus, is published weekly.
Appleton John, shoe maker
ARGUS, Charles W Philbrick, proprietor
Barthrop George, fancy goods, and sign painter
Bartlott Charles C, general merchandise
Bill Caleb, blacksmith
Booth & Co, butchers
Bowers Frank, house and sign painter
Bradshaw Charles M, attorney at law
Burns John E, County Surveyor, and real estate agent
Calhoun George V, physician
Clinger J G, auctioneer, and carpenter
Delaitong Baptiste, bathing and hair-dressing saloon
Delgardno James, hotel
Dennison &. Blanchard, attorneys at law
Dodd William, liquor saloon
Edmonson & Co, butchers
EISENBEIS CHARLES, bakery, and groceries
Fitzpatrick John, boots and shoes
Fowler Enoch S & Co, ship chandler, groceries, liquors, and tobacco
Gerrish F, president Puget Sound Telegraph Co, and general merchandise
Grellert William, brewery
Hall Isaac M, attorney at law
Hastings C, photographer
Hill N D, drugs, medicines, and paints, oils, etc
Hoxie ____, poultry
Hunt J J, hotel
Hyland P E Rev, clergyman (Episc)
Jackman T & Co, butchers
James Frank W, general merchandise
Jordan Lawrence, carpenter
Korter J, barber
Kuhn Joseph A, attorney at law, and notary public
Lange William G, watch maker, and jeweler
Learned William H H, produce
Logan Daniel, proprietor Port Discovery Stage Line
McCurday William, carpenter, and builder
Miller ____, jewelry, watches, etc.
Minor T T, physician
Newton William, livery stable
Newton & Keymes, liquor saloon
Nichols ____, horticulturist
Norris John T, stoves, tinware, and metals
Peterson John T, merchant tailor
PHILBRICK CHARLES W, proprietor Argus
Phillips Thomas, real estate agent, collector, and conveyancer
Puget Sound Telegraph Co, F Gerrish, president
Pugh John, Dungeness & Neah, Bay Packet Line
Raymond Samuel, liquor saloon
Rea John Rev, clergyman (Presb)
Rees George, liquor saloon
Rice E N, plasterer
Ross William, coffee saloon
Rothschild & Co, general merchandise
Schur Louis, liquor saloon
Seavey James, postmaster
Sheehan J F, stoves and tinware
Smith David W, attorney at law
Spoar David, carpenter, and builder
Storming George .J, liquor saloon
Swan James G, attorney at law, and probate judge
Tibbals H L, forwarding, and commission
Union Wharf Co, Henry L Tibbals, president
Van Normer John, omnibus and express proprietor
Waterman & Katz, shipping and commission merchants, agents Wells, Fargo & Co, and general merchandise
Wordley John H, hotel
Zeiberg Franz, cabinet maker

Pumphrey's Landing, Cowlitz County. (See Olequa)

Puyallup, Pierce County, PO
Ross Darius M, postmaster

Queneault, Chehalis County, PO address, Chehalis Point, 100 miles north west of Montesano
Henrv Gordon A, Indian agent
Johnson J K, physician

Quillehutte, Clallam County, PO address, Neah Bay 100 miles southwest of New Dungeness 35 miles south of Cape Flattery, is on the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the Quillehutte River. There is no village and but few white settlers within ten miles of this locality. Unfriendly Indians have been the obstacle to the settlement or this portion of the Territory.
Pullen M D, general merchandise

Renton Mines, King County. (See Black River)

Riverside, Pacific County, PO 26 miles north east of Oysterville.
Balch, E T, physician (South Fork Willopa River)
Barstow C S, blacksmith (Willopa River)
Bush A K. postmaster, and lumber manufacturer
Hays James physician (Willopa River)
Wood J T Co general merchandise, and lumber manufacturer (Willopa River)

Rock Greek, Stevens County, PO
Wells Henry, postmaster

Rockland, Klikitat County, PO address, The Dalles, Oregon, is the County seat, situated on the north side of the Columbia River, opposite The Dalles. The surrounding country is quite unoccupied though considerable advance has been made during the few years past, and the business of the place is small. Roads lead from Rockland to the Yakima Reservation and to Fort Simcoe; also to various points throughout the county.
Nelson Peter, groceries

Rosalia, Stevens County, PO
Whitman J M, postmaster

Samish, Whatcom County, PO 14 miles south of Whatcom
Dean William, postmaster, and general merchandise
McTaggart E, notary public

San Juan, San Juan County, PO and County seat 8 miles south of Friday Harbor is on the southern end of Sail Juan Island, and commands a good and commodious harbor. This island obtained considerable notoriety from its disputed possession, and has more than once endangered the peace of the two countries, it having been claimed by both nations the Ashburton Treaty of 1846 establishing the boundary on the 49th parallel to the middle of the channel between the main land and Vancouver s Island to the Straits of Fuca. Between the 49th parallel and the Straits are thirty small islands, of which San Juan is the principal. North is the gulf of Georgia, east is the Rosario Channel, south the Straits of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound, and west Haro strait or Canal de Haro, separating the group from Vancouver Island. The first was claimed by the English as the main channel, and the latter by the Americans. In the survey of 1868 a middle, called the Douglas Channel, was discovered, which if adopted would have divided the islands between the two governments, giving San Juan and a few others to the English, but by arbitration before the Emperor of Germany, the Canal de Haro was decided as the dividing line, and the entire group fell to the United States. This island has an area of sixty square miles, is exceedingly fertile, and is well adapted for agricultural and grazing purposes, as well as for an important military station. The quarrying of limestone and preparing the lime for market constitute an important business.
Bailey & Co, lime manufacturers
Boyce S V, carpenter
Jakle George, hotel
Katz I, postmaster and general merchandise
McCoy Charles, blacksmith
Ostergaard Carl, general merchandise
Weeks T J Rev, clergyman (Presb)

San Juan County. This county consists of a cluster of islands lying opposite the Straits of Fuca, and south of the gulf of Georgia, dividing the archipelago with Island County on the south east. Vancouver Island is separated from it by the canal de Haro Ran Juan and Orcas are the largest of the group in this county. Area 612 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $130,418, San Juan, eight miles south of Friday's Harbor is the county seat. Principal towns: East Bay on Orcas Island and San Juan on the Island of the same name. All bear the usual characteristics of the region about the Sound, having resources of forest grazing, farming, fishing, and the manufac-ire of lime from inexhaustible quarries of an excellent quality of limestone. See description of San Juan and Orcas Island for further particulars
Officer: J. H. Bowman, Probate Judge; _____ Whitener Sheriff; E. D. Warbass, Auditor; Robert H. Frazer Treasurer; E. C. Gilette, Surveyor; T M Baggas, Coroner; William Bell, Superintendent of Public Schools.

Satsop, Chehalis County, PO 8 miles east of Montesano
Brady John, postmaster
Miller A B, harness and saddlery
Schafer Dianas, wagon maker
Smith A J, blacksmith, and wagon maker
Smith Edward, cabinet maker
Wood Merritt, hotel

Seabeck, Kitsap County, PO 18 miles south west of Port Madison
Adams & Taylor, lumber manufacturers, and general merchandise
Claysen E, hotel
Hauptly J , butcher
Holyoke Richard, postmaster
Howard D K, hotel
Neal W, boots and shoes
Slorah A, notary public

Seattle, King County, PO. Incorporated city, and County seat, is situated on Eliot's Bay, on the eastern side of Puget Sound, 60 miles north east of Olympia. This is one of the most promising and prosperous towns of the Territory, possessing great commercial advantages, leaving an excellent harbor; and being directly west of the Snoqualmie Pass, is situated to command the trade of the extensive wheat growing and grazing region east of the Cascade Mountains. The surrounding country possesses extraordinary resources, the soil being fertile, forests magnificent, and mines of coal of excellent quality are abundant, ten miles distant. The city occupies a pleasant position on the Bay, the background slightly rising and uneven, and bordered by the evergreen fringe of spire-like, tall and graceful firs and spruce, which give the country its celebrity and contribute so much to its wealth. Seattle is the seat of the Territorial University, which occupies a conspicuous position on an elevation in the northern portion of the town, and adds much to its attractiveness. The city front shows the leading business of the country Great piles of boards, plank, spars and timber fill the wharves and the beach, and the saw mill, with its "gang" and every other machine for the manufacture of lumber is ever busy in converting the majestic forest trees into the useful commodities of commerce. Two and a half miles east is Lake Washington a beautiful sheet of clear, fresh water, 20 miles long and from 2 to 5 miles in width, with a depth of from 50 to 200 feet, and is navigated by steamers carrying freight and Passengers and shinning coal from the mines on the east to Seattle. Coal and iron of superior quality are found in the immense quantities extending from 5 to 45 miles distant, with no other accessible outlet than through the city, and form a source of future wealth. A railroad is proposed from Seattle to Walla Walla, which will open a country of vast resources now unoccupied and undeveloped. Three newspapers, the Puget Sound Dispatch, The Intelligencer, and the Pacific Tribune, are published weekly.
Abrams R, livery stable, Washington
Alger & Nixon, liquor saloon, Mile
Allup George, fishmonger, Commercial
ANDERSON JOHNS, cider and vinegar manufacturer, Front
Anderson & Osborne, liquors and billiards, Commercial
Andrews L B, real estate agent, Washington
ANDREWS S. P. stoves, tinware, gas fittings, etc. Commercial
ANDREWS W R. attorney at law
Atwood ____ Rev. clergyman (Meth).
Bagley A & H B. homeopathic physicians. Commercial
Bagley Daniel Rev, clergyman (Meth)
Baunton William, butcher. Commercial
Baxter Daniel K, boots and shoes, Commercial
Bean J R, cigars, tobacco, and Yankee notions. Mile
Blackman E J & D A, milliners, dress makers, and agents Singer Sowing Machines, First
Boardman G W, painter, First
Bonnell C R Rev, (Episc)
Bow W H, livery stable, corner Mill and Second
Brownfield Curtis, brick mason and plasterer
BROWN & BELL, proprietors Puget Sound Dispatch
Burke Thomas, attorney at law
Butler H S, laundry. Front
Calhoun S G, physician. Commercial
CALVERT E, house and sign painter, Mill
Chapin S F, physician. Commercial
Clancy William, liquor and billiard saloon
Coleman J M, lumber manufacturer. Mill
Collins John & Co, proprietors Occidental Hotel
Coombs Samuel F, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, and insurance agent. Mill
Coulter T, cooper
Crawford H S Mrs, millinery, Cherry
Crawford & Harrington, general merchandise. Commercial
Grichton S, brewery. Mill
Damon John F Rev, clergyman (Cong)
DAVIS M H, tannery. Mill
Davis S, general merchandise. Commercial
Denny D T, real estate
DEXTER, HORTON & CO, bankers. Commercial
Dodge E T, produce commission, Front
Dyer Frederick A, liquor and billiard saloon. Commercial
Emery Charles D, attorney at law. Commercial
Falkner & Fitzgerald, liquor saloon, Washington
Farnham & Clark, clothing, boots and shoes, Commercial
Forbes T H, shoe maker. Commercial
Fox A, bathing, and hair dressing saloon. Commercial
Frank & Menden, liquor saloon
Frauenthal Brothers, general merchandise. Mill
Freeland B R, dentist
Freeman Thomas P, varieties. Commercial
Freidrich August, guns, pistols, and ammunition
Frost & Borst, butchers. Commercial
Gard Theophile, restaurant, Washington
Gilliam William H, postmaster. Mill
Good James, liquor saloon, Washington
Grasse J C, dentist. Commercial
Graves R C Mrs, millinery. Third and Columbia
Guttenberg Frank, liquor saloon. Mill
Guyl Mrs, agent Florence Sewing Machines, Third
Hahn William, blacksmith, Washington
Hall William B, attorney at law, and surveyor. Commercial
Hall Graves, furniture, bedding, undertakers, etc, Commercial
Hammond William, ship builder
Hanford C H, attorney at law. Commercial
Harmon Loren C, proprietor New England Hotel, corner Commercial and Main
Harris S C, draughtsman
Hathaway Henry E, collector
HIGGINS DAVID, attorney at law, and proprietor
Weekly Intelligencer, Mill
Holmes & Glore, furniture, and bedding, pianos, and undertakers. Commercial
Hovey & Barker, general merchandise, corner Commercial and Mill
Hoyt Hiram, photographer. Mill and Second
Hughes & Hemiss, restaurant, Mill
Hunt & Campbell, blacksmiths, and wagon makers. Mill
INTELLIGENCER, David Higgins, proprietor. Front
Jackman T & Co, butchers. Commercial
Jackson T J, livery stable
Jamieson Anna Mrs, ladies' furnishing goods, Cherry
Jamieson John L, watch maker and jeweler. Mill
Jamieson W T, watch maker and jeweler, and musical instruments. Commercial
Jenkins D P, attorney at law. Commercial
Jensen William, skating rink, and restaurant. Main
Jewett J W, liquor saloon, Washington
Johnson A, proprietor U S Hotel, Commercial
Jones H, boots and shoes. Mill
Kaeding G E, liquor saloon, Washington and Second
Kaufman D, tailor. Commercial
Kellogg J C, physician. Second
Kelly Jay G, assayer
Kelly Matthew A, drugs and medicines. Commercial
Kenney Samuel, merchant tailor. Commercial
Knipe Robert, produce
Lambert George, boots and shoes. Cherry
Larrabee & White, attorneys at law, Dispatch Building
Levy Jacob, tailor. Main
Lohse Henry, bricklayer
Low Reuben, liquor saloon, Mill
Lynch Brothers, gardeners and florists
Lyon J N, manager and superintendent Puget Sound Telegraph Co.
Mackintosh A, notary public, and real estate agent, Mill
Maddocks M R, drugs, and stationery. Mill
Maggs J S, dentist, Mill
Malson A W, butcher, and groceries. Mill
McAndrews Martin, boots and shoes Commercial
McConaha George N, attorney at law. Commercial
McDonald C, blacksmith. Mill
McGilvra John J, attorney at law
McLeod Norman Rev, clergyman (Cong)
McLeod & Leary, attorneys at law, real estate, and fire insurance agents. Commercial
Means Thomas, boots and shoes. Commercial
Melvin William, liquor saloon. Mill
MEYDENBAUER WILLIAM, bakery. Commercial
Mitchell Charles L, harness, and saddlery. Mill
Moore George, photographer. Commercial
Moore R J, boots and shoes. Commercial
MORRILL J F & Co, drugs and medicines. Commercial
MORRILL & MORRIS, produce, foot Washington
Mundt Adolph, clothing, groceries, and crockery, Mill
Murphy Benjamin, liquor saloon, Commercial
Naeher Charles, watch maker, and jeweler, Commercial
Nicholson A B Rev, clergyman (Presb)
Norwold H E, tailor. Commercial
PACIFIC TRIBUNE, Thomas W Prosch, proprietor
Pagden, Charles, confectioner
Palmer Isaac A, architect, and agent Wheeler &
Wilson Sewing Machines, Mill
Parker Isaac, machinist. Front
PERKINS C C, County Auditor, and agent State Investment Insurance Co, Mill
Pike & Shoudy, painters, and paper-hangers. Mill
Pink ham A S, furnishing goods, cutlery, and tobacco. Commercial
Piper A M, confectionery, and ice-cream saloon. First
Prefontaine F X Rev, clergyman (R C)
PROSCH THOMAS W, proprietor Pacific Tribune
PUGET SOUND DISPATCH, Brown & Bell, proprietors
Pumphrey & Young, books, stationery, and musical instruments, Mill
Reinig Leonard, bakery, and groceries. Mill
Ronton Coal Co, Charles Bennett, secretary, coal dealers. Commercial
Rey Samuel, bathing and hair dressing saloon
ROBBINS J R, wines and liquors. Commercial
Robinson William, cigars and tobacco, Mill
Rylatt R M, stone cutter, Front
Sawtelle _____, physician. Commercial
Schmieg Martin, brewery, Front
Schwabacher Bros. & Co, general merchandise, Commercial
SCOTT RUSSELL, attorney at law, and secretary
Seattle and Walla Walla R R Co, Mill
Seattle Coal and Transportation Co, David Hewes, superintendent
Seattle File and Tool works, Cherry near Front
Seattle Gas Co, H L Yesler, president. Commercial
Seattle Water Works, H L Yesler, president and secretary
Denny, president, Russell Scott, secretary. Mill
Settle Joseph, physician. Third
Sidey George, cooper, Front
Sidgemor, Joseph, architect, carpenter and builder
Sires David Rev, clergyman (Meth)
Smith D S, U S commissioner, notary public, and justice of the peace, Mill
Smith Thomas, liquor saloon. First
Smith & Jewett, liquor saloon, Front
Snyder F V. butcher. Mill
Sparling F W, physician, Commercial
Stringbam Thomas H, house and sign painter. Mill
Sullivan John, varieties. Commercial
Talbot Coal Co, John Collins, president, coal dealers. Commercial
Thompson Thomas, gunsmith, and fire arms and sporting materials. Front
Rev George F Whitworth, president
Van Buron W D, agent Howe sewing machines. Cherry
Van Buron & Kelly Mesdames, patterns, and dress makers, Cherry
Waddell & Miles, stoves and tin ware. Mill
Wagner Joseph, liquor saloon. Mill
Webster & Knipe, produce, foot Washington
Weed, G A, physician. Commercial
Welch John, tailor. Commercial
Wenzler John, shoe maker, Mill
Wheeler D T, notary public, conveyancer, and insurance agent. Mill
White W H, attorney at law
WHITWORTH GEORGE F Rev, clergyman (Presb), and President University of Washington Territory
Wilson & Son, foundry, Front
Wirth J A Rev, (Bap)
Wolff A, upholsterer, Mill
Yesler Henry L, lumber manufacturer, Mill
York William M, attorney at law, and probate judge. Commercial
Yost R, teacher piano and violin
Young C D, attorney at law. Mill and Commercial

Sehome, Whatcom County, PO 1 mile south of Whatcom
Barrow J J, physician
Baxter Sutcliffe, postmaster, and agent Bellingham
Bay Coal Co.
Bellingham Bay Coal Co, coal mining, and general merchandise
Pearson C D, liquor saloon
Pitchford William, hotel

Selah, Yakima County, PO
Clemen Augusta, postmistress

Semiahoo, Whatcom County, PO 22 miles north west of Whatcom
Bruns M Miss, teacher
Clark M B, trader
Cunningham J M, physician
Lindsey J N, teacher
MeBee Isaiah, blacksmith
Murne James E, postmaster, and general merchandise
Thurlow A, hotel

Sharon, Chehalis County, PO 25 miles __ of Montesano
Ticknor Seth, blacksmith
Wylie Leburn, postmaster

Ship Harbor, Whatcom County, PO 25 miles south west of Whatcom
Shannon Edward L, postmaster

Silver Creek, Lewis County, PO
Tucker John, postmaster

Silver Lake, Cowlitz County, PO
Germond Drusilla, postmaster

Skagit, Whateom County, PO 35 miles south west of Whatcom
Brice William, physician
Campbell John, general merchandise
Conner J J, general merchandise
Davis B N L Kev, clergyman (Bap)
Dennison J N Rev, clergyman (Meth)
Durley Peter, teacher
Marshall H, liquor saloon
McAlpine Edward, postmaster
Pritchard J P, blacksmith
Tingley S L, boat builder

Skamania County. Bounded north by Lewis; east by Yakima and Klikitat; south by the Columbia River; and west by Clarke. Area, 1,800 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $129,546. Population 300. County seat, Cascades. Principal town, Lower Cascades, both termini of the Cascade Railroad, and points of departure of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company's boats on the lower and upper Columbia. The county is exceedingly mountainous, embracing within its limits nearly the whole width of the Cascade Range, and affording but little room for farming land. Here are the Cascades of the Columbia, where the great river breaks the barrier of the mountain range and rushes with a mighty torrent through the gorge. In the northwest is the lofty peak of St. Helens, 9,250 feet high, standing directly east of the mouth of the Columbia, and a most conspicuous object to the navigator entering the river, or the tourist upon it.
Officers: William Collins, Probate Judge; N. H. Bloomfield, District Attorney; A. R. McDonald, Sheriff; Tax Collector, and Assessor; S. B. Jones, Auditor; J. W. Brazee, Treasurer, and Superintendent Public Schools; H. A. Levins, Surveyor, and Coroner.

Skamokawa, Wahkiakum County, PO 6 miles west of Cathlamett
Brookes C, cooper
Columbia River Salmon Co, salmon cannery
Durham E B, cooper
Humes R D, salmon cannery
Lowell H, carpenter
Lutes J T, cabinet maker
Martin J S, carpenter
Moe Albert B, postmaster

Skokomish, Mason County, PO. (See Union City)
McReavy John, postmaster

Skookumchuck, Lewis County, PO
Crosby C, Jr, postmaster

Slaughter, King County, PO 28 miles south of Seattle
Hughes Alexander S, postmaster, and physician

Snohomish City, Snohomish County, PO and County seat, 100 miles north east of Olympia, on the Snohomish River, in the midst of a good agricultural and lumbering country. The river is one of the largest entering Puget Sound, and is formed by the junction, 18 miles from the mouth, of the Skykomish, the northern branch rising in Cady's Pass, and the Snoqualmie, rising in the Pass of the same name. The Snohomish is navigable at all seasons, and Snoqualmie to near the falls of the latter stream for eight months of the year. The river empties into Port Susan, a division of the Sound between the main land and the southern portion of Whidby Island. Much attention has been paid to literary and religious culture. The "Snohomish Atheneum," a corporate society, maintains the best general library in the Territory, and other societies are established.
Bald John, carpenter
Cathcart Isaac, hotel
Dickenson Thomas, hotel
Ferguson E C, postmaster, and general merchandise
Fulsom A C, physician
Hanson L, blacksmith
Marks Thomas, liquor saloon
Morse Eldridge, attorney at law
Roncine William, hotel

Snohomish County. Bounded north by Whatcom, east by Stevens, south by King, and west by the waters of the Sound, separating it from Island County. Area, 1,500 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $250,600. County seat, Snohomish City. Principal towns: Lowell, Quala, Mukilteo and Tulalip, the latter an Indian reservation. This County is noted for the forests which skirt its numerous streams, and the principal business is the gathering of logs and the manufacture of lumber. A narrow strait, called Port Susan, washes its western border, and the principal rivers emptying into it are the Stitaguamish, in the northern part, and the Snohomish, in the southern, the latter a tine, navigable stream. Coal is found in various places, but the mines are undeveloped. Along the sound are extensive cranberry marshes, and in the interior are large tracts of land without timber, and most inviting to the agriculturist. The eastern extremity rises to the summit of the Cascade Range, which section is but little known. The population is sparse, consisting chiefly of bauds of loggers, who destroy without improving; but in the past two or three years several farms have been made, and this now promises to become the leading interest. The fisheries are also becoming rapidly developed.

Snoqualmie, King County, PO 35 miles east of Seattle
Borst Jeremiah, postmaster

South Bend, Pacific County, PO
Wood John, postmaster

Spokane Bridge, Stevens County, PO 100 miles south east of Port Colville
Cowley Michael M, postmaster
Cowley & Ford, general merchandise, and fur dealers

Spokane Falls, Stevens County, PO
Cowdey H T, Indian missionary
Matheny, Glover & Yeaton, general merchandise and lumber manufacturers
Yeaton C F, postmaster

Squak, King County, PO 20 miles east of Seattle
Brank C M, blacksmith
Brank W H, teacher
Bush James, postmaster
Sloane Thomas S, teacher
Tibbets George W, hotel
Wold Bros, shoe makers

Steilacoom, Pierce County, PO and County seat 20 miles northeast of Olympia, near the head of Puget Sound, and on the only portion of that briarean sea without other designation. This portion of the Sound is connected with the northern, or main body by a narrow passage, through which the tide rushes with great velocity, constituting a serious obstruction to navigation, unless the skillful navigator takes it at the flood, or in his favor, when it leads him successfully through the pass despite adverse winds and weather. About a mile east of the town the United States Fort Steilacoom, is located, but the garrison has been removed and it was occupied as the Territorial Asylum for the Insane, in which there are usually from 30 to 40 patients. Upon the opposite side of the harbor is located the Washington Penitentiary, having 42 cells, being constructed at a cost of about $40,000, with plans for enlargement as necessity demands and the ability of the Territory admits. Near the town are located the Castlenook Fishery, the Steilacoom Bay Mills, Byrd's Mills and other industrial enterprises. Among the educational establishments are St. Joseph's Academy, and a Convent School under charge of Sisters of Charity. A large business is carried on in exporting beer, hops, hoop poles, ship-knees, lumber, wool, fish, and fish oil, flour, grain, etc. The Northern Pacific Railroad has a station at Lakeview, four miles distant, by which most convenient communication is maintained with other important towns. At this point commences the military road leading through the Nachess Pass of the Cascades to Wallula at old Fort Walla Walla on the Columbia, and a good wagon road leads to Seattle and to Olympia. One weekly newspaper, the Puget Sound Express, is among the prominent institutions of the place.
Ball R, liquor saloon
Ballard Irving, attorney at law
Bender Frank, Market
Bondell ____ Rev, clergyman (R C)
Cater W C, liquor saloon
Chambers Thomas M, flour manufacturers
Clarke Frank, attorney at law
Clendennin & Miller, general merchandise
Collins Daniel, tailor
Davis Edward, general merchandise
DICKENS JULIUS, postmaster, and proprietor of
Puget Sound Express
Eisenbois Frederick, general merchandise, and bakery
Gallagher Jane Mrs, stoves and tinware
Gardner F II, barber
Gimel Martin, liquor saloon
Goodtime Louis Mrs, general merchandise
Guess Mason T, livery stable
Harrington H, cooper
Holman James, shoe maker
Hoover Jacob, attorney at law
Hoxie Charles Rev, clergyman (Meth)
Hughes James, hotel
James M, physician
Johnson E C, tannery
Reach Philip, general merchandise
Latham John & Co, druggists, and agents Wells,
Fargo & Co
Light E A, groceries, and lumber
Locke John W, brewery
Lyle & Shields, livery stable
Mastin W H, hotel
McCaw & Rogers, general merchandise
Orr Nathaniel H, wagon maker
Pincus & Packsher, general merchandise
Polestheki A, tailor
PUGET SOUND EXPRESS, Julius Dickens, proprietor
Rhine, Holt & Stutt, brewers
Ringuist Peter, blacksmith
Shafer Wolf, brewery
Sloan G W Rev, clergyman (Presb)
Swan John & Co, lumber
Thompson W, liquor saloon
Voight William, hotel
Wallace W H, attorney at law
Weller George & Co, butchers
Westbrook J J, general merchandise
Williston H C, physician
Steptoe, Whatcom County, PO
Richardson John C, postmaster

Stevens County, Bounded north by British Columbia, east by the Territory of Idaho, south by Whitman and Yakima, west by Yakima, Snohomish, and Whatcom. Area, 2-5,000 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $268,731. County Seat, Fort Colville. There are no towns of importance, and but few settlements in the county. This region, comprising about one third of the entire area of the Territory, is usually known as the "Colville country," and includes within its limits the great plains of the Columbia, the Spokane plains, the Grand Coulee, Colville valley and gold mines, and the valley of the Pend d'Oreille. The county received its name in honor of the gallant Gen. J. J. Stevens, formerly Governor of the Territory. Through this, with many windings, runs the Columbia River, entering from British Columbia, and receiving numerous large and navigable branches, among which are White Sheep, Kettle, Okinakane, Methow, Chelan, Wenatchie, and Yakima on the west, and Clark's Fork, or Pend d'Oreille, Palouse, Spokane, and Lewis Fork, or Snake, on the east, besides many smaller streams. In this vast extent of country are broad plains, and rugged mountains, with some exposed and barren places, but the percentage of valuable land is large. The first settlement made in this eastern Washington was in 1824, by the Hudson Bay Company, at Old Fort Colville, on the Columbia River, near Kettle Falls, in latitude 48° 37', and 30 miles southwest of the United States Port Colville, and this was for many years second in importance only to Fort Vancouver. Colville is also the name of a United States collection district, rendered necessary by the trade and travel between the United States and British Columbia, which is something large. The value of merchandise which passed the collector's office in 1869, was about $1,000,000, but the business has so declined that in 1874 it did not exceed $40,000. The incentives to business at the former period were a mining excitement on the Upper Columbia, and the proposed construction of the N. P. R. R. The Colville gold mines are on the bars of the Columbia and lateral streams southwardly, and have been quite productive for near twenty years past, with but the simplest methods of working, but these are not at present worked. Much of the country is very fertile, producing wheat, corn, potatoes, melons, and fruits of various kinds. The climate is represented by Captain Mullen, of the United States Army, as resembling that of St. Joseph, Missouri, in latitude 41°. In a few years this valuable section will be traversed by the Pacific Railroad, when its worth will become known, and its resources developed.
Officers: George McCrea, Probate Judge; T. J. Anders, District Attorney; H. E. Boung, Sheriff' and Assessor; Daniel Braley, Auditor; Joseph Lepray. Treasurer: C. H. Montgomery, Tax Collector; R. M. Bacon, Surveyor; Thomas Heller, Coroner; H. Wellington, Public Administrator; M. Dupies, Superintendent Public Schools.
Stoughton, Clarke County, PO
Bartlott Riley Rev, clergyman
Davis Napoleon, teacher
Greene S A, gunsmith
Jones M B, postmaster, and general merchandise
Lockwood R T, attorney at law
Olson C Rev, clergyman
Piper John H. physician
Hounds Ruth Miss, teacher
Stewart A, blacksmith

Swantown, King County, PO address Seattle
Billings & Mason, brick manufacturers
Swinomish, King Co
Andrews L L, general merchandise

Tacoma, Pierce County, PO 12 miles north east of Stellacoom; thirty-four miles north east of Olympia; twenty-eight miles south of Seattle, and one hundred and five miles north of Kalama, is eligibly situated on Commencement Bay, one of the eastern arms of Puget Sound, having an area of four square miles, forming an excellent harbor, perfectly safe and deep enough for any ship that ever floated. The Bay is of great beauty, and is remarkable for the mirror-like clearness of its waters. The selection of this point as the terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad has given it unusual importance, and the plan of survey foreshadows a city of great proportions. The site is pleasantly chosen, being upon a series of plateaus, three in number, upon the southerly side of the bay, rising in terraces eighty to a hundred, one hundred to two hundred, and two hundred to three hundred feet respectively above sea level, and fronting for several miles along the water front, including what are locally called "Old" and "New" Tacoma. The streets have been laid out in accordance with the natural configuration of the ground, making the ascents with easy grades, following the plan of Melbourne, Australia, which is considered the most beautifully laid out city in the world. There are five main avenues, each one hundred feet wide, two being diagonal to the water front, and three parallel with it. The first two are named after the oceans the great railroad is expected to join, "Atlantic" and "Pacific," and the others "Tacoma" "Multnomah" and "Yakima," melitiuous names of Indian tribes. The blocks are three hundred by one hundred and twenty feet. There are no narrow alleys, and drainage will always be good. Large squares and public parks, boulevards and Capitol grounds adorn the plat, and thus the future metropolis of the north is provided for. Five miles south are the Nisqually Plains, twelve miles square, containing a number of beautiful lakes of the clearest and best of water, lying about one hundred and fifty feet above the sea level, constituting a grand natural park of great loveliness. The forests of the vicinity constitute an immediate resource aside from the business of the railroad, and large lumber mills are in operation producing some eighty thousand feet per day. Since the selection of the locality as the terminus of the Northern Pacific Railroad, Tacoma is assured of its future importance and is growing rapidly.
Ackerson William, groceries, and produce
Atkinson George H Rev, clergyman
Bayley T F, surveyor, and civil engineer
Bisbee A H, liquor saloon
Bowers J W, billiard saloon
Campbell A C, blacksmith, and wagon maker
Carmichael F, cigars and tobacco, stationery and periodicals
Chambers J W, butcher
Etheridge Cortland, boat builder
Forbes P D, contractor, and builder
FRETLAND J, town marshal
Hanna & Ralston, livery stable
HANSON, ACKERSON & CO, general merchandise, and lumber manufacturers
Haslam William & Co, wholesale wines and liquors
Hemenway Stacy, physician
Levin David, barber
Lovin & Kaufman, liquor saloon
McKay George, brewery
Powell E, shoe maker
STEEL H N Mrs, hotel
Tacoma Water Co, D B Hanna, pres
Tacoma Wharf Co, D B Hanna, pros
Tuite Daniel, stoves, tinware, and hardware
Walker J S, agent Wells. Fargo & Co
Walters August, postmaster, and varieties
Whipple A J & Co, druggists
Wolff L, general merchandise

Tanalquot, Thurston County, PO 18 miles east of Olympic
Hubbard, Daniel J, postmaster
Teekalet, Kitsap Co. (See Port Gamble.)

Tenino, Thurston County, PO 18 miles south east of Olympia, is a station on the Northern Pacific Railroad, 39 miles south of Tacoma. This was for a short time the northern terminus of the railroad, and as such built up rapidly, but since the extension to Tacoma its business has declined. This is the station for Olympia, to which place a branch railroad is in course of construction.
Brown F R, postmaster, and general merchandise
Clinton & Marion, hotel
Davenport N W, physician
Davenport Samuel, cabinet maker
McGrath & Huston, hotel
Reed Charles L, forwarding agent

Thurston County. Bounded north by Mason and Pierce, east by Pierce, south by Lewis, and west by Chehalis and Mason. Area, 672 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $1,472,106. County seat, Olympia. Principal towns: Beaver, Chambers Prairie, Grand Mound, Miami, Tenino, and Tumwater, the latter place being the first point settled by Americans north of the Columbia River. Thurston varies slightly the resources and business of the counties surrounding the Sound. The forests are the placers so destructively attacked in other counties, but here are broad and fertile fields; the people have fixed their homes, and comfort, contentment, and prosperity are the result. In 1874 there were some 300 improved farms in the county, in this respect surpassing any other in the Territory. Several arms of Puget Sound reach into the county, giving fine harbors and easy water communication with other sections; also excellent roads lead to every locality inland. The principal river is the Nisqually, which runs along its northern border, separating it from Pierce County. The Des Chutes is in the center, and enters the Sound at Tumwater, after first tumbling over the rocks in several beautiful cascades, where it affords power to be applied when needed to the moving of machinery. On the Skookumchuck River, about 16 miles southeast of Olympia, and near Tenino, are extensive beds of coal, which have proved of good quality. In Oyster Bay, Eld Inlet and other parts of the Sound within the county are extensive beds of oysters. The Northern Pacific Railroad crosses the eastern part of the count}' and a branch is in course of construction from Olympia to intersect the main trunk at Tenino, or the coal fields, these with the excellent roads and the navigable waters of the Sound giving the most complete means of trade and intercommunication.
Officers: A. R. Elder, Probate Judge: J. P. Judson, District Attorney; A. A. Phillips, Recorder, and Auditor; William Billings, Sheriff, Assessor, and Tax Collector; S. H. Munson. Treasurer; L. G. Abbott, Surveyor; J. V. Mossman, Coroner; D. K. Bigelow, Superintendent Public Schools.

Trudden, Whatcom County, PO
Barrett Thomas E, postmaster

Tukannon, Walla Walla County, PO 45 miles north east of Walla Walla
Kirk John, postmaster

Tulalip, Snohomish County, PO 20 miles north of Snohomish City, is the seat of an Indian Reservation, having in charge about 3,000 Indians. Here is a school where the Indian youth are taught agriculture and the useful trades, as well as the simple rudiments of an English education. The girls are taught household work, and also receive lessons on the piano and melodeon, making the earnest attempt to instruct and save the aborigines of this section from utter destruction. This is under the charge of the Rev. Father Chirouse, of the Roman Catholic Church, and by some it is claimed that his worthy efforts have been crowned with success, and the demon, drunkenness, with its progeny, filth, debauchery and disease, have been driven from the reservation; and on the other hand it is said that notwithstanding these efforts the race, even here, is rapidly dying out with accelerating rapidity.
Cherouse E C Rev, Indian agent
Comerford James, postmaster
McLaughlin P, hotel, and blacksmith
Smith H A, general merchandise

Tumwater, Thurston County, PO 2 miles south of Olympia, is a manufacturing town of between 250 and 300 inhabitants, situated on the most southern extremity of Budd's Inlet, at the mouth of the Des Chutes River, which, just before discharging its waters into the bay falls, in a distance of less than one-fourth mile, about eighty feet, thus affording almost unlimited and unequaled facilities for manufacturing purposes, and its proximity to Olympia and the navigable waters of Puget Sound, together with its romantic and healthy site, give the place peculiar advantages. There are quite a number of manufacturing establishments in operation, including two flour mills, two saw mills, two sash and door factories, one water-pipe factory, and others; and the great water-power so convenient invites a continual increase.
Bills J B & Co, tanners
Callow E, pump and wagon maker
Camby James, hotel
Cooper S N, sash, doors, and blind manufacturer
Crosby William F, general merchandise, and flour manufacturer
Eastman Isaac B, harness and saddlery
Kendall F B, lumber manufacturer
Kratz Lorenz, hotel
Leo D S Mrs, teacher
Naylor James H, batcher, and livery stable
Ostrander Eva Miss, teacher
Ostrander Nathaniel, druggist, and physician
Pressey E B, furniture manufacturer
Reese T M Kev, clergyman
Seymour Charles, machinist
Van Anken J, blacksmith
Ward Samuel G, postmaster, groceries, and produce
Ward & Mitchell, lumber and flour manufacturers
Washington Water Pipe Co, gas and water pipe manufacturers
White George H, book binder

Union City, Mason County, P address Skokomish, 12 miles north west of Oakland
Eells Edwin, U S Indian agent
Lansdale R A, physician
McReavry John, postmaster, and general merchandise
Shaffer Henry, hotel

Union Flat, Whitman County, P 15 miles south of Colfax
Bowers & Co, general merchandise
Bunker Ephraim, liquor saloon
Harris A C, physician
Hollister G N Rev, clergyman
Murton M H, postmaster, and hotel

Union Ridge, Clarke County, PO 17 miles north of Vancouver
Bedford A R, boat builder
Fails D R, dairyman
Hathaway M R, dairyman
Shobert Stephen, postmaster

Unity, Pacific County, PO.
Hunter John, postmaster

Utsalady, Island County, PO 13 miles east of Coveland, is a milling and ship-building town on the extreme northern end of Camano Island. The place was first settled in 1852 by a party who had a contract to furnish spars to the Spanish, French and English Governments. A steam saw mill was erected in 1859, and has been since engaged in supplying lumber for market. A ship yard is established, and several fine vessels have been constructed.
Cranney Thomas, postmaster
Gronnan & Cranney, general merchandise, lumber manufacturers, etc

Vancouver, Clarke County, PO and County seat, is beautifully situated on the north bank of the Columbia, 100 miles from its mouth, and is the oldest and one of the most flourishing towns of Washington, having a population of 1,500. Here the river is one mile wide, and is navigable for the largest vessels. It was first settled by the Hudson Kay Company in 1824, who maintained here their headquarters until long after the occupation of the Territory by the Americans. The Catholic Missionaries commenced their labors at Vancouver in 1838, and successfully established their Church in the wilderness. At present they maintain a well-established College, and continue their powerful influence. Two high schools are well established, and churches. Masonic, Odd Fellows' and Good Templars' Lodges are among the worthy institutions maintained. One newspaper, the Vancouver Register, is published weekly. (See Ilwaco)
Alexander J H, physician
Allen George, liquor saloon
Armstrong Lafayette, brick manufacturer
Boulet J B Rev, clergyman (R C)
Brant George W, livery stable
Brant Joseph, printer
Brouelette J B A Rev, clergyman (R C)
Brown Charles, conveyancer
Brown Matthew, liquor saloon
Brown S W, nurseryman
Burke John, butcher
Caples H L, attorney at law
Collins A, liquor saloon
Corless John, liquor saloon
Crawford James, groceries
Crook J M, shoe maker
Damphoffer M, brewery
DeVore J F Rev, clergyman (Meth)
Deer John, bakery
Drumsmith Robert, watch maker and jeweler
Dupries John, harness and saddlery
Ebert Gustavo, blacksmith
Eddings John, general merchandise
Fletcher Joseph M, attorney at law
Goddard William H, physician
Gridley H H, architect
Harris Samuel, junk
Hawks Thomas, proprietor Empire Hotel
Hayden Gay, nurseryman
Hazard William C & Co, general merchandise
Healey Joseph P, liquor saloon
HEALEY WILLIAM F, billiard saloon
Henricksen J J, cabinet maker, and undertaker
Hidden LM, brick manufacturer
Holahan Michael, tailor
Holy Angels' College, Rev Louis D G Schram, pros.
Jaggy John, general merchandise
Junger A Rev, clergyman (R C)
Kaiser S, general merchandise
Kelly J M Mrs, dressmaker
Kohn Joseph, clothing and furnishing goods
Loomis A Miss, select school
Marsh Samuel, blacksmith
Maxon S D, general merchandise, and harness and saddlery
McCarty Edward, proprietor Vancouver Hotel
McDonald S P, real estate agent, and collector of claims
Middleton Anna R Mrs, millinery
Nicholson A S Rev, clergyman (Episc)
Paddon Thomas W, liquor saloon
Petrain Charles A, attorney at law
Powers & Brock, wheelwrights
Proebstel Jacob jr, general merchandise
Rodgers Peter, proprietor Pacific Hotel
Schofield N, general merchandise
Schram Louis D G Rev, clergyman (R C)
Shea James, liquor saloon
Smith J 0, livery stable
Smith T F, physician
Sohns & Schuele, groceries and provisions
Stegert C R, butcher
Stevens William C, bakery, and confectionery
Steward George A, attorney at law
Strong Michael, hardware
Tarleton John, sign painter
Turner J W, physician
Wall David, physician, druggist, books, stationery,
WASHBURN B M, proprietor Vancouver Register
Webber G H, barber
Weiss Joseph, general merchandise
West Minnie Mrs, ice cream saloon, stationery, and periodicals
Whitehead John, cigars and tobacco, cutlery, and notions
Whitney C H & Co, stoves and tinware
WINTLER M, general merchandise
Wolf Robert, shoe maker
Young Anton, brewery
Young L Edward, shoe maker
Young Ladies Seminary, Sisters of Charity

Wahkiakum County. Bounded north by Chehalis, east by Cowlitz; south by the Columbia River, and west by Pacific. Area, 225 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $488,076. County seat, Cathlamet. Principal towns: Eagle Cliff, Oak Point, Skamokawa and Waterford. The county is rough and mountainous, of limited extent and limited productions, and with but a small population. It is generally covered with forests, which constitute one of the available resources of the people. The Columbia, here a majestic stream of two miles or more in width, gives easy access to the southern portion, and affords a channel to market for its products. The innumerable quantities and excellent quality of the salmon of the Columbia constitute a rich and inexhaustible placer, which, within the past few years has been energetically and successfully developed. Along the river, within the county are half a dozen or more large fishing and canning establishments, where, with comparatively little capital, a very profitable business is carried on. The present population is estimated at about 500, and many of the operatives of the fishing establishments are Chinese, but the annual product exceeds one million dollars. The assessed valuation of property being $188,076, mostly belonging to the fisheries, thus proving the importance of resource. Wherever the land has been wrested from the forest and cultivated it has produced well, and both soil and climate are considered as very favorable for fruit growing.
Officers: Jules Forney, Probate Judge; John P. Judson, District Attorney; Alexander Mitchell, Sheriff, and Assessor; James W. Smith, Recorder, Auditor, and Superintendent Public Schools; J. T. M. Harrington, Treasurer and Tax Collector; Jesse H. Graham, Coroner.

Waitsburg, Walla Walla County, PO address formerly Delta, 18 miles east of Walla Walla on the stage road to Idaho, is a flourishing village of about 500 inhabitants, with schools, churches, saw and grist mills, and numerous business houses consequent upon its position as the center of a growing agricultural section.
Andrews J C, physician
Arthurs William, blacksmith
Brown J A, drugs and medicines
Bruce & Powell, general merchandise
Childs K, blacksmith
Clark W L, carpenter
Hannaford C K, general merchandise
Hert F G, liquor saloon, and livery stable
Kellicut George, harness, and saddlery
Moorehouse J C, wagon maker
Olds A A, painter, and glazier
Preston Bros., flour manufacturers
Smith William N, postmaster, agent Wells, Fargo & Co, and general merchandise
Vansykle & Burgen, hotel
Vawter & Robnett, planing and lumber mill
Vincent & Bond, hardware
Willard D, blacksmith

Walker's Prairie, Stevens County, PO
Britton George, blacksmith
Fox William, physician
Laflens Munchelle, blacksmith
Lepray Joseph Rev, clergyman
McCrea Edward, hotel
Perkins F W, postmaster, and attorney at law
Sherwood S F, machinist

Walla Walla, Walla Walla County, PO, Incorporated city, and County seat, is on the Walla Walla River, in the great valley of the same name, 30 miles east of the Columbia, and 410 miles southeast of Olympia. The growing importance of this city has necessitated the construction of a railroad, and the Walla Walla and Wallula Railroad now connects it with steam navigation on the Columbia. This is the largest town in the Territory, and is situated in the midst of one of the richest farming sections of the Pacific Coast. Although an inland town, it is so centrally situated, with good roads radiating to all parts of the surrounding country, that it is a place of considerable commerce. Here center the roads leading north to the great Colville country; northeastwardly over the Rocky Mountains to Fort Benton on the Missouri; eastwardly to the mining regions of Idaho and Montana; southeastwardly to Boise, the Owyhee, and Salt Lake; southerly to the mining and grazing regions of Eastern Oregon; south west wardly to the Willamette, and northwestwardly through the Nachess Pass to Steilacoom on Puget Sound. All these are great avenues of trade and travel. The town has been mostly built since 1859, when white people were first permitted to settle on the lands till then reserved for the Hudson Bay Company and the Indians. It is well laid out with streets one hundred feet broad, and although new, presents a fine appearance. Four churches, several schools, Lodges of Masons, Odd Fellows, and Good Templars, and three newspapers, attest the advanced state of society in this frontier city of the far West. The newspapers are the Statesman, the Spirit of the West, and the Union (weekly), and the Real Estate Record (monthly).
Abberton & Sexton, foundry, and planing mill
Adams Brothers, general merchandise
Alden J, physician
Baldwin k Co, general merchandise
Bingham J E, physician
Blalock N G, physician and surgeon
Borthwick A E, sewing machines
Brechtel O, bakery, groceries and liquors
Burch B F, physician
Caris M A, wagon and carriage depot
Clowe William B, dentist
Colt Mark F, general merchandise
Davis Charles, cigars, tobacco, and varieties
Day J N, drugs and medicines, and paints, oils, etc
Dooley & Kirkman, butchers
Dovell, Butler k Co, planing mill, and sash and door factory
Dusenbery Brothers, general merchandise
Everts & Able, upholsterers
Fitzgerald E P, hardware, and agricultural implements
Foor and Healey, boots and shoes
Garrecht & Hoffman, bakery, liquors, and tobacco
Glasford William, planing mill, and sash and door factory
Goodwin _____, physician
Grannis G W Rev, clergyman (Math)
Henderson J A, agent Wells, Fargo &, Co
Herzog Charles, dentist
Isham A E, attorney at law
Jones M F, fire insurance agent
Kimball & Day, books, music, and musical instruments
Kleber & Stang, brewery
Kohlhauff William, hotel
Lewis John B, books and stationery
Locke D, dentist
MAYFIELD W I. publisher Spirit of the "West
McCalley A, flouring mill
Mead & Cook, drugs and medicines
Mix James D, attorney at law
Montgomery J H, photographer
Moorhouse T L, surveyor, and civil engineer
Nash L B, attorney at law
NEWELL WILLIAM H, editor and proprietor
Walla Walla Statesman
North J A Rev, clergyman (Bap)
O'Brien Thomas, proprietor Stine House
O'Donnell William, stoves, tinware, and hardware
O'Rourke M Mrs, dress maker, and milliner
Parker H, sowing machine agent
Pickett John, undertaker
Quinn Thomas, harness and saddlery
Reed I N, attorney at law, and notary public
Reynolds A H, agent Dayton Woolen Manfg. Co
Ronan Brothers, general merchandise, and sewing machine agent
Ruckles George L, livery stable
Russell Charles, butcher
Russell & McLane, general merchandise
Savage George, watch maker, and jeweler
Scholl A, butcher
Schumacher C, sewing machines
Schwabacher Brothers, general merchandise
Seisser George, brewery
Sharpstein B L, attorney at law
Shell Edward, physician
Smith Catharine T, postmistress
SPIRIT OF THE WEST, W I Mayfield, publisher
Stahl John H. brewery
Vandervoort M, physician
Vetter F, tailor
WALLA WALLA STATESMAN, William H Newell, proprietor
Wardle A G P, painter and paper hanger
Weber Frank, tannery
Wheelan James, harness and saddlery
Whitman E B, auction and commission merchant
Whitman Seminary, W Mariner, principal

Walla Walla County. Bounded north by Whitman, from which it is separated by the Columbia and the Snake Rivers, northeast by the Columbia; east by the Snake, separating it from Idaho; south by Oregon; and west by Klikitat and Yakima. Area, 8,000 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $2,602,990. County seat, Walla Walla. Principal towns: Coppel, Dayton, Waitsburg, Mullan's Bridge, Touchet, and Wallula, the old Fort Walla Walla, This is the wealthiest and most populous county in the Territory. It is composed of two natural divisions, the western one embraced in a bend of the Columbia, having that river on the north, running east, then running southeast for sixty miles, where it is joined by the Snake, when its course is south and then west towards the ocean. The eastern division is separated from the western by the main Columbia, and lies in a bend of the Snake, south of that river. The county contains many broad valleys and fertile plains, with an abundance of timber for all needed purpose. The first settlements made were in 1820, at the old Fort Walla Walla, on the Columbia, now Wallula, by the Hudson Bay Company, and until 1859, this beautiful region was occupied by but few others than attaches of that Company, the military, and Indians. The savages for a long time determinedly contended for its sole possession, but their day of exclusion has passed. The great Walla Walla Valley, which covers a large portion of the eastern division, is fertile and productive, and is as fine a farming region as can be found in the North Temperate Zone. In it concentrate numerous roads, which, with the great rivers, give ready communication with the neighboring States and Territories. The climate is very favorable for the latitude and of unsurpassed healthfulness, the mean of the thermometer being: in Spring, 52°; in Summer, 73°; Autumn, 53°; and Winter, 34°: and the annual rain fall is 18 inches.

Wallula, Walla Walla County, P 30 miles west of Walla Walla, is a town of growing importance on the Columbia River, and is the starting point of the railroad to Walla Walla. This has been an important point on the river since the occupation of the country, and was the old Fort Walla Walla of the Hudson Bay Company, being the entrepot of the large and fertile valley to the eastward. Immediately surrounding the place the country is unproductive, therefore its resources are dependent upon its position as a point of trade by land and water. Past its front sweeps the majestic river from the wild Indian haunted regions of the north, and from the deep canons of Idaho and the Rocky Mountains, its volume of waters gathered through twelve degrees of latitude rolling onward to the sea, three hundred miles toward the setting sun.
Alley W N, agent W W & C R R R Co
Graham K, liquor saloon
Linn E A, livery stable
PEABODY T J, agent Oregon Steam Navigation Co, and Wells, Fargo & Co
Short A C, postmaster, hotel, and general merchandise

Walton, Whitman County, PO 25 miles north west of Colfax
Graham James M, postmaster

Washougal, Clarke County, PO 20 miles north east of Vancouver
Hart, George W, postmaster

Waterford, Wahkiakum County, PO 6 miles north east of Cathlamet
Ball & O'Brien, salmon fishing (Foster Island)
Hapgood Andrew S, postmaster
Hapgood & Co, salmon fishery
Nice J B, salmon fishery (Cape Horn)

Wenatchie, Yakima County, PO address, Nanum 70 miles north of Yakima City
Freer Bros. & Co, general merchandise

Whatcom, Whatcom County, PO and County seat, is eligibly situated for commerce and manufactures on the eastern shore of Bellingham Bay, near the northern limit of the United States. In the vicinity are extensive mines of coal, and magnificent forests, while the soil, covering one and giving deep root to the other, is of exceeding fertility, and will constitute a resource when shorn of the towering evergreens which now give such picturesque wildness to the landscape. This being the nearest American town to British Columbia, and a road leading to it from Frazer River, it was thought it would become the great trading point with the mines of that river, and In the time of the "Frazer River excitement" it suddenly grew to a large and busy town. It has since diminished its pretensions, but is an important and growing place. The Bellingham Bay Coal Co., of San Francisco, own and work the coal mines in the vicinity, maintaining the neighboring village of Sehome, one mile distant. One newspaper, the Bellingham Bay Mail, is published weekly.
Bellingham Bay Coal Co, general merchandise
BELLINGHAM BAY MAIL, James Power, proprietor
Carpenter W M, physician
Cunningham J N, physician
Fouts Martha Mrs, dress maker
Fonts W H, teacher
Healy John D, stoves, and tinware
Jenkins John R, hotel
Jordan D M, hotel, and cooper
Kellogg George A, attorney at law
McCloskey Peter, liquor saloon
Osborn B & Son, carpenters
POWER JAMES, postmaster, and proprietor Bellingham Bay Mail
Reinhart S D, attorney at law
SMITH S S, general merchandise
Taws M T, butcher
Utter W A, blacksmith
Utter William, ship builder
Winslow E D, physician
Zimdar Harry, hotel

Whatcom County. Bounded north by British Columbia, east by Stevens, south by Snohomish, and west by Rosario Straits and the Gulf of Georgia. Area, 4.000 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $446,352. County seat, Whatcom. Principal towns: La Conner, Sehome, Semiahmoo, and Skagit, Islands: Fidalgo, Guernes, Lumni, Samish, and St. Clair. Bellingham Bay, a large body of water, indents the coast, and forms an excellent harbor. About the bay are some of the most extensive coal mines of the Pacific Coast, which were discovered in 1852. Large quantities of coal have been mined and sent to San Francisco, and operations are still carried on. The mines divide the interest with lumber, and together constitute a resource of the most valuable character. The interior of the county is covered with a dense forest, and the eastern part rises in lofty and rugged mountains. Mount Baker, once a volcano, and whose fires are not yet entirely extinct, is the highest peak, having an elevation of 10,700 feet, and its snow-crowned summit is a conspicuous object to the traveler on the distant waters.

Whidbys Island, Island County, is located at the mouth of Admiralty Inlet, near Port Townsend. It is fifty miles long, and from three to ten miles wide, containing a number of extensive and fertile prairies, and is being settled rapidly. Coveland, County seat of Island County, is located here.

White River, King County, PO 22 miles east of Seattle
Vondoren Cornelius M, postmaster

White Salmon, Klikitat County, PO 20 miles west of Rockland
Joslyn E S, dairyman
Warner J R, postmaster, and broom maker

Whitman County. Bounded north by Stevens, east by Idaho Territory, south by Walla Walla, west by Yakima, from which it is separated by the Columbia River. Area, 2,000 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874. $289,490. Population, about 1,500. County seat, Colfax. Principal towns: Penawawa and Whitman. The county was organized in January 1872, out of the southern part of Stevens County. Almost the entire area is valuable for agriculture and grazing, and is capable of supporting a dense population, though now comparatively a wilderness. The Snake and Columbia, large navigable rivers, wash two sides, and the Palouse and other streams run through the interior. The surface is generally level or diversified with gently rolling hills, and when viewed from an eminence presents a succession of wavy mounds, the tops of which are rounded or flattened, but nearly all on a level as far as the eye can reach, and all covered with the Indigenous bunch grass, upon which vast herds feed and fatten throughout the year.
Officers: James Waldrip, Probate Judge; T. J. Anders. District Attorney; James S. Taylor, Sheriff: James Ewart, Recorder, and Auditor; W. E. Davis, Treasurer, and Tax Collector; E. Duff, Assessor; L. M. Swift, Surveyor; O. L. Wolfard, Superintendent
Public Schools.

Willopa River, Pacific Co. (See Riverside)

Willopa Valley, Pacific County, PO address Woodard's Landing
Bush & Wheaton, lumber manufacturers
Fry John, shoe maker
Giosy S & Co, flour manufacturers

Winlock, Lewis County, PO 13 miles south of Chehalis, is a flourishing station on the N P R K, 37 miles north of Kalama, in the midst of a good, but undeveloped country.
Ainslie D G, carpenter
Call A William G, carpenter
Compton L F, carpenter
Noaly J S, carpenter
Pagott C C, postmaster, and commission agent
Shannon J H, teacher

Woodard's Landing, Pacific County, PO
Soule Edwin A, postmaster

Yakima City, Yakima County, PO and County seat, is on the Yakima River near the mouth of the Yakima, and is a fertile section of country. Here, although in latitude 46° 30', the climate is always mild and pleasant, the cold seldom being so severe or snow so deep as to render the feeding of stock necessary at any season of the year. The town is gradually improving, and now contains a Courthouse and jail, Masonic Hall, two schools, two hotels, stores, saloons, etc. and about fifty dwellings.
Barker Bros, general merchandise, and flour manufacturers
Boyls E P, attorney at law
Connard _____, liquor saloon
Dunbar O, attorney at law
Gesling J, blacksmith
McAustin ____.druggist
McEwing ____, saddler
Merwin H D, furniture
Schanno Bros, general merchandise
Schanno Joseph, postmaster

Yakima County. Bounded north by Stevens, east by Walla Walla and Whitman, south by Klikitat, and west by Skamania and Lewis. Area, 2,400 square miles. Assessed valuation of property for 1874, $656,594. Population, 1,200. County seat, Yakima. Principal towns, Attahnam, Fort Simcoe, Kittitas, Komwock, Mocksee, and Selah. The county lies on the eastern slope of the Cascade Range, extending into the plains of the upper Columbia, embracing the valley of the Yakima River. This is regarded as the best grazing section of the Territory, and large bands of stock are kept. In the foothills of the Cascade Mountains is the Kitatish Valley, 40 miles in length by 15 in width, which is well watered by the Yakima and its tributaries, is well supplied with timber, and possesses an excellent soil. Fort Simcoe is in the southern part, and is the residence of the agency of Indian affairs for this section. The county is but little occupied by whites, the better portion being reserved for the Indians, the Yakima Indian Reservation being within it, also the Simcoe Agency. An Indian Industrial School was established a number of years since, which has so far succeeded as to give great encouragement in the instruction and civilization of the savages of this section.
Officers: J. R. Filkin, Probate Judge; T. J. Anders, District Attorney; William Lewis, Sheriff: H. M. Benton, Recorder and Auditor; E. P. Boyls, Treasurer; J. J. Burch, Tax Collector and Assessor; C. A. Wilcox, Surveyor; J. W. Allen, Coroner; J. O. Clark, Superintendent Public Schools.

Yelm, Thurston County, PO 22 miles east of Olympia, a station on the N. P. R. R., 25½ miles south of Tacoma, is well situated in the midst of a fine agricultural country, known as Yelm Prairie.
Conine J C. teacher
Metcalf M E Mrs, milliner
Metcalf M M, postmaster
Treat & Metcalf, general merchandise
Wagoner William, general merchandise
Wiley J. blacksmith 

Index | Washington Territory Index | Washington Business Directory

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875.


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