Pacific Coast Business Directory

State of Oregon - Salem, Marion County

Salem, Marion County, PO, Incorporated city of, 5,000 inhabitants. County seat, and capital of the State, is beautifully situated on the east bank of the Willamette, surrounded by a broad and fertile prairie, and is the center of one of the richest sections of the State. The river is navigable to this point for three-fourths of the year, during which period a busy commerce is carried on. The Oregon and California Railroad runs through the city, giving every needed facility for business. Another railroad is in contemplation from Salem in a northwesterly direction, through the counties of Polk, Yamhill, Washington and Clatsop, to Astoria. A feasible route has been found, and the project is strongly advocated. Mill Creek, a strong stream rising in a spur of the Cascade Range, enters the Willamette at Salem, its rapid fall giving a fine water-power, which is effectively applied to the propulsion of manufacturing machinery. The town has the honor of erecting the first woolen mill on the Pacific Coast, the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Company having built this mill in 1857. This is capable of using thirty-five thousand pounds of wool monthly, furnishing a ready market for the products of the flock, and disbursing from $7,000 to $8,000 monthly for labor of operatives. The Pioneer Oil Mill furnishes a remunerative market for flax-seed, and numerous flouring mills, tanneries, machine shops, foundries, and other enterprising industries, add to the prosperity of Salem and the surrounding country. The Merchant Flouring Mill is one of the most noted in the State, having a capacity of 600 barrels per day, and shipping in the year 1873 to foreign markets, 50,000 barrels besides supplying a large home demand. Salem is the seat of the State Penitentiary, which is a fine brick structure, with the machinery of the prison operated by a fine water-power. The State Capitol is in course of construction, and upwards of $100,000 and the labor of many convicts have been expended on the foundation. The principal business houses are built of brick, in tasteful architectural style, and the streets are regularly laid out with a uniform width of 99 feet. The city is lighted with gas, and has water-works with 90 feet elevation. The city is an, distinguished for its religious and educational institutions as it is noted for its enterprise in manufactures, and has received the sobriquet of "The City of Churches," having more church edifices than any town of proportionate size on the Pacific Coast. Eight different denominations are represented, some by several buildings. A large Opera House, a Court House costing $90,000, and two brick hotels are among the prominent buildings. This is also the seat of the Willamette University, one of the best of schools, having an elegant brick college building, with a medical department attached, having an average daily attendance of 250 students. The Catholics have also an elegant school building of brick, costing $60,000. There are five other public schools, wood structures, where free schools are maintained through the year. One daily and three weekly; papers are published of a high order. These are the Oregon Statesman, daily and weekly, Willamette Farmer, weekly and Mercury, weekly. This beautiful city, elegantly laid out, and on a broad foundation, is the worthy capital of what is to be a mighty State.
Academy of the Sacred Heart, corner Cottage and Centre
Adair William, agent Carpenter's fire places
Adams Q A, flour manufacturer
Adkins J C, liquor and billiard saloon, Commercial
Adolph Samuel, brewery, corner Trade and Cottage
Babcock J W Rev, clergyman (Episc), corner Church and Chemeketa
Bales Albert, blacksmith, Commercial
Barker T O, carriage painter, State
Bash & Scriber, blacksmiths, Commercial
Bates L S, picture frames, engravings, and commission merchant. Commercial
Bean & Davidson, livery stable. Commercial
Beardsley J Mrs, milliner, corner State and Liberty
Belt A M, physician, corner Union and Church
Bernardi Joseph, liquors, and tobacco, Commercial
Boise & Willis, attorneys at law, corner State and High
Boon Henry JD, books, stationery, musical instruments, State
Boothby & Stapleton, planing mill, Front
Bowerson J Rev, clergyman (Evangelical), corner Liberty and Centre
Breyman Bros, general merchandise. Commercial
BRISTOW E L, proprietor Mercury
Buchanan James, proprietor Bennett House, corner State and Church
BURROWS C E, president Salem Gas Light Co
Burrows Thomas, liquor saloon. Commercial
Byme Lewis, general merchandise, and bakery. Commercial
Byron J T, liquor saloon. Court
Campbell J L, barber, Chemeketa Hotel
Capital Lumbering Company J B Forsyth, president, manufactures lumber, and plows, corner Front and Ferry
Carpenter H, physician, State
Catterlin W H, photographer. State
Chase E Y, physician, corner Commercial and State
CLARKE & CRAIG, proprietors Willamette Farmer
Coffey James, furniture, and house furnishing goods, Commercial
Cohn R, general merchandise. Commercial
Compton J W Rev, clergyman (Moth South)
Conn J W, varieties, (Dollar Store), Commercial
Cooke & Dennis, furniture, sash, and door manufacturers, corner Trade and High
Cox & Belt, drugs, medicines, paints, etc, Commercial
Crawford J W, stoves, and tinware. Commercial
Cross Thomas, wholesale butcher. State
Cunningham T & Company agricultural implements, hardware, carriages, etc, corner Front and State
Curl C G, attorney at law
Dawne ____ Rev, clergyman (Meth), corner Liberty and Court
Dawne E J, physician. Court
Dearborn R H, harness and saddlery
DICKINSON OBED, nursery, Marion Square
Dippell Henry, boots and shoes. Commercial
DRAKE BETHUEL F, Salem Foundry and Machine
Shop, corner Front and State
DRAPER J N & SON, manufacturers writing fluid, sealing wax, and mucilage. Commercial
Durbin S & Company livery stable, Commercial
Emerson Peter F, restaurant. Commercial
England William, wagon and carriage manufacturer. Commercial
Farrar Brother, groceries, crockery, etc. Commercial
Fiske E R, physician, Court
Fliedner Christopher, hair dressing saloon and baths, Commercial
Ford J Mrs, physician, corner Court and Capital
Ford Tilmon, attorney at law, State
Forstner Benjamin, gunsmith. Commercial
Friedman Sebastian, druggist, auctioneer, and general merchandise. Commercial
Giese Charles, liquor saloon, North Salem
Gilbert A N & Company manufacturers boots, shoes, and agents Singer Sewing Machines
Gilbert John W, boots and shoes. Commercial
Graves Wesley, proprietor Commercial Hotel
Gray John, furniture. Commercial
Haas and Hernandez, watches, clocks, jewelry etc, Commercial
Haines L M, merchant tailor. Commercial
Halbert J G, confectioner, and soda water manufacturer, Commercial
Hall C H, physician. Ferry
Hammer Seth R, real estate agent, and surveyor, Patten's Building
Haupert & Watry, proprietors Aurora Hotel, Court
Hellenbrand Charles W, restaurant, State
Herrman & Hirsch, general merchandise, Commercial
Hews George M, liquor saloon, corner Commercial and Ferry
Holman George P & Company flax manufacturers. Commercial
Holmes Josephus, general merchandise. Commercial
HUGHES JOHN, groceries, paints, and provisions. State
Jessup S R, physician, Liberty
Johns J M, forwarding and commission, foot Trade
JOHNSON DAVID A, barber, Commercial
Jones Addison Rev, clergyman (Bap), corner Liberty and Marion
Jones D W, merchant tailor. Commercial
JONES & PATTERSON, real estate and insurance agents. Court
Jordan Bros, harness and saddlery, Commercial
Jory H S, blacksmith, and wagon maker, corner Commercial and Bush
Kelley Andrew J, blacksmith. Commercial
Kelsey Benjamin, barber. Commercial
Kendall J C, tinsmith
Knight John, blacksmith, Foundry Block
Knight P S Rev, clergyman (Cong), corner Liberty and Centre
Knight & Lord, attorneys at law, corner Commercial and State
Kremer & Cannon, agents Howe Sewing Machines, Commercial
Ladd A Bush, bankers. Commercial
Lamport E, harness, saddlery, and carriage trimmings, Commercial
Lawson George W, attorney at law, Old Court House
Leffel & Myers, manufacturers Turbine Water- Wheels
Levy F, general merchandise. Commercial
Lindsey & Weeks, blacksmiths. Commercial
Loosin P J, merchant tailor, State
Mallory & Shaw, attorneys at law, corner State and Liberty
Mann Peter, barber, Chemeketa Hotel
Martin W W, watches and jewelry. State
Martin & Allen, groceries, and produce
McAfee J W, physician. Commercial
McCully D & A, butchers. Commercial
McCurdy J D, physician, Commercial
Mead M M, cutler, State
MERCURY, E L Bristow, proprietor
Meredith & Bowley, dentists. Commercial
Meyer M & Son, general merchandise, Commercial
Meyer & Cohen, dry goods, and groceries, Griswold's Block
Millican A A Mrs, millinery, Starkey's Block
Monroe & Staiger, marble cutters, corner Liberty and Court
Moore James H, flour and lumber manufacturer. South Salem
Morris Richard E, market. State
Moxley J S Mrs, millinery, fancy goods, etc. State
Murphy John J, attorney at law, corner State and Commercial
Murphy & Grossman, clothing. State
Myers A Kev, proprietor Oregon Agricultural Works
Myers Arnold, furniture, Starkey's Block
MYERS L & Company stoves, tinware, and house furnishing goods. Commercial
Myers & Dunning, furniture manufacturers, and upholstery. Commercial
Neil George, blacksmith. North Salem
Oberheim P, general mdse, and bakery, Commercial
OREGON STATESMAN, Statesman Printing and Publishing Company proprietors
Owen Hugh, general merchandise, Commercial
Pacific Threshing Machine Co
Paine Francis C, physician. Liberty
Palmer P D, liquor saloon. Commercial
Parker Samuel, proprietor Mansion House, Liberty
Parmenter & Babcock, furniture manufacturers, Liberty
Payton D, physician, corner Marion and Winter
Pettyjohn W O, liquor saloon, Commercial
Pioneer Oil Company Commercial
Plamondon & Stimson, liquor saloon, Commercial
Powell L J Rev, clergyman
Prescott Augustus, manufacturer pumps
Price R H & Company groceries, cigars, tobacco, etc. State
REED C A, insurance agent
REED'S OPERA HOUSE, C A Reed proprietor, corner Liberty and Court
Reid Robert, agent American Sewing Machine, and insurance. Commercial
Resser H, physician, Fourteenth
Reynolds J, physician, Moore's Block
Rhawl M J, gas fitter, and plumber. Commercial
Richards E, fish and game. Commercial
Rickey Thomas B, postmaster. Court
Richardson J A, physician, corner Commercial and State
RIGGS DANIEL L, proprietor Pioneer Agricultural Machine Shop, South Salem
Rowland L L Rev, clergyman, (Christian) corner High and Centre
Salem Alden Fruit Preserving Company Patten's Block,
SALEM GASLGHT Company C E Burrows, president. Court
Salem Storing and Shipping Company John Pugh, president
Salem Water Works Company W F Boothby, president. Front
Scott Theophilus, blacksmith, and wagon maker. Commercial
Scovell L C, proprietor Dallas and Salem Stage Line, Chemeketa Hotel
Shaw & Williams, real estate agents, Moore's Block
Sheil George K, attorney at law, Court
Shelton J C, physician, Commercial
Simpson Sylvanus C, attorney at law. Commercial
Skiff L S, dentist, corner State and Commercial
Sloat E D, carriage painter. State
Smith Francis A, photographer. Commercial
Smith H, dentist. Commercial
Smith Joseph, blacksmith. Commercial
Smith H, billiard and liquor saloon. Court
Smith Thomas, proprietor Chemeketa Hotel, corner Commercial and Ferry
Smith & Curl Misses, dress makers, and agents Buttrick patterns. State
Snyder C D, book binder and blank book manufacturer, Gray's Building
Stanton W G, cigars and tobacco, Commercial
Starr ____ Rev, clergyman, (Meth) corner Church and State
STATESMAN PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Company proprietors Oregon Statesman
Stayton Flouring Mills Company D T Stayton, President
Stewart W R Rev, clergyman, (R C) corner Cottage and Chemeketa
Strong & Bain, bakery. Commercial
Sullivan P C, attorney at law, corner Liberty and Court
Terrell & Gillingham, dry goods. State
Thibeau G C Rev, clergyman, (R C) corner Cottage and Chemeketa
Thornton J Quinn, attorney at law. Commercial
Underwood William, wagon and carriage maker. Commercial
Van Wagner G G, manufacturer furniture, State
Veatch J P, groceries, and dry goods. State
Wade R M & Company general merchandise, Commercial
Wade W L, general merchandise. Liberty
WAGNER D F, agent Wells, Fargo & County, Commercial
Wait E M, book and job printer. State
Wait T B, hay press manufacturer. Commercial
Warner & Cox, house, sign and carriage painter. Commercial
Weatherford & Company druggists, and agents Averill Chemical paint. Commercial
Westcott Lewis, proprietor Star Brewery, South Salem
Wheeler A F, tobacco, cigars, and agent Western Union Telegraph Company Commercial
WILLAMETTE FARMER, Clarke & Craig, proprietors
Willamette University, T M Gatch, president. State
Willamette Woolen Manufacturing Company John F Miller, president
Williams Emmet D, book and job printer. Commercial
Willis Loo, books, stationery, and musical instruments, State
Wright John G, groceries, confectionery, crockery, etc. Commercial
Yatton & Langhary, furniture, and musical instruments. Commercial

Pacific Coast Business Directory | Oregon Territory Index

Oregon Directory and Gazetteer

Source: Pacific Coast Business Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San Francisco, 1875.


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