Arizona Territory
The Territory of Arizona is bounded on the north by
Utah, east by New Mexico, south by the Mexican State of
Sonora, and west by California and Nevada, and lies
between the parallels 31° 20' and 37° of latitude and
109 and 115° and 115° longitude. Area 105,120 square
miles. Capital, Tucson. Counties: Mariberg, Mohave,
Pima, Yavapai and Yuma. Principal towns; Camp Bowie,
Castle Dome, Cerbat, Ehrenberg, Florence, Phoenix,
Pueblo, Viejo, Sanford, San Pedro, Tubac, Wickenburg and
Yuma. That portion of the territory north of the Gila
was acquired from Mexico with the conquest of California
and confirmed by the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo at the
conclusion of the Mexican war in 1848. The portion south
of the Gila was obtained in 1853 by the treaty known as
the "Gadsden Purchase," and the Territorial Government
was organized in 1853.
The principal rivers the Colorado, Gila, Salt, San Juan
or Colorado Chiquito, San Pedro, Santa Cruz, Bill
Williams Fork and Verdie, with some smaller streams. The
Colorado is one of the great rivers of the continent,
formed by the junction of the Grand and the Green in
Utah, the former having its source in Colorado Territory
and the latter in Idaho, giving the length from the most
distant sources to the sea of about 1,500 miles.
Arizona has been denominated the land of the cactus and
Apache. These have been its most prominent features. The
first is the most detestable plant that curses a desert
country, growing to excess and in countless varieties,
over hill and plain, of the barren region of the west;
and the other the most cruel and implacable of savages.

Pacific Coast Business Directory

Source: Pacific Coast Business
Directory for 1876-78, Compiled by Henry G. Langley, San
Francisco, 1875.