Fred E. Fanger
Fred E. Fanger, aged 29 years, formerly of this city, died of heart failure, while he was being taken to the operating room of the Hope Hospital at Ft. Wayne, Ind., about half past seven o'clock last Saturday evening, where he was to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Deceased was born in this city May 4, 1881. He attended the public school of this city and later took up the tailoring trade, which be followed. When he was taken ill, he was working in a tailoring establishment at New Castle, Ind. He was removed to the home of his mother at Ft. Wayne, and when it was found necessary to operate upon him he was taken to the hospital. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Julia Fanger, three sisters, Misses Etta, Millie and Pearl, who reside with their mother, and two brothers, Charles of Youngstown, and Frank, the West Fayette street restaurant man in this city. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Fraternal Order of Eagles at New Castle. The remains were brought to this city last Tuesday afternoon, and taken direct to the M. E. Church, where after the funeral service by Rev. Bennett, they were laid to rest at North Grove cemetery.
(The Celina Democrat, June 10, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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John Frederick
John Frederick, a well known citizen of Delphos, passed away at his home on 327 South Clay street, Sunday afternoon, at 12:15 o'clock, his death being due to dropsy of the heart. Mr. Frederick suffered a broken limb about year ago, and had been in failing health for the past four months. He had been bedfast for about two weeks preceding his death. Deceased was born in Crawford county, Ohio, on July 26, 1854, and would have been 56 years old next July. Twenty-seven years ago he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Lauer, of Ottoville, and seven children were born to them, four of whom, with the widow, survive. They are: Mrs. Geo. B. Romer, of St. Henry, Alex, Joseph and William at home. He also leaves three sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Wm. Leopold, of Dayton: Mrs. Peter Krebs, ot Titlin; Mrs. Wm. Wiedeman, of Belle Center, O.; Frank Frederick, of Celina: Clem Frederick, of Cloverdale, and Jos. Frederick, of Lima. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick resided in Delphos a number of years after their marriage, and then went to McClure, where they spent five years. They then went to St. Henry, where they remained nine years, and three years ago returned to Delphos to make their home. The funeral of the deceased was held this morning, from St. John's church. at 8 o'clock. Interment in St. John's cemetery.
(The Celina Democrat, May 20, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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