DARRAH, Mary | DAVIS, Elnor Jane Harner | DICK, Blanche |

Mary Darrah
Mrs. Mary Darrah, aged 81 years, the venerable mother of Mesdames J. D. Johnson and G. J. C. Wintermute, of this city, died at the former's home, North Main street, at half-past 6 o'clock last Monday evening, after an illness growing out of the infirmities of old age. She was born near St. Louis, Mo., in December, 1829. In November, 1852, she was united in marriage to Rev. J A. Darrah at St. Louis. They later moved to Ohio, and following her husband's death she moved to this city. She is survived by three daughters, Mesdames Johnson and Wintermute of this city and M. M. Lawson of Nashville, Ark.; eleven grandchildren and two great grand children. Funeral services were held at the Senator Johnson home at half-past 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, after which the remains were taken to St. Marys and laid beside those of her late husband. Among the out-of-town relatives attending the funeral were Mrs. Mary Black and Miss Margaret Black, of Clayton, Mo.; Miss Ella Barron, of Webster Grove, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Johnson, of Columbus.
(The Celina Democrat, July 1, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Elnor Jane Harner Rider Davis
Mrs. Elihu Davis, aged 80 years, a well known resident of Center Township, died May 18 at her home near Neptune Wednesday morning, shortly after five o clock. She was stricken with paralysis eight months ago, which left her speechless and from which she never recovered to be about. Elnor Jane Harner was born January 7, 1830. She was first married to John Rider and later to Elihu Davis, who survives her. She was the mother of ten children. The first children are namely: Allen, Emma, Frank, James, Susie, Mose, Mary and George. The second children are Lizzie and John. Two children, Allen and Mary preceded her to the heavenly home. There is left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother eight children, 23 grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at Fairview Bethel this morning.
(The Celina Democrat, May 20, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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Blanche Dick
One of the most sudden and pathetic deaths that has shocked this community in many years, occurred with the announcement of the untimely demise of Miss Blanche Dick, aged 23 years, a teacher In the fifth grade of the West Side school In this city, from a private sanitarium at Columbus last Tuesday afternoon. The case is one of the saddest that has ever been chronicled in the county. Within the last few weeks relatives and friends of the deceased girl had noticed that at times she acted in a peculiar manner, and last week her mind became badly affected, causing deep anxiety so fast did her mental trouble grow, Friday night she became decidedly worse and Saturday morning, accompanied by her father, F. M. Dick, of Union township, she was taken to a private sanitarium at Columbus for treatment. Her case seems to have been beyond all earthly aid, and the end came as stated. Miss Dick was one of the most popular teachers in our schools, and had been re-employed for the coming term of school. Wm. C. Dick, of the J. A. Roemer Co., the well known clothing house, is a half brother of the deceased girl. The remains were brought to this city Wednesday night and taken to the home of her parents near Mendon, where funeral services will be held this afternoon. The remains will be brought to Celina for interment, and if the weather will permit the casket will be opened at North Grove to allow her pupils and friends in this city to look upon her face once more. Should the weather be inclement her remains will be brought to St. Paul's M. E. Church for that purpose. The time for arrival here is not definitely known, but will be about 3:00 o'clock.
(The Celina Democrat, June 3, 1910)
Submitted by the Ohio State Team.   2/10/2017.

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