Mercer County Death Records
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chattanooga
Funerals, 1893-1908

These records were handwritten in German; the transcriber apologizes for any errors.

Name Died Age Remarks
Hessler, Heinrich Georg Aug. 26th, 1893 18hr son of William and Karoline Bollenbacker Hessler
Sundmacher, Katherine Nov. 10th, 1893 77yr 1mo 1da widow of Johann Dietrich Sundmacher
Brandt, Heinrich Romeo Mar. 31st, 1894 17yr 11mo 21da son of Ludwig and Margarethe Haeffner Brandt
Niemann, Heinrich June 12th, 1894 78yr 5mo 19da born Dec. 24, 1815 Nessow (Nassau?), Mecklenburg, Germany
Niemann, Louise nee Oldenburg July 3rd, 1894 76yr wife of Heinrich Niemann
Eichler, Andreas Sept. 3rd, 1894 76yr 3da born Sept. 2, 1818 in Zweislsheim, Bavaria
Brinkmann, Wilhelm Heinrich Karl Oct. 13th, 1894 15yr 2mo 17da born July 26, 1879 in Berlin; died at Blackcreek
Betzel, Clarence Edwin Oct. 19th, 1894 1yr 3mo 3da son of Heinrich and Anna Kessler Betzel
Lotter, Johann Christoph Michael Oct. 27th, 1894 15yr 10da born Oct. 17, 1879 in Wapakoneta; son of Johann Lotter
Becker, Barbara Katherine Dec. 12th, 1894 82yr 9mo 15da born Feb. 27, 1812 in Cleebrunner, Wurtemburg, Germany
Haeffner/Heffner, Maria March 21st, 1895 34yr 7mo 1da husband, John and five children; died in childbirth
Müller/Muller, Katharine March 7th, 1895 8yr 5mo 2da daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Müller
Merkle, John Francis July 27th, 1895 son of Joseph Merkle; drowned in Chicago River
Hiller, Jakob Eduard Sept. 10th, 1895 16yr 11mo 20da son of Jacob and Martha Sundmacher Hiller; died of malarial fever
Hoffmann, Elisabeth Wilhelmina Oct. 9th, 1895 20yr 11da wife of Friedrich Hoffmann; maiden name Hiller
Hochammer, Friedericke March 5th, 1896 50yr 5mo wife of Nicolaus Hochammer; born Sept. 6, 1845
Kuhn, Esther Bertha Aug. 6th, 1896 13yr 11mo 8da daughter of Friedrich and Wilhelmine Mellemeyer Kuhn; born Aug. 29, 1882
Dock, George July 28th, 1897 77yr 9mo 21da born Oct. 7, 1819
Heffner, Jacob Dec. 1st, 1898 37yr 3mo died of hemorrhage of lungs; born Feb. 1, 1861; death date differs from tombstone
Barron, Jacob B. Aug. 21st, 1898 9mo 3mo born Oct. 22, 1897
Barron, George Nov. 16th, 1898 85yr 4mo 29da born June 17, 1813
Heffner, Maria Hilma Sept. 21, 1898 5mo 7da born April 21, 1898; parents and five siblings survive; died of summer complaint
Eichler, Barbara Aug. 10Th, 1898 73yr 3mo born May 11, 1825; survived by 10 children
Heffner, George Sept. 29th, 1898 69yr 10mo 8da born Nov. 21, 1898; survived by 7 children
Wendel, Carolina Justina Sept. 27th, 1898 43yr 3mo 20da died of typhoid fever; born June 7, 1855
Schoneberger, Louis Heinrich Oct. 15th, 1898 20yr 5mo 17da died of typhoid fever; born April 28, 1878
Kühm/Kuhm, Georg Oct. 26th, 1899 27yr 10mo 10da survived by wife and 2 children
Kühm/Kuhm, Jakob Nov. 11th, 1899 36yr 1mo 16da survived by wife and 6 children
Hochammer, Jakob Wilhelm Dec. 18th, 1899 26yr 2mo 7da
Kessler, Margarethe Apr. 10th, 1900 47yr 6mo 4da wife of Christian Kessler; maiden name Heffner
Eichler, Peter Dec. 19th, 1900 3yr
McGough, Clark Henry March 15th, 1901 4yr 1mo 26da son of John and Amelia Baker McGough
McGough, Raymond Floyd March 16th, 1901 2y 6mo 25da son of John and Amelia Baker McGough
Herzog, Georg Friedrich July 21st, 1901 76yr 4mo 25da
Kommensi, Michael Feb. 12th, 1902 80yr 2mo 5da died of influenza
Grauberger, Georg Adam Apr. 2nd, 1902 77yr 8mo 2da survived by 4 children
Deitsch, Gertrud July 13th, 1902 75yr 9mo 21da widow of Jakob Deitsch
Stroebel, Victor Christian Feb. 27th, 1903 1mo 24da
Herzog, Maria May 2nd, 1903 75yr widow of Friedrich Herzog
Becher, Clella Dec, 7th, 1903 8da daughter of Jakob Becher
Kessler, Christian July 1st, 1904
Brandt, Johann Ludwig Jan. 31st, 1905 65yr 2mo survived by 10 children
Müller/Muller, Maria Regina March 10th, 1905 21yr 16da survived by parents and grandparents
Hiller, Heinrich Konrad Apr. 21st, 1905 33yr 7mo 7da survived by parents and grandparents
Biberstein, Friederike Sept. 15th, 1905 74yr 7da survived by 1 son and 2 daughters
Allmandinger, Johann Feb. 28th, 1906 43yr 3mo 2da
Emmerich, Margareta March 5th, 1906 78yr 2mo drowned in a well (?)
Strebel, John Leonard May 30th, 1906 56yr 2mo 24da survived by wife, mother, 2 sons and 2 daughters
Becher, Henry C. Apr. 27th, 1906 40yr 6da died of a tumor of the brain; survived by wife and 3 children, mother, 4 brothers, 4 sisters
Popp, Veit Nov. 8th, 1906 85yr 11mo 12da survived by 2 daughters
Hoffman, Ferdinand Apr. 24th, 1908 78yr 1mo 12da survived by 5 sons and 9 daughters
Linn, Agnes Elvira May 4th, 1908 1yr 2mo 15da survived by parents and two siblings
Heffner, Herbert Walter Aug. 13th, 1908 14yr 5mo 18da survived by parents and 7 siblings
Heffner, Anna Margarethe Barbara Aug. 29th, 1908 78yr 10mo 13da survived by 10 children
Hoffman, Maria Oct. 5th, 1908 33yr 7mo 21da
Linn, George Nov. 19th, 1908 33yr 5mo 29da

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