ADOPTIONS, 1888-1893

Name of child Birthdate Natural parents Adoptive parents Date of Decree
Dibble, Maud C. Feb. 4, 1882 Annie M. Dibble, mother Edward A. and Mary Dibble Jan. 30, 1888
Botkin, Golda Jan. 19, 1885 Nettie Laspe, mother; father unknown Frederick and E. V. Cribley Dec. 6, 1888
Cook, Albert June 12, 1885 Christopher Cook, father; Marguretta Cook, mother deceasedHenry and Anna VarwigAug. 25, 1890
Berry, Ella May Oct. 16, 1885 W. D. Berry, father; Olive Irena Berry, mother deceased J. C. and M. E. SmithJune 17, 1891
Barger, Zoe M. April 1, 1892 Eli Barger, father whereabouts unknown; Ida B. Barger, mother Henry T. and Mattie Niccum April 15, 1892
Stevens, Nellie March 6, 1887 William Stevens, father abandoned; Eliza Stevens, mother deceased Henry and E. O. NewmanOct. 13, 1892
Doak, Susie* March 3, 1887 Allen Doak, father deceased; Bertha Doak, mother Wm. E. and Ella E. WilsonSept. 5, 1893
Doak, Minnie** March 3, 1887 Allen Doak, father deceased; Bertha Doak, mother Wm. E. and Ella E. WilsonSept. 5, 1893
Hein, Teresia Jan. 22, 1888Casper Hein, father deceased; Caroline Hein, motherJacob Hein July 12, 1892
Hein, Josephine Aug. 18, 1889Casper Hein, father deceased; Caroline Hein, motherJacob Hein July 12, 1892
Hein, Joseph May 12, 1891Casper Hein, father deceased; Caroline Hein, motherJacob Hein July 12, 1892

*adopted from "New England Home for Little Wanderers" Boston MA; Susie's name changed to Maud D. Wilson 
**adopted from "New England Home for Little Wanderers" Boston MA 

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