Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church
According to the best information obtainable the St. John's Lutheran congregation was organized in the year 1870. Prior to this time, however, services were held at Celina from time to time as the occasion demanded it. There being no church building the services were conducted in private homes and school houses.
The minutes of a meeting held in the year 1871 show that the following officers were then elected as members of the church council:
Henry Feldheiser and Charles Fanger;
Chas. Fanger, John Luck and Michael Feldheiser.
Besides these we find the following names signed to the constitution:
H. Lehmkuhl, H. Hoenie, A. Juneman, Geo. Feldheiser, Geo. Struckman, J. Pohlman, W. Dickman, A. Fanger, Chris Miller, C. Miller, Sealschott, Klare, H. Kingman, Schroeder, C. Beyer, Behm.
The church, in which the congregation first worshiped was built in the year 1874. At a special meeting of the congregation held in February, 1912, it was resolved to change the location of its church property and the trustees were authorized to take steps toward building a new church.
The "new" church, built in 1914.
The following ministers have served the Celina congregation: Seher, Schwemle, Seltz, Schmidt, Luedeman, Schultz, Lehne, Emich, Mack, Harman, and the present Pastor, Rev. F. G. Reitz. The membership of the congregation is steadily increasing. At present it numbers approximately 65 families, 240 souls and 175 communicants.
Source: Celina Democrat May 21, 1915
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