August C. Wieser
AUGUST C. WIESER, an energetic and successful business man of Cold Water, Mercer county, Ohio, where he owns and operates a grist mill, was born in Hilmitzen, Germany, September 6, 1848. His parents were Frank and Sophia (Caurbaum) Wieser.
Frank Wieser was a tailor by trade and emigrated to the United States in 1852, landing in Galveston, Tex., where he remained one and a quarter years. He then removed to Fryburg, Auglaize county, Ohio, where he remained three years. From Fryburg he removed to Saint Mary's, in the same county, and remained there until 1872, when he finally removed to Detroit, where he lived the rest of his life, dying at the age of fifty-nine. In 1840 he was married to Sophia Caurbaum, by whom he had seven children, all of whom are living, as follows: Henry, married to Mary Daysinger, and engaged in running a saw-mill at Saint Mary's; Machtalina, married to John Martz, a blacksmith and wagon-maker at Cold Water; August C., the subject of this sketch; George, living near Ottawa, Putnam county, Ohio; Charles, married to Louise Marvelius, coal and wood dealer in Detroit; Lawrence B., married to Kate Stacher and living in Ottawa, Putnam county; and Lucinda, married to Joseph Brinkle, and also living in Ottawa, Putnam county.
August C. Wieser came to the United States with his parents when he was four years of age. From that time until he was fourteen he obtained his education in the common schools. At the latter age he began working in a grist and flouring-mill at Saint Mary's, Auglaize county, where he remained until 1879, when he located at Cold Water, and there ran a grist-mill for three years. For the next seven years he was similarly engaged at Fort Recovery, and then he returned to Cold Water, where he has ever since remained.
Mr. Wieser was married November 24, 1872, to Malinda Marvelius, daughter of Henry and Machtalina (Nangle) Marvelius. Her father was a baker by trade, and died when she was twenty-three years old, his wife dying two years later. Henry and Machtalina Marvelius were the parents of the following-named children: Elizabeth, who married Charles Garnett, and now lives at Saint Mary's; Malinda, wife of the subject of this sketch; William, married, and living in Indiana; Henry, who died when yet young; Polly, who married Edward Decker, and lives at Saint Mary's; Katy, died when eight years of age; Louise, who married Charles Wieser, of Detroit; Minnie, who married John Popp, of Lima, Ohio; Froeda, single, and living with Mr. and Mrs. Popp; and Charles, who married Rowena Bean, who is a general merchant of Cold Water. Mr. and Mrs. Wieser are the parents of three children, as follows: Gustavus J., born March 11, 1873, educated at the public schools of Cold Water, and at Saint Mary's institute, at Dayton, Ohio, is now assisting his father in the mill and as secretary of the building and loan association in Cold Water; Gertrude, born February 23, 1875, educated at Minster, graduated in music and is a teacher of superior ability; Edward, born July 14, 1880, and is now attending school in Cold Water.
Mr. Wieser is a very prominent democrat, and is faithful to his party's interests, laboring with great assiduity for its success. He is a man of good and strong character, and has the confidence of the community to a remarkable degree. He has held many of the minor offices within his party's gift, and has filled them well. He is a member of the democratic executive committee, and is secretary of the building and loan association in Cold Water. In all things Mr. Wieser's ambition is to do whatever he finds to do in a manner which will reflect credit upon his name, even when the secret motives of the heart are laid open to the scrutinizing gaze of the world.
Pages 613-614
Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896
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