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Earnest A. Tickle

EARNEST A. TICKLE.-Among the many influential and progressive farmers living about the prosperous village of Rockford, Earnest A. Tickle must be mentioned. He is a son of John and Emiline (Stetler) Tickle, the former of whom was born June 17, 1824, in Montgomery county, Ohio, not far from the beautiful city of Dayton. His grandfather was Jacob Tickle, who spelled his name Tickel, a native of Pennsylvania, of Dutch parentage. By trade he was a cooper, and about 1823 he located in Montgomery county, where his five children were born, viz: John, mentioned above; Mary, deceased wife of Jeffy Stettler, deceased; Peter, deceased; Mrs. Sarah Moody, of Van Wert county, now deceased, and Margaret, the wife of Fred Freshner, of Montgomery county. About 1840 he moved his family to Mercer county, where he entered forty acres of government land located near the county line. This was then all a native forest, and it took many weeks of hard toil from early to late to clear away the heavy timber and to make a habitable place, but after many privations and sacrifices his reward came in seeing a fine farm stand where but a short time before stood the giants of the forest. On this farm he lived the rest of his life and prospered. In politics he was a stanch democrat.

John Tickle was reared on the old farm in Montgomery county and there received his education and worked some time at the cooper trade. following in the footsteps of his worthy father. About 1844, four years after his removal to Mercer county, he married Emiline. the daughter of Jacob and Rosanna (Sharets) Stettler, who was born in Mercer county in 1826, her father being a native of Pennsylvania, who had in the earliest days of Mercer county's existence come here and was among its early pioneers. Her mother was born in Virginia about 1810, and came to Montgomery county with her parents in the very early days of its history.

After marriage Mr. Tickle brought his young wife to this township, where six children were born to them, as follows: Phebe, who died in infancy; Jacob, who died in April, 1894; Earnest Alfred, the subject of our sketch: Rachel Ann, who died in girlhood; John M., farmer in Willshire township; and Margaret, the wife of Joel Bollenbaugh, of Liberty township Van Wert county. In 1857 the wife and mother died and the father married a second time, choosing this time Elizabeth Frisinger, and to them two children were born, namely, Peter, of Liberty township, Van Wert county, and Jane, the wife of Daniel Lindermoot, of Van Wert. His second wife died, and the father's third marriage was with Ruth Ann Colliard, by whom he had no children. Death again visited his home and took from him his companion, and he this time chose Salome (Temple) Jewel. In 1875 Mr. Tickle removed to Ohio City, where he still lives, but retains his farm in Liberty township, Van Wert county. He is a self-made man, and a prosperous, liberal and public-spirited citizen. In politics he is a democrat and has served as township trustee for six years.

Earnest Alfred Tickle, our subject, was born on September 22, 1849, in this county. and here received his education. His boyhood days were spent on his father's farm. On January 9, 1873, he married Christina, the daughter of Jeremiah and Clarissa (Grubb) Vian, a sketch of whose lives will be found on another page. Christina (Vian) Tickle was born in Knox county, Ohio, September 6, 1852, but spent her childhood days and grew to womanhood in Mercer county, whither her father had moved when she was an infant. After her marriage the young couple went to live on his father's farm, where they lived for two years; then he bought a farm, but soon sold it and bought another, on which he lived four years, and then sold out again and bought another near the county line, where he lived for two years. In 1882 he moved to the center of the township and went into the grocery business, but sold out in the fall of the same year and bought the farm where he lives at present. He has greatly improved this property since it has come into his possession and has made it one of the best farms in the township. He is progressive, employing the latest improved machinery on his place, and in all things shows himself alert and in step with this progressive age. He is an active supporter in all measures which are for the good of the neighborhood. Politically his affiliations are with the democrats, and by them he has now been elected three times township treasurer which office he now holds. He has served as constable for nine years, township clerk for three years, and has also been an active member of the school board of his district.

He and his wife are members of the U. B. church, of which he is now a trustee, class leader and steward. He is a very active worker in the church and is one of its most consistent members. He gives very liberally to church as well as to all other benevolent enterprises, and is also very prominent and influential in the affairs of the neighborhood. He has had born to him five children, recorded as follows: Mahlon, married, and a farmer in Black Creek township: Lolie M., the wife of John Wiley, of Dublin township; Benjamin and William, who are still at home, and Lura A., who died in infancy.

Pages 311-312

Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896

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