An AHGP Project

Frederick Hill

In 1778, in the little village of Hasken, Germany, Philip Hill was born. In his early boyhood he received an education such as was usually given to German youths of the time. When grown to manhood he married Christina, who was a daughter of Peter and Christina Neisel, and who was born in 1817. Her father was a tailor and weaver, and accompanied his daughter and son-in-law to America in 1836. On arriving in America, the recently-married couple settled in Butler county, Ohio, but soon moved to Hamilton county, near Cincinnati. Here they remained until 1841, when they moved to Black Creek township, Mercer county, and settled on the land of Peter Neisel, who had settled there on coming to this country and entered a tract of wild land, on which he built a log cabin, and was among the earliest pioneers in that section, but died a short time after locating there. Philip Hill took full charge after moving on the Neisel homestead, and was a very successful farmer; his family consisted of six children, viz: Christina, the wife of Casper Lichtenstiger, of this county; Philip, deceased; Anthony, who, at his country's call, enlisted, and now fills a soldier's grave; Frederick, the subject of our sketch; Philip, an invalid who lives with Frederick, and Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Althoen, whose sketch maybe found on another page. Mr. Hill was a prominent member of the Lutheran church, and a charitable and liberal man. In politics he was a democrat, and was called away in 1843.

Frederick Hill, third son of Philip, was born in Dayton, Ohio, March 14, 1839, and when but two years old came to Mercer county, where he attended school and was reared. Being left an orphan when but four years old, he was obliged to make his own way in the world, and this he has well done. On October 31, 1859, he married Nancy Bolenbaugh, who was born in Van Wert county, in December, 1840, her father being John Bolenbaugh, a native of Pennsylvania, who came to Ohio and settled in Van Wert county in its earliest days. Her mother was Elizabeth Stetler; both parents died when their daughter was a small child, and she was taken care of by an older sister.

After his marriage, Frederick Hill located on the farm where he now lives and prospers, and where his family of children have been born, as follows: Sarah, the wife of Samuel Bowen, of Van Wert county; William B. and George M., both farming on the home place; Ida, the wife of Andy Stetler, of Van Wert county; John P., of Adams county, Ind.; Laura, deceased; Mahlon and Thomas, farmers in this township. Mr. Hill politically is a democrat, and works hard for party success, and by that party he has been elected to the office of township trustee, constable and several others. He is a prominent and progressive farmer and a public-spirited citizen, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of all who know him, and is active in all affairs that pertain to the welfare of the community. For years he has been a leading member of the United Brethren church, serving as class-leader, Sunday-school superintendent and trustee.

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Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896

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