An AHGP Project

John Hein

JOHN HEIN, a well known citizen of Celina, and a member of the firm of Grothjan & Hein, also a member of the city council from the First ward, was born in Chickasaw, Marion township, Mercer county, March 11, 1864. He is a son of Joseph and Mary (Heyne) Hein, the former of whom was born in Darke county, Ohio, and the mother also in Ohio. She died in 1869 when the subject of this sketch was but five years old. Joseph Hein is one of the most prosperous and prominent farmers of Mercer county, and resides on one of his farms about one quarter of a mile east of Celina. He owns two farms near each other, one containing eighty-seven acres, the other eighty acres, both good farms, well improved and in excel lent condition. Mr. Hein has been twice married. By his marriage to Mary Heyne he had five children, the subject of this sketch being the only one of the five surviving. His second wife was Philomena Benkey, by whom he has three daughters, Mary, Elizabeth and Rosa. The entire family are members of Saint Mary's Catholic church.

John Hein was reared on the farm and was educated in both English and German. In 1883 he left the farm and went to Celina to learn the trade of blacksmith with William Cron, with whom he remained three years, and then went to Dayton. Ohio, and remained about a year. Returning then to Celina he formed a partnership with A. B. Grothjan, a biographical sketch of whom appears else where in these pages, under the firm name of Grothjan & Hein. This firm does a general blacksmithing business, builds wagons and buggies, and handles all kinds of carriages and vehicles.

Mr. Hein was married April 19, 1887, to Miss Barbara Schratz, a daughter of Mrs. Mary Schratz, a widow residing at Brazil, Ind. To their marriage there have been born three children, as follows: Verner Joseph, Lona Philomena and Roman John. Mr. Hein is a member of the democratic party and has been quite prominent in local politics. In the spring of 1894 he was nominated by his democratic friends for councilman from the First ward of Celina, and was elected by a majority of eight votes, notwithstanding the ward is normally republican. In the council he is a member of the committee on board of health. of the committee on ordinance, and also of other committees. He is a member of the German Aid society, also a member of Saint Mary's Catholic church, and is of high standing in his church and in every relation and respect.

Pages 341-342

Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896

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