George Hedrick
GEORGE HEDRICK, a substantial farmer of Fort Recovery, Mercer county, Ohio, an ex-soldier of the Civil war, and a highly respected citizen, springs from sturdy Pennsylvania Dutch stock, was born March 7, 1839, in Fairfield county, Ohio, and is a son of John and Rebecca (Runkles) Hedrick. His parents removed to Mercer county in September, 1839, and there he received the rudiments of his education in the common schools, and afterward attended the college at Liber, Jay county, Ind., after which he taught school in Mercer county three terms. August 9, 1859, he married Frances S. Clark, who was born in Mercer county, Ohio, February 22, 1838, and who was a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Dinney) Clark. Benjamin Clark settled in Mercer county in 1836, his father, William, having come from England, settled at Gallipolis, Ohio, and lived to be 104 years old, and his wife lived to be 103 years old.
George Hedrick and his wife, soon after their marriage, settled in Gibson township; on August 12, 1862, at Fort Recovery, Mr. Hedrick enlisted in company C, One Hundred and Eighteenth Ohio volunteer infantry, for three years or during the war, and served until July 28, 1865, when he was discharged at Knoxville, Tenn., on account of the war having come to an end. He served with his company nearly one year, and participated in several battles, among them that at Mossy Creek, Tenn., Crab Orchard and the siege of Knoxville, which lasted twenty-two days, and then, in July, 1863, he was transferred to the engineers of the Twenty-third corps, with which body he continued until the close of the war. During his service with the engineer corps he was engaged in building pontoon bridges and fortifications. In building the bridge across the river at Loudon, Tenn., the corps had a severe skirmish with the rebels, the latter retreating after sharp fighting. At Asheville, N. C., they had another sharp skirmish. While Mr. Hedrick was not wounded, yet he suffered from chronic diarrhea and received a severe injury to his hip. During the siege at Knoxville he was rendered deaf in his left ear by atmospheric concussion through the discharge of cannon, and he also lost several of his teeth through scurvy. He was, however, always prompt and faithful in the discharge of his duty, and suffered all the privations of a soldier's life with cheerfulness and fortitude.
After the war he returned to Fort Recovery and purchased a farm of sixty acres near the town, erected good buildings, improved the land, and now has a comfortable home. To himself and wife there have been born four children, viz: Albert B.; William, who died at the age of twenty-four years; Ordella, who died at the age of seven; Ella N., aged fourteen. Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick are members of the Disciples' church, of which he was one of the founders at Fort Recovery, and he has been elder therein seven years. As a republican he has served as trustee of Gibson township eight years, has been notary public and a member of the school board. He is a member of Harrod-McDaniel post, No. 181, G. A. R., of which he is commander, and of Fort Recovery lodge, No. 458, I. O. O. F., for twenty-five years, as well as a member of the encampment. He has always been known as an upright and honorable citizen, and is highly respected by all.
John Hedrick, grandfather of the subject, was born in Pennsylvania, and he and his wife were the parents of the following children: John, Peter, Sallie, and Katie. John Hedrick, father of the subject, was the father of the following children: Daniel, who died young; Henry, Simon, Mary, John, George, Rebecca, James, Philip, Hannah, Sarah and William. Mr. Hedrick was a farmer and miller, settled on a farm of 120 acres in Gibson township, and built one of the first saw and grist-mills in the county. He was a well known and highly respected man, a member of the Congregational church, and assisted to build the old Congregational church two miles south of Fort Recovery. In politics he was an old-line whig, and had two sons in the Civil war, James and George. James served two years in the Fortieth Ohio volunteer infantry and was in many battles. The family is one of the oldest in Fort Recovery, John Hedrick, the elder, having been the seventh voter in the place. All are honorable citizens and have many warm friends and admirers.
Pages 340-341
Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896
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