George Eichler
GEORGE EICHLER, a prominent citizen of Celina and a member of the city council from the Third ward, was born in Butler county, Ohio, June 9, 1850. He is a son of Andrew and Barbara (Eichler) Eichler, both of whom were born in Bayern, Germany. In 1847 they came to the United States in the same vessel, but were not married at the time. They came direct to Ohio, and located in Hamilton, where they were married a short time after their arrival there. Mr. Eichler was a farmer in his native land, and he naturally followed that occupation after his arrival in this country. He followed farming in Butler county until January, 1876, when he removed to Mercer county, and purchased a farm in Black Creek township, and there followed farming until his death, which occurred September 5, 1894. He was born September 2, 1818, so that at the time of his death he was seventy six years of age. His widow, still living, is residing on the home farm in Black Creek township. She was born May 11, 1827. To them there were born twelve children, eleven sons and one daughter. All the children are living but two of the sons.
George J. Eichler is the eldest of those children that still live, born to his parents. He was reared on the farm and received a good common-school education, both in English and German. He remained on the farm with his parents until he was twenty-three years of age, when he was married and began life on his own account. On February 18, 1886, he removed to Celina and there engaged in the agricultural implement business, selling the Milwaukee harvester, and has continued to sell this implement ever since. He also sells the Russell Company's threshing outfit, and the Hoosier Drill Company's drills. He has also been largely engaged in the stock business, buying and selling all kinds of stock and shipping to the different markets. He owns his residence property, which is situated on Logan street, near the Cincinnati, Dayton & Chicago railroad depot in Celina, and he also owns a small farm in Black Creek township, Mercer county.
Mr. Eichler was married October 2, 1872, to Alice Snyder, who was born in Butler county, Ohio. He was married, the second time, to Miss Eliza R. McAfee, December 25, 1881. She was born in Hardin county, Ohio. Mr. Eichler is a democrat in politics, and has taken quite an active part in local affairs. In the spring of 1892 he was elected to the city council, by the democratic party, from the Third ward, and was re-elected in the spring of 1895. As a member of the council he is serving on the committee on streets, on side walks, on street lighting and on city hall. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church, and are most excellent people, honest and faithful to their church and to their social duties of every kind.
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Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896
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