Edward A. Dibble
EDWARD A. DIBBLE, a prominent farmer of Mercer county, Ohio, and an ex-soldier of the Union army, was born in Essex county, N, Y., December 1, 1831. He is the eldest son of Lyman and Eliza Jane (Smart) Dibble, the former of whom was born in the state of New York, March 2, 1804,
Lyman Dibble was a son of Levi Dibble, who was born in Vermont of French parents, who emigrated to America in the eighteenth century, and settled in New England. The name Dibble, it should be noted, was originally spelled "Le Bell," but was changed after the original American founder of the family emigrated from his native country. Eliza Jane Smart, mother of the subject, was born in Vermont February 7, 1813, and was married to Lyman Dibble February 17, 1831, and to this marriage there were born four children, as follows: Edward A., Charles F., Rebecca and Frances M. Lyman Dibble was reared in the state of New York, but received his education in the schools of his native state. By occupation he became a farmer, and after his marriage resided upon the farm of his brother. With his family he removed to Champaign County, Ohio, about 1837, and there resided about seven years. While living in that County he purchased eighty acres of land in Center township, Mercer county, of his brother, Luman, this purchase being part of the tract originally entered by the latter. To this new farm he removed in 1844, and subsequently purchased forty acres adjoining the same, upon which he resided until his death, which occurred July 24, 1869, aged sixty-five years. Upon this farm his widow still resides, in the full possession of her mental faculties, and, in spite of her eighty-three years, as bright as a June morning. For many years prior to his death, Lyman Dibble was a zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he was a life-long adherent of the democratic party, although he was not an active participant in the councils of that party. He was everywhere recognized, however, as a man of sound judgment, and of the most honorable character and career.
Edward A. Dibble grew to manhood on his father's farm, a part of which he now owns. He was educated in the country schools of the neighborhood in which he lived, and November 30, 1854, married Miss Mary Kumpf, eldest daughter of George J. and Catherine Kumpf, he a native of Germany and she of France. To this marriage there have been born ten children, as follows: Alton, Anna M., Susan Jane (deceased), Levi (deceased), George Stephen, Ida Belle, William Henry, an infant that died unnamed, Le Roy S., and Catherine (deceased).
Edward A. Dibble enlisted in the service of his country in company F, Fifty-sixth Ohio volunteer infantry, October 8, 1862. While serving in that capacity he participated in the following battles: Port Gibson, Champion Hills and the siege of Vicksburg, passing through them all without receiving serious injury. As a result, however, of the exposure to which he was subjected, he incurred rheumatism and scurvy, and from these diseases he has suffered more or less ever since being discharged. As a consequence of his sufferings he is a pensioner on the bounty of the government to the extent of $8 per month.
Mr. Dibble is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and ever since his early manhood has been a zealous worker for the interests of the democratic party. As a partial, reward for his zeal in this direction he has been elected as a member of the board of county infirmary directors; he has also served as township trustee, as supervisor, as school director, as clerk of the township board of education, and in other minor offices. He is thus recognized as a man of affairs, and as worthy of confidence and trust. His record thus appears to be a most enviable one and one worthy of emulation by all younger men.
Pages 236-237
Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896
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