An AHGP Project

Henry H. Bevington

HENRY H. BEVINGTON, one of the oldest merchants of Rockford, Mercer county, Ohio, was born in Black Creek township, in the same county, January 27, 1851, and descends from one of the oldest pioneers, his grandfather, Henry Bevington, having settled, in about 1820, on what was known as Shane’s prairie, about two miles east of the present site of Rockford. There he entered land and followed farming until his death, which occurred September 12, 1841, His widow, Rachael (Wood) Bevington, survived him many years, and died at eighty-four years of age. They had a family of nine children, born and named as follows: Annie Rebecca, March 18, 1823; Elizabeth, February 7, 1825; John Wood, May 4, 1827; Sarah, January 3, 1829; Charles, March 7, 1831; Joel Wood, September 13, 1833; Hannah Wood, February 27, 1836: Massie J., April 27, 1838: and Rachel Ann, born November 18, 1841. Of these children there are only three living: Massie, wife of H, A, Hughes; Rachael Ann, wife of T. J. Morrison, and Joel Wood Bevington, of Marseilles, Ill., retired. Henry Bevington and wife, Rachael (Wood) Bevington, endured many of the hardships of pioneer life in Mercer county. There being Indians still here in their time, Rachael (Wood) Bevington, wife of Henry Bevington, rowed the boat across the Saint Mary's river many a time for the entertainment of said Indians. John Wood Bevington, son of Henry and Rachael (Wood) Bevington and the father of Henry H, our subject, was born in Mercer county, Ohio, May 4, 1827, was reared to manhood on the home farm, and later became an extensive farmer and stock dealer on his own account. John W. Bevington and Delilah Strete were married in Mercer county, November 14, 1847, They had a family of three children; two died in their infancy, only one being left--Henry H. Bevington, whose father, John Wood Bevington, died in June, 1877; his mother, Delilah Bevington, died December 8, 1893.

Henry H. Bevington, our subject, was reared a farmer and was educated in the common schools. He remained at home until of age and then was employed as a clerk in a store in Van Wert for four years, He then came to Rockford, and, in company with D. H. Robinson, built the old handle factory and saw-mill, in the operation of which they were associated together for about six years, Mr. Bevington then engaged in the dry-goods business for three or four years, and then retired for a year. He next embarked in the grocery trade, in which he is still engaged, and is now the oldest continuous grocer in Rockford.

Mr. Bevington was most happily married, September 11, 1879, to Miss Fredonia Wagner, a native of Mercer county, and a daughter of George W. and Mary Wagner, and this union has been made the more happy by the birth of two children, Flora E. and George H. Mrs. Bevington is a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church and has always assiduously attended to the moral guidance of her children. Politically Mr. Bevington is a democrat and has officiated as a member of the school board and the council, but has never been an office seeker, although he has given his attention to the duties of his positions most faithfully. Fraternally he is a charter member of Shanes lodge, No, 293, Knights of Pythias. Mr. Bevington, although still a young man, has done much toward building up the business and other material interests of Rockford, and he and family are among the most respectable residents of the village and township and of the county of Mercer.

Pages 193-194

Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Mercer and Van Wert Counties Ohio, Chicago, A. W. Bowen & Company, 1896

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