Part of the American History and Genealogy Project

Second Company, Second Regiment, First Battalion of Somerset Brigade

Date, June 2, 1818

Lieutenant, John Craig
Ensign, John H. Arrowsmith
Sergeants, William J. Todd, Cornelius L. Wolfe, Daniel Todd, Hardenberg Dow
Corporals, John Mizner, John Mullin, Jacob Castner, William Stites
Fifer, William Gay
Drummer, Simon S. Vliet.


John Alpaugh
Albert Ammerman
David Ammerman Jr.
Bailey Breece
Lewis Chapman
Benjamin Conaway
Garret C. Conover
Jeremiah Craig
Moses Craig
Robert Craig
Robert A. Craig
Thomas Cuningham
Peter Demott
Edward Demund
Nicholas Ditmarse
John Felmly
Moses Felmly
Dr. Samuel K. Gaston
Michael Colder
Daniel H. Hagaman
Dennis Hagaman
Simon Hagaman Jr.
William H. Honeyman
William Irvine
Shobal Luce
Cornelius Messier
William Messier
John Parrish
Gilbert Poulson
John C. Poulson
John Runk
Jacob Smith
Henry Stothoff
David Thorn
Abraham Tiger
Jacob Tiger Jr.
John Tiger
John Flavel Todd
William Todd Jr.
Abraham Van Dike
Isaac Van Dike
Aaron Van Dorn Jr.
Isaac Van Dorn
Joseph Van Dorn
William A. Van Dorn
James Van Pelt
Simon Vliet
Abraham Voorhees
Isaac Voorhees
Jacob Voorhees Jr.
James Voorhees Jr.
Jeremiah Wolfe

 New Jersey AHGP

Source: Proceedings of the New Jersey Historical Society, New Series, Volume VII, 1922


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