Part of the American History and
Genealogy Project
Early New Jersey Poll List, Burlington,
New Jersey

Following is a copy of the poll list of
an election held in Burlington, New Jersey, October 9, 1787, for
members of the Council and Assembly. Two hundred and fifty-eight
votes were cast. At that period the New Jersey law granted
suffrage to "all inhabitants of this state, of full age, who are
worth fifty pounds proclamation money, clear estate in the
same", and the words ''all inhabitants of full age", were
construed by many election officials to include women. The poll
list shows that two voted Iona Curtis number 114 and
Selvenia Lilvey, number 213. The law provided that the poll
should be open two days, but might be adjourned for short
periods. Apparently all the qualified voters presented
themselves on the first day of the poll, for the list is
endorsed on the back as follows:
Votes and Proceedings of the Election
begun at the Court House in the County of Burlington the 9th day
of October 1787 and ended the same day.
At an election holden at Burlington in
and for ye County of Burlington on third day the 9th of October
1787. Votes taken as followeth. No explanation is given for the
numbers before some of the names.
Voters' Names
Isaac Cogal Esq.
Thom's Rodman
Joseph Fenimore
Job Prickett
John Butler
Sam'l Rodgers
Caleb Haines
Thom's Matthew Gardner
5 Joseph Newbold
John Phillips Esq.
Nathaniel Middleton
Henry Jones
Thom's Hollinshead
Will'm Wood
15 Robert Pearson
John Thorne
Joshna M. Wallis
John Thorne Jun.
Thorn's Smith
20 Andrew Hisler
Joseph Stokes
Joseph Bromley
John Hancock
Robert Pearson
25 Peter Stretch Esq.
John Fort
George Woodward
Aaron Taylor
Sam'l Pierce
30 Joseph Read Esq
Israel Ridgway
Phillip Bound
Job Lippincott
Jos'h Moar
35 Sam'l Atkinson
John Taylor
Benjamin Hough
Thom's Eyrie
Mannaduke Watson
40 Reheboam Bradach
Jos'h Brown
Jos'h Pancost
Benj'm Brown
George Langstaff
45 John Eyrie
Joseph Budd
Bruce Edwards Esq.
Sam'l Wright
Peter Wright
50 Will'm Hazelton
Joseph Wright
Caleb Haines
Sam'l Jones
Thorn's Taylor
55 Nathan Folwell
Henry Chambers
Thorn's Haines
James Fenimore
Will'm Smith
60 Thorn's Fenimore Esq.
Joseph Eyrie
Joseph Shin
Richard Watkin
Michael Eyrie
65 Edward Taylor
Sam'l Coles
Will'm Matlack
Joseph Biddle Esq.
Jos'h Lamb
70 Abraham Jones
Benah Taylor
Sam'l Jones
Sam'l Woolston
Japheth Garwood
75 Will'm Curlis
Will'm Hutchin
Barzillai Newbold
Job Jones
James Ewe
80 John Curlis
Sam'l Harvey
John Elton
Jos'h Burr
John Wright
85 Jos'h Gaskill
Jacob Piatt |
Job Stockton
Elihu Gant
Isaac Budd
90 Will'm Duglas
Josiah Foster Esq.
Levy King
George Hancock
95 Josh'a Saterthwait
Will'm Saterthwait
Robert Lucas
Sam'l Hough
Benj'm Atkinson
100 Will'm Whitton
Thom's Thorne
James Wilkins
Jacob Austin
Will'm Wright
105 Alexander Peacock
Arney Lippincott
Aaron Shinn
Thom's Newbold
Will'm Watkins
110 Abedingo Wright
Caleb Newbold
Abraham Hewlings Jun.
Joseph Ridgaway
Iona Curtis
115 Richard Stockton
John Rodman
Uz Gant
Daniel Lilley
Joshua Bearton
120 Sam'l Fenimore
Caleb Shreve
Daniel Eevets
Job Stockton
Benj'm Shreve
125 John Deacon
Sam'l Newton
Joseph Lewis
Robt. Stout Jones
Thorn's Reynolds Esq.
130 Barzillai Deacon
Daniel Newton
John Pope
Isaac P. Rodman
Sam'l Eyrie
135 James Murdock
John Ler
Jos'h Atkinson
Solom'n Mason
Uriah Woolman
140 Acquillai Shin
Isaac Bunton Jun.
Sam'l Woolston
John Stockton
John Morford
145 Zachariah Prickitt
John Manns
Joseph Barber
Will'm Cowperthwait
Benj'n Holloway
150 Levy Budd
George Smith
Hugh Costelow
Will'm Faris Chesterfield
John Chiles
155 George Lilly
Nev Haines
Sam'l Stockton
John Neal
Thorn's Merritt
160 Caleb Eyrie
Jonathan Stockton
John Sager
John How
Sam'l Bloomfield
165 Elijah Birdsall
Jos'h Edwards
Will'm Black Jun
Daniel Newbold
Thorn's Stewart
170 Paul Crispin
Will'm Rodgers
Thorn's Burr
_____ adjourn |
James Edsal
George Eyves
175 Isaac Lippincott
Amos Hutchin
John Allen
John Mullen
John Harber
180 Will'm Newbold Esq.
Boaz Bead
Clayton Newbold
Job Hollins'h
Josh Bloomfield
185 Jos'h White
John Burr
Sam'l Peacock
Thorn's Piatt
John Shreve
190 Dan'l Bacon
Isaac Newton
John Allen
Thorn's Neal
Dan'l Hancock
195 Dan'l Goise
Uriah Wilkins
Thorn's Kerlin
Joseph Campion
Abraham Winner
200 Richard Cox
John Meirs
Umphrey Wall
Will'm S. Sprag
George Mitchell
205 Joseph Garwood
Amos Stratton
Benjamin Pine
Jacob Wills
Will'm Thimble
210 Will'm Deacon
Cornelias Branen
John Tompkins
John Roberts
Jacob Lamb
215 John Fenimore
Joseph Grouce
John Wilkins
John Ridgaway
Selvenia Lilvey
220 Joseph Hollinshead Esq
Sam'l Phillips
Pearson Fenimore
Joseph Stacy
Joseph Deacon
225 Will'm Bowadaill
James Graft
James Wills
Abraham VanSciver
Robert Deacon
230 Will'm Henry
George Homes
John Dobbins
James Fenimore
Herbert McRoy
235 Ellis Wright
John Folwell
John Kelley
Thorn's Addams
Isaac Witherel
240 George Budd
Josiah Costelow
Francis Will'm Shippen
Ebenezer Tucker Esq.
Robert Thomas
245 Nathan Coleman
Will'm Cooper
Thorn's Curtis Jun.
John Kays
Sam'l Eyves
250 Andrew Craig
Abraham Scott
Will'm English
Edwards Collins
John Rodgers
255 John Fenimore
James Sterling
Thorn's Ruckels
John Smich |
New Jersey
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