Part of the American History and Genealogy Project


Welcome to the New Jersey AHGP home on the web. My name is Judy White and with the help of Susan Dorris will be taking care of this site until a new State Coordinator steps forward!! Things will stay pretty much the same as they were, except we will add new information, new county coordinators and needed repairs.

Genealogy Village is the new home for AHGP New Jersey, you can visit them at Genealogy Village. If you are in need of FREE space for a genealogy site, I am sure you will be welcomed.

Maybe you would like to know a little about AHGP, they have been around since 2000 and a couple years ago I started taking care of the website, we have kept all the requirements in place which are pretty easy to do. Take a look at the About Page. Besides the county pages they have Project and Topic pages, you may have a pet project of your own you would be interested in having others read, let us know we would be pleased to add you to the site.

If you are interested in hosting New Jersey or a New Jersey County, Please contact Webmaster

What's New in New Jersey
Leading Cities of New Jersey
Townships and Town Divisions of New Jersey

New Jersey Counties
Gloucester, Essex, Hudson (Updated)

About New Jersey from Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the US, as a AHGP member you are welcome to use this information on your AHGP state or county sites.

The seat of government is Trenton, at the head of sloop navigation on the Delaware, 30 miles above Philadelphia.

The northern part of this state is mountainous, being crossed by a branch of the Alleghany ridge; the middle portion of the state is agreeably diversified by hills and valleys; while the southern part is level and sandy. This portion of the state is to a great extent barren, as the natural growth of the soil is little else but shrub oaks and yellow pines. It is susceptible of being made very productive by the use of marl, which is extensively found. The remainder of the state has a good soil, well adapted to grazing, and producing wheat, rye, Indian corn, buckwheat, potatoes, oats, and barley. Apples, pears, peaches, plums, and cherries, are produced in great perfection and abundance. In the mountainous parts, the finest cattle are raised, and large quantities of butter and cheese are produced. The produce of this state finds a market in New York and Philadelphia, on its eastern and western borders. Its exports are wheat, flour, horses, cattle, hams, cider, lumber, flax seed, leather, and iron. There were in this state in 1840, 70,502 horses and mules; Read More

What's New in New Jersey
Leading Cities of New Jersey (Hudson)
Townships and Towns Divisions of New Jersey(Hudson)

Online Here or Other Sites

Archives Bible Records Biographies Cemeteries
Census Records Church Records Court Records Directories
Land/Maps Libraries Mailing Lists Newspapers
Indian Tribes Obituaries Societies/Museums Surnames

A few Resources for you to Explore on our Site

New Sweden New Netherland
Settlers of East Jersey Settlers of West Jersey
Distinguished Clergymen Battle of Chestnut Neck
The Indian King Inn First History of Bayoone (Book)
Membership List, New Jersey Society of Pennsylvania
The Continental Line, Militia, and State Troops
First Company, Second Regiment in Somerset Brigade
Second Company, Second Regiment, First Battalion of Somerset Brigade
Early New Jersey Poll List, Burlington, New Jersey<NEW>
Muster Rolls of Military Companies in Somerset, New Jersey<NEW>

Sites We Visit
New Jersey Military Forts, 1903
Witches in New Jersey

Famous Bathtub<NEW>

Online Resources

New Jersey Census Index 1830 - 1940
Dutch Colonies Mailing List 

New Jersey Neighbors
New York ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Pennsylvania ~ AHGP ~ AccessGenealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN
Delaware ~ AHGP ~ Access Genealogy ~ USGenWeb ~ ALHN


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Thursday, 24-Oct-2024 20:29:56 UTC

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We encourage links, but please do not copy our work.