Pacific States Newspaper Directory


 San Miguel ~ Union County New Mexico Newspapers, 1894

San Miguel County

Population 24,204. Mountainous in northwest, elsewhere extensive table land and valleys; soil fertile, when irrigated. Sheep husbandry and stock-raising are the principal industries. Products:
wool, wheat, corn, cheese, hay; livestock; lumber, etc.

East Las Vegas, Population

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Optic R. A. Kistler Daily Ind. Rep. 1879
Optic Weekly Edition Thur. Ind. Rep. 1879
Revista Catolica Jesuit bathers Sun. Religon 1875

Las Vegas, Population 2,385

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
La Vez del Pueblo Felix Martinez Sat. Ind. 1889
stuck Grower and Farmer Allen & Blake Friday Ind. 1884

Santa Fe County

Population 13,562. Mountainous, with large forests; so fertile in the valleys. Gold and silver ore, copper, zinc, and very fine beds of anthracite and bituminous coal found. Products: wheat, corn, wool, fruit and wine. Santa Fe is the county seat and territorial capital.

Cerrillos, Population 446

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Democrat M. D. Lattin Sat. Dem. 1893
Rustier F. C. Buell Friday Rep. 1888

Santa Fe, Population 6,185

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Boletin Popular Jose Segura Thur. Ind. 1885
New Mexican New Mexican Print. Co. Daily Rep. 1863
New Mexican Weekly Edition Thur. Rep. 1863
NuevoMexicano (Spanish Edition) Sat. Rep. 1890
Sun J. N. Crist Sat. Dem. 1890

Sierra County

Population 3,630. Mountainous; soil fertile where cultivated. Gold, silver, copper, lead; limited amount of pine timber. Products: alfalfa, corn, vegetables and fruits.

Chloride, Population 175

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Black Range W. O. Thompson Friday Rep. 1882

Hillsborough, Population 624

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Advocate P. J. Bennett Friday Dem. 1881

Socorro County

Population 9,595. Mountainous and chiefly barren; soil in the valleys fertile, when irrigated. Gold and iron are found. Products: wheat, corn, wool and wine. Chief industries: gold and silver mining and stock-raising.

San Marcial, Population 600

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Bee A. T. Hunt Sat. Ind. Rep. 1893

Socorro, Population 1,601

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Chieftain W. S. Williams Friday Ind. 1884
Industrial Advertiser J. H. McCutchen Sat. Dem. 1880

Union County

Population 9,868. Crossed by several spurs of the Rocky mountains. Quartz gold mines; soil very fertile, if irrigated. Products: wheat, corn, oats, peas, beans, potatoes and wool.

Clayton, Population 140

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Enterprise J. E. Curren Friday Dem. 1888

New Mexico Index | Pacific States Newspaper Index

Source: Pacific States Newspaper Directory, Sixth Edition, Palmer & Rey Type Foundry, San Francisco, 1894

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