Pacific States Newspaper Directory


 Grant ~ San Juan County New Mexico Newspapers, 1894

Grant County

Population 9,657. Partly mountainous; soil fertile in valleys; gold, silver, lead, copper, and iron; saw and quartz mills. Bullion output for 1887, $4,283,000. 1,300 miners employed.

Deming, Population 1,136

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Headlight C. B. Walton Sat. Dem. 1881

Lordsburg, Population 250

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Western Liberal D. H. Kedzie Friday Rep. 1887

Silver City, Population 2,102

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Enterprise Enterprise Pub. Co. Sat. Dem. 1886
Sentinel Allen H. Macdouald Tues. Dem. 1873

Lincoln County

Population 7,081. Western part mountainous; contains gold, silver, copper, lead, iron and coal deposits; eastern part includes parts of the ''Llano Estacado,'' or "Staked Plain. '' Soil requires irrigation to become productive. Wheat, corn, etc.; stock.

White Oaks, Population 644

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Old Abe Eagle Raible & Hopping Thur. Dem. 1885
Leader Wm. Caffrey Sat. Rep. 1882

Mora County

Population 10,618. Partly mountainous; Rocky Mountains on west border; contains also arid plains and fertile valleys; coal in abundance. Cattle-raising is the chief industry. Products: corn, wheat and hay.

Mora,, Population

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
El Anciano J. J. Gilchrist Wed. Religon 1882

Rio Arriba County

A new county, recently organized. No statistics have been reported.

Chama, Population

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Northwest New Mexican W. L. Stevens Sat. Rep. 1884

San Juan County

Population 3,500. Agriculture is being rapidly developed in this county.

Aztec, Population 500

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
San Juan Co. Index E. M. Gibson Friday Ind. 1889

Farmington, Population

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Times Times Pub. Co. Thur. Dem. 1891

New Mexico Index | Pacific States Newspaper Index

Source: Pacific States Newspaper Directory, Sixth Edition, Palmer & Rey Type Foundry, San Francisco, 1894

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