Pacific States Newspaper Directory


 Beaver Head ~ Dawson County Montana Newspapers, 1894

Beaver Head County

Population 2,712. Area about 4,230 square miles; surface, mountainous.. Mining: gold, silver, copper, lead, coal. There were eleven manufacturing establishments, of all kinds, in 1880; capital invested, $15,400,000; value of products, $25,604,000.

Dillon, Population 1,250

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Mont. Baptist Record Mont. Bapt. As'n. Mouth Religon 1892
The Rockies Magazine Trib. Pub. Co. Mouth Lit. & Edu. 1891
Tribune Tribune Pub. Co. Friday Rep. 1880

Cascade County

Population 4,000. Soil is fertile, and mining, agriculture and stock-raising are the leading industries. Chief products: beef, wool, grain of all kinds and vegetables. Great Falls claims the
most extensive reduction works in the United States.

Great Falls, Population 3,979

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Farmer and Breeder Nolan Davis Mouth Agricul. 1893
Leader Leader Co Daily Rep. 1888
Leader Weekly Edition Thur. Rep. 1888
Montana Herold Herold Pub. Co. Thur. Dem. 1892
News Oliver M. Holmes Sat. Ind. 1892
Tribune Tribune Pub. Co. Daily Dem. 1885
Tribune Weekly Edition Friday Dem. 1885

Sun River, Population 450

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Rising Sun Rising Sun Pub. Co. Wed. Ind. 1885

Choteau County

Population 4,000. Chief products: beef, wool, grain of all kinds, vegetables and minerals. Stock-raising the chief industry.

Chinook, Population 300

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Opinion W. C Kester Thur. Ind. 1890

Choteau, Population 400

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
The Montanian S. M. Corson Friday Rep. 1890

Fort Benton, Population 2,250

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
River Press River Press Pub. Co. Daily Rep. 1880
River Press Weekly Edition Wed. Rep. 1880
Stockman River Press Pub. Co. Month Livestock 1884

Custer County

Population 5,500. Location: southeast intersected by the Yellowstone River; area about 36,500 square miles. Natural features: surface partly mountainous; soil fertile; fine farming, cattle and sheep country.

Miles City, Population 1,020

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Stock Growers Journal Jour. Co. Sat. Livestock 1882
Yellowstone Journal S. Cordon Daily Rep. 1881
Yellowstone Journal Weekly Edition Sat. Rep. 1878

Dawson County

Population 3,050. Area about 22,000 square miles. Chief industries: grazing, stock and wool-growing and farming.

Glendive, Population 1,200

Publication Proprietors Issued Politics Year
Independent J. R. Widmyer Sat. Ind. 1884

Montana Index | Pacific States Newspaper Index

Source: Pacific States Newspaper Directory, Sixth Edition, Palmer & Rey Type Foundry, San Francisco, 1894

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